-Part I: The Rise of Little Bird -

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|But... how the fucking hell am I supposed to grieve, when all I know about my parents is what Dick told me about when I was born? Tell me that, because I need to know how. I have so much anger, so much rage at the world... but I don't want to take it out on innocent people. How do I control it?|

|But what is more worrying to me, is that one day, I might not want to control it anymore.|

-Liliana Grayson


Liliana Grayson has always been a loyal follower of her older brother Dick Grayson, in fact she had always simply been loyal to a fault to him as he was the only living or dead link that she had in her life, to the parents that she had never known.

He had always been there for her in every damn situation imaginable in her young mind. Being twelve years apart in age certainly threw a wrench in their relationship at certain points in time, especially since Dick had a secret that he thought he was doing a good job at keeping... thought, being the operative word at least.

Until he finds out that really, he was a horrible secret keeper when it came to his little sister, the only person that he could not keep anything from. Even when it became nearly too dangerous for anyone involved, he couldn't stop telling her secrets.

Which was probably why, she soon found out everything.

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