"Plus-ultra!" The others whisper-cheered. Iida crackled through our ears.

"Go time, 1-A!"

"You heard the man!" Kat's lip curled in a sadistic grin.

The part of the building we were assigned to was empty. Any people in the area were probably all preoccupied with Toshi. We made our way through, slowly and quietly. Kami short circuited any visible cameras.

"Jirou, ears on our team. Can you hear anyone around us?"

"One sec... No. Doesn't appear to be anyone in your area."

"Isn't that weird?"

"Not really. Most people are up front with All Might. They're pretty hot on Deku and Todoroki too."

"But noone-"

"Sorry to interrupt but we need backup asap!" Mido called.

"If there's nobody about, Hinami's team can go." Yaomomo responded almost instantly.

"On it. Where are you?"

"Near the basement door." I closed my eyes for a second, recalling the map of the building I had practically burnt into my vision.

"On our way!"

"Keep us updated!" Yaomomo chirruped.

"That stupid nerd. Of course he needs help." Kat grumbled as we sprinted to their position.

"Not the time, Bakubro." Kiri panted as we skidded the corner. A Nomu was cornering Mido and Todo was nowhere to be seen. Kat and Kiri jumped into the fight as Kami took down a couple of lackeys in the adjacent hallway.

"Anyone have eyes on Todoroki?"

"He ran off." Mido responded, sparing a second to wipe some blood from his lip before getting back to it. Sighing, I asked the same question into the earpiece.

"I'm, uh, in a bit of a... pickle."

"Goddamnit, half-and-half! Where the fuck are you? What do you mean, a pickle?" Kat roared.

"Hinami, come to the basement door."

"This better be good." I grumbled, reluctantly splitting from the others, stepping over the twitching bodies of the electrocuted guards.

Todoroki was standing in front of a door, a weapon made of ice gripped in his hand.

"This wasn't supposed to be so thick." I knocked on the door. It made a dull 'ding'. The metal was clearly thick and dense.

"Maybe they replaced it after Toshi broke out... Use your fire to cut a hole maybe?"

"Watch my back." He dropped the sword and got to work, all of his power focused into one finger.



"We may need your help at the door. It's thick metal, not what we expected. Todo is-"

Something slammed into my side, sending me flying into the wall and knocking all of the air from my lungs.

"Hinami?" Mina asked, her voice was accompanied by static.

"Hinami, is - buzz -ing alri- buzz?"

"Hina, y- buzz - fucking - buzz-"

The person standing opposite me smirked, two glowing orbs in his hands.

"Don't worry, little girl. I won't go easy on you."

"Come at me, punk. I could do with some target practice." I flicked open a compartment on my forearm, revealing a mirror.

The Other Side - Katsuki Bakugou x OCWhere stories live. Discover now