Chapter two Brunch (charlies perspective)

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A bright light shot across my face. I squint my eyes shut and peer up to see my favorite person, I rest my head down on his stomach as I do most mornings. I don't what it is but the feeling of lying on his stomach made me feel safer than anything. Normally I have horrific migraines from lack of sleep when I wake up, but this morning was different. I felt refreshed and tired and went back to sleep. I slept in for the first time I can remember in a long time it felt so nice until... I hear "prince sleepyhead" God I loved nick and wanted to spend every moment of every day with him, but in this moment, I wanted him to shut up and let me sleep. I ignore his constant poking as I drift back to sleep after telling him I needed 20 more minutes. I can feel the bed moving as he leans into my ear and softly whispers "princess and the pea" Nick stop please I whimpered and nuzzled my head into the covers. "Charlie its 11 am you've already slept in." I jumped out of bed so fast grabbing my phone I looked and saw he was being serious. "Nick, I need to brush my teeth, have a shower and get dressed blah blah blah." One second, I'm on the ground freaking out because we need to meet Sarah Dracy and Tara for brunch in 30 minutes before seeing Elle and the next, I'm scooped up in his arms. I look at him with his charming half smile and shoot a grin back well hugging him as tightly as I can. I could never express how much I love him and the way he makes me feel. I remember about two years ago I told him how much I loved it when he scooped me up and cradled me like a baby, because it reminded me of when we played rugby together and he would pick me up and carry me around, it also made me feel loved because sometimes I wonder how someone can love me. I just feel like an unlovable person. Nick puts me down softly as he always does, and I go and hop in the shower. Showering has always been hard for me because of my OCD, I constantly make rules in my head that don't make sense and must obey them as if there was a dictator living inside my head dictating my life. Wash your hair 3 times, turn the water on and off 5 times, scrub your feet 20 times, all these compulsive thoughts filled my head and the fact that we only had 30 minutes until we had to leave made them worse. I've gotten better at controlling them now, I didn't give into any of the compulsive thoughts, and it felt freeing. I finished up getting ready and went to give nick a kiss, he was waiting on the couch. I kissed him for ten seconds pulling him closer to me so I could feel his heartbeat. After that I kissed him respectively on the forehead and cheeks, I just felt so happy and myself again after being prescribed my sleeping medication. "Okay okay love-bug we're going to be even more late than we already are," he says well smiling and staring into my eyes.

"My favorite Gay friends" Darcy screams as she sees us walking into the door of the restaurant. We all laughed and walked to our booth, as Sarah made reservations even though we probably didn't need them, she's always been super organized, I loved that about her. Nick gently whispers to me "Charlie are you ok? are you sure you're ok to eat here" "its ok nick" I say as squeezing his hand and giving him a reassuring look. "It's ok if you're not ready" "I am I promise" I say. We all sit down and talk, "Soo... Sarah, have you met anyone special." Darcy blurts out. "No not yet my last relationship kind of bombed." "That sucks, Nick and I say at the same time." I look at him and can't control my forming smile, I inch my hand over on top of his and hold on tight. "It's your chance Sarah" Tara remarks as a tall strawberry blonde waiter walks over. They were about 5,9, had fair skin with freckles and had a snake pin buttoned onto their uniform. "Hi, I will be your waiter today my name is Melo and I go by they/them pronouns what can I get started for you guys?" Tara, Darcy, Nick, And Sarah had already ordered and when it came to my turn, I froze I didn't know what was wrong with me, just the compulsive thoughts came rushing in and I felt like the whole world's eyes were on me I couldn't speak or move. "Uh er" I stuttered. "My very indecisive boyfriend will have the same thing as me" nick says. "I said thank under my breath to nick. He then intertwines his legs with mine. "Alright then I'll be back shortly" The waiter says.

Authors Note:
I didn't know what Sarah's sexuality was so i decided for my story she was going to be Pansexual ❤️

Marriage, a Heartstopper Fan-fictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora