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Bucky shot another guard, and punched a few more. He wasn't allowed to get near Madam Hydra, so he had to fall back.

Sam landed by him and shot another guard. "Buck.."
Bucky looked at him. "Yeah?"

"I'm gonna go after Madam... be safe okay." Bucky didn't want to let him go alone but this was the safety of everyone. The moment Bucky goes Winter Soldier, it's over.

"Got it.... take the spider with you." Sam nodded. He grabbed his arm slightly and quickly kissed his cheek before he flew off. Bucky sighed as he flew away.

Sam flew and landed on a ceiling extension. Peter landed next to him and watched everything next to him. Sam deployed redwing out to scan the building.

Peter looked at Sam. "You okay Sam?" Sam sighed and looked at him. "I'm concerned as to why Madam Hydra wants us dead... I understand we're heroes, but why us specifically..."

Peter shrugged. "Maybe we got too close for comfort... she's getting nervous?" Peter said as he looked at him. Sam sighed and nodded.

"Im afraid that's the case..." Sam said as he looked at Peter. He just chuckled. Peter looked confused. "What's wrong?"

"Ah nothing... your masks eyes are huge. They've always made me laugh." Peter rolled his eyes.

"I'm gonna go web more guards." Peter swung down a hallway. He landed and stopped in front of a lab. He peered in and saw a dark lab. He stopped himself from going in and continued down.

He suddenly stopped and saw a passed out Yelena on the ground. He frowned and suddenly stopped moving when his spidey senses kicked in. He looked at the vent above him.

He jumped up and landed inside the vent, and was greeted by a protective Maria and an unconscious Natasha. "Maria.." he said.

She sighed in relief as she sat back and quickly covered the vent. "Stay quiet kid..." she said as she motioned him over. He walked over and looked at Natasha.

She was beat up and wasn't awake. Maria sat back as she continued to treat Natasha. She had her arm bandages up and a jacket under her head.

Peter was about to say something when he heard someone speaking outside the vent. He looked out and saw Yelena waking up. She held her head and looked around.

"W-where... am I..." she mumbled. The three in the vent stayed as quiet as possible. Peter had his web shooters ready.

Maria had her gun pointed Yelenas leg. Yelena suddenly wince and her eyes went blank. She then walked down the hall, blankly.

Peter sighed. "We need to get her to the jet."
Maria nodded. "I know... let's go."

Fury was slammed into the wall, but he put up a fight. He kicked Johns head into the wall and kneed him in the chest.

"You don't touch my kid..." fury said as he reloaded his gun. John smirked as he pulled himself up. "They're your kids? Oh brother-" peter slammed him into the wall and webbed him there.

Fury sighed in relief and winced. "Thanks kid..." he said as Maria rushed over holding Natasha. Fury ran over to her and saw Natasha was out.

"Get to the jet. Hurry, Madam Hydra is lurking... and waiting for one of you all to appear.."

Maria nodded and started to run with Peter. As the two ran down the hall. Peter was suddenly tackled by someone. He was pulled into a chokehold and had a knife at his neck.

Maria turned and saw he was caught my Madam Hydra. "Fury is quite intelligent... I have been waiting for you two to appear...." Peter winced as she pressed the knife against his neck.

"What do you want..." Maria said.

"Hmm... well... I want you all dead. I can't have my little project being announced to the world just yet." She smirked.

Natasha started to wake up. Everything was blurry and was a haze. She looked and saw Peter being held by Madam. Her eyes widened. She got out of Maria's hold and pulled out her gun.

"Let him go..." Natasha said. Seriousness filling her voice. Madam Hydra chuckled. "The only way I'll let him go is if your man enough to kill me dead right now.... lose all of your information about my plans and just let Hydra fall through your hands again... like sand."

Natasha pointed the gun at Madam Hydras head. Madam Hydra smirked. "But, if you kill me, there's a good chance this knife could pierce this boys neck."

Natasha glared at her. "Well?"

Peter looked at her. He winced under his mask. "N-Natasha..." she looked at him slightly.

"Back up... don't shoot her." Natasha watched him and lowered her gun backing up. Peter shot webs at the hand and knife that was near his neck, making her hand not be able to move.

He then shot webs at the ceiling and jumped up away from her grasp. Natasha aimed and shot Madam Hydra in the leg. Maria immediately slammed her to the ground and cuffed her.

Madam Hydra cried out and winced. But, she smirked. "M-Mysterio..."

Natashas eyes widened as the room went dark again. "Shit..." She was surrounded by a bunch of people watching something. She walked towards the center and saw two teenage girls fighting with knives. A red head and a girl with dark hair.

In one swift motion, the red head caused her competitor to fall to the ground. Natasha recognized the little red head and turned. "Such an impeccable fighter... promote her."

Natasha cringed at those words. It was wasn't a promotion, it was just a title that was given to the most damaged people.

She watched as they escorted the red head off to another room. She was sat down and was given a new uniform. A black leotard with a red symbol on the belt.

"Natasha Romanoff, welcome to the the Black Widows."

Natasha frowned watching this. She pulled out her gun and aimed behind her and fired. Mysterios
Illusions fell and there was a crack in his helmet.

He looked at her. She wasn't doing well but she was pissed.

"Next time... try a better illusion."

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