|Chapter XVII: Discussions|

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"So... what happened after I went down?" Liliana asked as she was drinking hot chocolate from where she had left a bunch of stuff in a hidden fridge next to the compartment where her suit was usually kept and she sat in her normal chair in front of the computers.

Victoria had brought over two other chairs and while she sat in one, Jason took the other and Liliana was sipping at the piping hot drink in her hands and Victoria was looking over at Jason, who nearly choked on his beer and Victoria hit him between the shoulder blades. "Why do I have to explain it?" Jason asked and Victoria rolled her eyes.

"If Jason hadn't called me back from Themyscira then--" Victoria started speaking in a very clear sing-song tone of voice that she knew would make at least one of her fellow teenagers cover their ears and if Liliana had not been just holding a hot drink, she would have done just that.

"Okay, okay fine." Jason interrupted and Victoria looked all-too pleased with herself, which made Liliana's eyes narrow in confusion and she had a mustache from the hot chocolate and the whipped cream, but neither of the other two felt like pointing it out to her. "Your vitals started spiking after whatever happened to you in there-"

"Scarecrow." The one word sent shivers down Victoria's spine immediately and Jason looked between the two in confusion. "It was Scarecrow. Doctor Johnathon Crane, the Scarecrow who invented the fear gas. That was what he shot me with." Liliana murmured and her hands were trembling so badly, that she dropped the cup and Victoria's lasso caught it and carefully set it up on the counter next to Liliana once again.

"I called Victoria when Bruce didn't respond. He ended up getting in there, only for Victoria to have already gotten you out. She dropped you off here and went back for him." Jason mumbled and Liliana's hands trembled, as she was shaking her head.

"Should have just left him." Liliana said and Victoria nodded slightly at her, as Liliana was shaking her head. "It's a hallucinogen." She murmured and Victoria looked openmouthed at her younger friend, for once completely unsure of what she could possibly say to help Liliana in whatever battle she was fighting inside of her own mind.

"How bad?" Jason asked and Liliana's eyes darkened. She turned around and pulled up a scan from yesterday and her fingers flew across the keyboard, typing quickly.

"Imagine your worst fears, your worst personality traits and your flaws all coming out to combine with your environment that tends to be terrible. Then multiple it by a thousand and that was what it was like being under the fear gas." Liliana said and she continued to type, as the other two looked over her shoulders at the screen and Liliana clicked a few keys, as the screen was zoomed in on a scan of her brain. "It drives the freeze and the fear instincts into overdrive, so much so that you can't move. Or at least, you can't move by your own power." Liliana said and she clicked a few screens and her brain scan disappeared. "Does that give you a picture of it?"

"More then I wanted of one." Jason retorted and Liliana shrugged, as she spun around in her chair. "Are you gonna be training me on this computer stuff?" He asked and Liliana stopped her spinning, as she settled in front of the computer.

"You ready? You might have to stop me every once and a while, I don't talk slowly." She warned and Jason shrugged, as she closed everything and started from the beginning.

Victoria had disappeared to go and do her own version of training, which meant eating her way through most of the pantry in the manor and then running it all off by racing around the grounds and the city, stopping crime and just exercising in general.

After a good six, seven hours of explanations, Jason's eyelids were starting to droop shut and Liliana nudged him in the arm, as his eyes snapped open at the contact. "Sorry- did I miss any important stuff?" He asked apologetically and Liliana was shaking her head at him, smiling a little sadly at his tired words.

"Don't worry about it, Jason. I didn't learn my technology prodigy stuff in one day, I fell in love with it when I was 7 and I hacked into my school's administration when I was ten." Jason laughed at that and Liliana chuckled at the memories. "In order to apologize for changing all of their names to anything related to "ass" and bathroom stuff, I built a firewall and two levels of security to protect their systems. Which I can still hack into. I still got expelled, but it was worth it." She said and Jason nodded slightly.

"So in layman's terms?" He questioned and Liliana rolled her eyes.

"I didn't learn this in a day. You will get this eventually, I'll help you. I'm not just meant to only train you in the physical stuff, I ran the Bat-Cave starting when I was 9 years old Jason. I will help you learn this, even if I have to actively hack into it, in order to help you learn how to get a hacker out of your system. But you are tired of it, so get out of here and get some air." Liliana said and Jason nodded slightly, as he got up and stretched with a jaw-breaking yawn.

"You coming?" Jason asked with another yawn and Liliana shook her head slightly and it occurred to Jason why she said no, right after he asked the question. Then something caught his eye in the corner of the room with a brand-new paint job and he chuckled a little bit. "How about going for a ride?" He asked and Liliana's eyes shot open, as her eyes followed his and landed on the vehicle and a slow grin spread across her face.

"You're driving it." Liliana said and Jason chuckled, as he caught the keys.

"You got it. Come on in." Jason said and Liliana hopped up, limping slightly toward the vehicle.

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