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Disclaimer: hey guys! Author here. This chapter at the end gets a bit serious and dives into the topic of sexual assault, and assault in general. I felt that it was important that I let you know. - author <3

Bucky was getting pushed to his limit all day.

Steve manipulating him to do random stuff with him when he clearly didn't want to. He just wanted to go home, watch a movie with Sam, and just spend time together.

But he was barely getting through the day without being on the brink of tears. He just... he just wanted to tell Sam.

He knew if he did, everything would be better... it would. Wouldn't it?

The group was now at a restaurant. Everyone was chatting and eating some pretty decent food. Bucky had gotten a plate but didn't want to eat, but he pretended he was to not worry Sam.

Steve was besides him and Sam was across from him. Bucky was losing his mind the longer he had to deal with Steve.

He placed his foot in between Sams since he sat across from him. Sam looked up from his phone and smiled softly. Bucky smiled ever so slightly until Steve started to talk to him.

Bucky moved his chair slightly away from him and sipped some water. Bucky got a notification on his phone.

Bastard - having fun with this?
Bucky- not. At. All.... leave me the fuck alone
Bastard - awww... and I thought you missed me?
Bucky - that was a long time ago, not anymore. You're just a bastard who thinks he can push himself on anyone and get what he wants.
Bastard - hm... okay.

Bucky froze when he said okay.

Steve looked at Sam. "Sam, I need to confess something." He said looked nervous.

Bucky tried to get up.

"Bucky kissed me last night." Steve said. Bucky gripped the chair and looked down as the table went silent.

He felt the gaze of Sam on him. "What?" Sam said.

"Don't listen to him..." Bucky said quietly.

"And every time I say I'm going to tell you, he threatened me by trying to say some lie about me being in Hydra..." Steve said getting emotional.

Bucky looked at him in disbelief. "My text messages say other-"

The messages changed... they were different.

Sam took his phone from him and looked at the messages. He looked at Bucky and then handed him his phone back and left.

Steve stood. "I'm sorry Bucky.. I had-" Bucky slammed him into the wall.

"That is NOT! What happened!" He teared up. He gripped Steve's collar so tightly. He let go of him and ran outside after Sam.

"Sam! SAM!" He caught up to him and grabbed his hand. Sam yanked his hand away from him.

"Is that why... you two have Been doing everything together?" Sam said. Bucky couldn't believe this was happening. He wanted to scream.

"N-no..." he said as he started to breathe quickly. He was panicking.

"Then what happened..." Sam said. "I'm getting tired of the confusion."

Bucky was about to say something when he felt Steve touch his back as he made his way over. "I'm sorry..." Steve said.

Sam looked at Bucky, but then turned and continued to walk away from him.

Bucky had enough. He spun around and slammed Steve into the building wall next to him. The wall cracked and Steve cried out in pain.

"You may be working for them... but I was trained by them..." he backed up and crossed the street and walked the opposite direction of Sam.

Sam went back to the hospital room and started to pack up Bucky's clothes and his. He walked over to the TV to grab some smaller things. He looked around and then noticed some small red flecks on the wall.

He frowned as he realized it was blood... he ran his hand over the wall, seeing the dent. "What's this?" He said quietly to himself.

Steve walked in with two coffees... "Hey..." he said.
Sam glared at him but continued to pack. "Coffee?"

Sam took it and placed it on the table. "Thank you." He said as he tossed the bag on the bed.

"I take it he hasn't come back yet?" Steve asked as he sipped his own. "Nope... not yet." Sam said as he turned towards Steve.

"Would you lie to me?" Sam asked.

Steve looked at him shocked. "No... why would I?" Sam nodded slightly and sipped his coffee.
"Hm... okay."

Hours went by and Bucky came back to the hospital.

"Bucky!" Sam ran over to him. "Are you okay!?" Bucky looked at him and nodded. "Yes I'm okay..."

Steve smirked slightly but his expression changed to a worried one.

Bucky chuckled in disbelief. Everyone was there, so, he wanted everyone to hear the truth.

"Did you guys know in Hydra I was used for things other than assassinations?" He said calmly. His fists were clenched.

Steve frowned at where this was going. Bucky chuckled sadly.

"I remember I was called into an office of a female Hydra official, against my will and well... let's just say she had apparently a long  time with me." He said angrily

"That... that happened frequently." He said as he looked at everyone. "And well, for the longest I removed those memories from my mind for so long, until an event that happened last night brought them alllll back to me." He glared at Steve.

"He... he's in Hydra. He even brought Madam here too..." he said as he clenched his fists.

"But that, I don't care about... after I got away from him, he came into the room, slammed me against the wall..." Bucky looked at Sam slightly.

"And well... kissed me against my will, and I was still on my medication so I couldn't do much besides slap him." Bucky said as he glanced at Sam again.

"I would never do anything to ruin you and I... I- you're the best thing in my life. I can't lose you." He said tearfully.

Sam walked over to Bucky and handed him a tape. "This was from security. The dumbass didn't know there was a camera in here. I know."

"T-then why did you get mad at me?" Bucky asked. "Cause I needed him to get comfortable with his little ruse, so comfortable to the point he would casually try poison me earlier with coffee, but, I'm immune to it." Sam said.

"Y-you don't hate me..." Bucky said tearfully.

"Love... I could never hate you." Sam said as he wiped his tears. "I will always believe you over this bastard any day. You're my boyfriend."

Natasha stood and pointed a gun at Steve and so did Maria. "And we will always back you up Bucky."

Bucky wiped his eyes and smiled as he looked at Steve.

Steve frowned and raised his hands.

"Fuck y-" Sam suddenly punched Steve knocking him to the ground.

"No, Fuck you, Steve."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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