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Dr Raynor chatted with Sam until her name echoed over the intercom. "Well Sam, I hope things get bette- oh yeah, how's your cancer?"

Sam shrugged. "I don't know... it's there I just haven't been feeling it too much. I mean I have been more tired as of late but that's about it."

She nodded. "Well, I hope things get better... remember to rest. Okay? Try to destress."  Sam chuckled at that.

"I don't know how to destress." Sam said. Dr. Raynor looked up and chuckled. "Here's one of your destressers." Sam looked and saw Bucky with Natasha and Peter behind him.

"Why are you over here sam?" Bucky asked worryingly.

"Zemo. Zemo got shot by Madam Hydra. Apparently, he's a SHIELD agent..." Bucky raised a brow.

"That's a... hell of a plot twist. Is he gonna make it?" Bucky said. Sam nodded.

"Yeah." He glanced over at Peter, who was standing by Natasha holding her hand. He was nervous and had the signs of having a panic attack. "Natasha..."

"I already know." She said. She turned and started to take Peter out of the building to get some air. Bucky sat down next to Sam. Bucky was about to say something when Sam interrupted him.

"No." Sam said.

"I haven't even said anything." Bucky said with a smirk.

"I know what goes on in that cyborg brain of yours. You were going to ask if you could go after Madam Hydra." Bucky rolled his eyes.

"Close but no. I was going to ask you to let me go after her coworkers. The ones who don't necessarily know the code words to my head, and who don't have that instant activate thing." Bucky said.

Sam shook his head. "No, you were just mind controlled yesterday, not again today. And what makes you think they don't have some sort of control over you?"

"Because, Madam Hydra would never give them that much power. It would a clash of power between the group. She wouldn't want that." Bucky said.

Sam shook his head. "Still no..."

Bucky shrugged. "Just a suggestion."

Natasha sat outside with Peter under a awning, listening to the rain. Peter was quiet, again. He usually would be asking her questions about everything in existence but I guess not today.

"You okay kid?" He nodded as he watched the rain. She was going to say something when he surprised her even more.

"Don't die... Please. I can't lose anymore people, same thing for Sam and Bucky. Just don't leave..." he said quietly.

Natasha was shocked. Another promise she couldn't guarantee. Should she just say yes and lead him to believe all will be fine, or lie and say she promises.

Sadly, to curb negative emotions, a lie is needed
Sometimes. "I promise... I'll be right here." Peter smiled softly at that.

Madam Hydra walked back into the building. "He's been shot but I'm pretty sure Zemo is still alive... I send my guys to get the body and he's gone." She said to John.

John sighed. "Of course he's alive. He's like a cockroach, unkillable. And apparently, he has liaisons at SHIELD... thank goodness he never got his hands on critical plans."

John nodded as he sat down. She turned and looked at him. "You're back... when did you get back?"

"I got back yesterday. I went to see my wife before coming over here." He said as he looked at her. She nodded slightly.

"How is our little project doing overseas?" She said as she sat down.

"Quite well, we should be able to initiate it within the year." John said with a smirk. "SHIELD won't be able to stop us... never again." Madam Hydra sighed a pleased sigh. "Perfect."

Zemo laid in his bed. He opened his eyes slightly and looked around where he was. He winced as he felt the pain in his chest. "The hell..." he suddenly remembered he was shot.

He looked over and saw Sam walk into the room. "You doing some risky stuff out there Zemo." Sam said as he walked over with a smirk.

Zemo chuckled tiredly. "Yeah... it tends to happen. Not intentionally of course." He said as he adjusted the oxygen mask on his face.

"You got shot twice." Sam said as he stood by his bed. Zemo shrugged. "I've had worse..."

"Yeah... I don't really like that statement." Sam said with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah, I figured you wouldn't." A tired chuckled came from Zemo. Sam smiled slightly at that. "You need to... be more careful." Sam said as he placed a card on his side table.

Zemo glanced in the direction. "What is that?" He glanced over at the man standing above him. "It's my card... so that if you need help, we can provide you back up."

"Who's 'we'?" Zemo said as a nurse walked in to check his vitals.

"My little crew. We want to take down Madam Hydra just as bad as you do, so we are willing to help." Sams voice was filled with confidence and determination to taking down this woman.

Zemo felt a familiarity with that confidence.

The Same presence as the previous Captain America... probably even better in this case. Zemo felt his drive and determination fill the room.

It was a lovely feeling. A feeling a hope, one he hasn't had in awhile. Zemo just chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Fine... I can do it on my own, but if you want to help, you can. I don't want James going into Winter Solider mode while we're working."

Sam chuckled softly at that. "Don't worry, he won't. He's strong, he won't let her get through him like that again."

Zemo didn't believe that but he nodded. "Sounds good to me..." he closed his eyes tiredly as he started to feel his painkillers kick in.

Sam noticed and wrapped up their conversation. "Well, I'll see you later Zemo." Zemo nodded slightly.

"See yah..."

Sam turned and left. Zemo opened his eyes and watched him leave. He sensed the weight on Sams shoulders of upholding the mantle of Captain America, being the representation of many different communities all the while representing America.

Zemo closed his eyes again.

"America... is in good hands..."

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