Hard Feelings

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Alex glared as Nick question is ability to stay calm on this mission.

Trust me, if Alex wanted to kill Bucky, he would have tried already. He got up and left the office, finding himself standing in the hall. He zoned out and thought back to that fateful night.

The two operatives jumped down into a base. Alex took his mask off as his red hydra symbol shone in the dim light.

He watched his wife land in front of him as her blue SHIELD shone in the dark. He walked next to her. "Who are we looking for..." he asked.

"Winter Soldier..." she said as she pull out her gun, loading it as she took careful steps ahead of him. He copied her movements, as he heard faint footsteps behind them. His gaze turned to their flank.

"I never thought, a man of your skill and talent, Alexander, would ... work with SHIELD..." Madam Hydra said. He aimed his gun at her.

A soft chuckle came from her lips. "You really think that'll stop me?" Suddenly a blur rushed him and slammed him to the ground. The wind was knocked out of him. He cried out and met the gaze of terrifying blue eyes that pierced his soul.

He couldn't moved this man off of him until a gunshot was fired. The soldiers eyes looked up and met the gaze of a blond woman. She realized her mistake and stepped back. "R-run!" Alex got out the best he could.

"I-I can't leave you here..." she said.

"Kill her, Soldier." Bucky threw Alex towards Madam Hydra who shot him and yanked him upwards to watched his wife. "N-no..." he tried to move, he tried to force his body to run to her but he couldn't.

Winter Solider raised his hand and struck her to the ground. She cried out as she fought back, trying her hardest but ultimately failing.

Alex's eyes filled with tears as he watched his wife fall to the ground and stop moving. The winter Soldier, looking back at his commander. His eyes dark despite being a light blue.

"Mission Accomplish." Madam Hydra said. She dropped Alex. The moment he was freed he ran over to his wife, rushing past the soldier.

She was struggling to breathe as she looked at him. She smiled sadly as she realized he was okay. His eyes filled with tears, his vision getting blurry. "J-Josephine..." he held her close and rubbed her cheek.

"T-take care of our little girl... okay?" She started to reach up to him but her hand stopped. Her eyes became dull. Her hand hit the cold ground below them. Alex cried out in pain and held her close.


Madam Hydra laughed as she heard him scream. He turned his gaze and looked at The Winter Soldier. He started to breath heavily as he ran and pulled out his knife barely missing the soldiers neck.

Alex was field by anger and rage. He stabbed the soldier but was promptly shot by him once again. He stumbled back and hit the ground.

"You can't beat him..." madam Hydra said before everything went dark.

He snapped back to reality as he felt his phone buzzing. Natasha.

He answered as he sat down. "Hello?"

"Hey, um, I was wondering if you could stop By the hospital. Bucky, Sam, Peter and I are meeting there to discuss what we need to do next, and well, we trust you." She said

He frowned at the mention of buckys name but he shrugged. "Sure, I can be there..." He sighed and made his way out.

He made it to the hotel and knocked on the door. After a few moments, Bucky opened the door and smiled. Alex glared at him and walked past him. Bucky looked confused but closed the door behind him. He noticed Peter was asleep on the couch

"So, what's your plan, Wilson?" Alex said as he sat next to Natasha. Sam was sitting up with oxygen nubs in his nose. "I... I need to figure out what our next step with Madam Hydra, Mysterio, and John Walker are going to be..." he said as Bucky sat besides him.

Alex watched him reached and hold Sams hand. Alex lowered his gaze clenching his fists. He hated this. This guy gets to live instead of his wife.

Alex saw a hand go onto his. "You okay?" He looked at Natasha. She had a worried gaze. He nodded slightly and moved his hands. He didn't want to freak her out.

"Why don't we do another invasion?" Bucky said. "But with more force..."

"If we invaded them one time with our best soldiers Barnes, they're going to be ready for another. Thought you learned this in Hydra." He rolled his eyes as he got up to pour himself a cup of water.

"What is your problem... you have been targeting me since you got here." Bucky said. Alex turned slightly towards him, his gaze dark.

"You know." Alex said. Bucky looked at Sam and Natasha for some sort of confirmation as to what this guy was trying to tell him. "Uh.... no. No I don't."

Alex scoffed and pulled his coat on. "Typical." He started to walk out, and Bucky grabbed his arm. "Is there anything I can do to stop you feeling this way." Alex panicked and on instinct slammed him into the wall.

Bucky winced and looked at him. Alex teared up slightly, but anger still flowed through his mind and heart. "You can't help me... don't ask again. Sorry..." he let go of him and left. Bucky rubbed his neck slightly as Alex left, slamming the door behind him.

Sam looked at Natasha. She nodded and got up and went after him. "Alex!" Alex ignored her as he got outside. She frowned and grabbed his arm carefully. "Alex... are you okay..."

He teared up and looked down. "You guys... won't get it."

"Try me." She said. He glanced at her and chuckeld as he pulled his arm away.

"I just hate him. That's all... please get back inside. It's cold." He said. Natasha watched him and sighed.

"Fine... I'll wait for you to tell me." She smiled softly and ran inside. He felt his heart rate pick up looking at her but he calmed himself and got into his car.

"I have to go grade some tests..."

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