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Sam made it back to him and Buckys room. Bucky was asleep in a chair, since he profusely refused to sleep in the bed.

Sam walked over to him and shook his shoulder gently. Bucky jumped slightly, a sense of panic was on his face but he looked at Sam it seemed to melt away.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..." Sam said as he went over to the bed. Bucky frowned slightly as he looked at Sam, noticing he was moving a bit slower.

"Sam? You okay?" Bucky said.

Sam looked over at him as he laid down. "Why do you ask?" Bucky opened his mouth but didnt say anything.

"Just wanted to know how your shoulder was..." Sams shoulder was the least of his concern. He was more worried about Sams cancer, since he didn't talk about it a lot.

"It's sore. Still can't do too much." Bucky nodded as he got up. "Alright, if you need anything just tell me." Bucky pulled his shirt off as he searched for another one.

Sam glanced at him slightly. He noticed the scars on his body. "How did you get those scars?" Sam asked. Bucky stopped and thought about it. "Ah... mainly from torture, usually when I broke through the programming, which was rare." He said as Sam got up.

"I hate them. They.. they feel like reminders of weakness." Sam walked over and hugged him from behind. Bucky let him. Sam kissed one of the scars.

"They aren't scars of weakness... they're the scars of a survivor." He said as Bucky turned to look at him.

"Don't ever think of your scars as... weaknesses. They are symbols of strength." Sam rubbed his cheek. Bucky smiled softly and nodded.

"If you say so..." Bucky chuckled. Sam sighed softly and chuckled. "You are stubborn."

Bucky chuckled as he grabbed a shirt. "It's my defining feature." He pulled his shirt on and kissed Sam.

Sam kissed him back, holding his hand slightly. Sam broke it slightly and looked at him. "I guess it is".

Zemo pulled a coat on and started to walk out of the enemy hideout. It was a building Madam Hydra owned. So they could leave without suspicion.

He got out as his phone rang. He pulled it out and answered as he walked down the street.

"Yes? I'm working on it..." zemo said as he walked down the street. It was drizzling slightly.

"Killing her takes more work than you think sir..." he said as he walked into a cafe.

"I have too many ways of doing so, and plus... I'm waiting for the right timing." He chuckled.

"You would do the same sir. So would your assistants... no pardon me, assassins." He said as he was handed his coffee.

"It will be done sir. Yes... have a good day." He hung up and put his phone in his pocket. He got his coffee and pastry and walked out.

He walked down and was about to sip his coffee when he saw a woman sitting in an alleyway. He walked over and looked at her. She was shivering.

He handed her the food and pulled out his checkbook. She looked at him. "What are you doing..." she said as she held the food.

"Here is some money. Go and have a head start in your life." He handed her the check. She teared up as she held it. "W-why are you giving this to me?"

"Because you need it more than me." He smiled softly and walked off.

He walked into their building again and went up to his room and threw his phone on his bed. He sighed as he took his shoes off as the intercom went off.

"Zemo come down to the planning bay." He groaned as he walked out. As he exited his room, his phone vibrated. Someone walked into the room and picked up the phone.

"Hm... she would like to see this." Mysterio knocked and saw the man standing there. "John? What are you doing here?"

John Walker. The US Agent. "Ah... nothing." He said as he put the phone in his pocket. "Just came to see Zemo but he's not here. See yah." Mysterio watched him leave the room.

Mysterio sensed something was wrong. Or something was going to go wrong.

Madam Hydra was handing Zemo a mission. "This person needs to be taken out. I'm sure you can do it." Zemo opened the file.

A US colonel.

He glanced at her "James Rhodey. Are you trying to get me killed by the avengers?" She chuckled as he said that.


Zemo frowned at that as John walked in. Madam Hydra looked at him and smiled. "John! Welcome back!"'she said proudly.

"Nice to be back. Madam..." he handed her the phone. He looked directly at Zemo as he did. She looked confused as she held it.

She turned it on and saw the message. She didn't say anything until she slowly looked at Zemo. "You're trying to kill me?"

Zemo gripped the file. "Why would I do that?" He said as he discreetly reached for his gun. He wasn't prepared.

She pulled out her gun and fired. He dodged and ran down the hall. John threw his shield, hitting Zemos back.

He cried out and hit the ground. She aimed and fired. He dodged, but got hit in the arm instead of the back.

He got up and rounded the corner. "Cut him off... this building is going dark." She turned the power off.

Zemo ran down a hall, any hall. He kicked down a door and ran in. He scrambled around the room looking for a gun, a weapon, anything.

He found a bottle of a chemical. He quickly grabbed a cloth and poured the liquid over the cloth.

He hid as John walked into the room. The silence was loud as he sat there. John walked in front of him, when zemo jumped up and shoved the cloth in his face, having him inhale the fumes.

John tried to choke Zemo to get him off but he passed out. Zemo winced as he got off of him. He took Johns gun and walked down the hall quietly, watching everything.

He saw the power button. He didn't see anyone around. He ran over to the button to turn it on but stopped.

She probably was by the second power button, making sure she could narrow down where he was if he turned the power on. He lowered his hand and walked down the dark hall.

He controlled his breathing so he wouldn't give away his location.

He made it to the front door and kicked it out and ran down the street in the rain. He quickly ran down the alleyway.

He ran down as a shot echoed behind him. He stumbled to a stop as he froze. He looked down and sat his side bleeding.

He gripped his side as he stumbled against the wall. He saw Madam Hydra standing at the edge of the alleyway.

"So weak... zemo."

He fell to his side and stopped moving.

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