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After a little while, everyone got back to the hospital room. Bucky was continuing to keep his distance from Steve.

Natasha was sitting on the couch with Peter. Both were glaring at Steve. Steve sighed and looked at everyone. "I get you're all mad at me... but I don't understand why you all haven't moved on about what I did."

"I don't know Steve... maybe it's because well, I don't know you left us all here with no idea on what to do!" Bucky said in anger.

"Bucky, get over it... you're dating Sam now, which is quite a surprise, and you're fine now." Steve said pointing at him. Bucky got up and walked over to him.

"I am haunted with memories of killing hundreds upon hundreds of people.... I am still recovering from my second fight from Hydra, so yes... I'm just fine." Bucky teared up while looking at Steve.

Steve looked at him and then turned and looked at Natasha. "Why are you mad..." Natasha chuckled and looked at Peter. Natasha was about to say something when Peter stood up.

"You left her here! You were dating her and just left, thinking she was just going to go with you! She's Black Widow and an agent of shield... she has priorities compared to you. I thought you were a hero, but you aren't. You're just a selfish guy..." Peter said pointing right back at him.

Steve looked at him. "You're the Spiderkid..."

"It's Spiderman first off... and don't deflect." Peter said.

"Listen kid... I'm not in the mood to explain my reasons to you. So head back home to your parents or whatever." Peter looked down and clenched his fists.

"Thankfully, his mother is right here."Natasha said as she walked over. Peter looked at her and was shocked. Her eyes were dark as she walked over to Steve.

"Steve, you don't have to explain yourself at all.... but, don't expect me to listen to you." She smirked and turned over, to look at Peter.

He had tears in his eyes. She held his hands gently and smiled softly. "I'll always be right here okay, little spider?" Peter teared up and hugged her tight.

She hugged him tight as well, shooting glares at Steve. He rolled his eyes.

"I'll be heading to my apartment Sam, call me when you have missions you need me on a mission." He pulled his coat on and left.

"Since when was he such an ass..." Natasha said as she let Peter go from the hug carefully.

"Who knows... living his life in the modern world, learning some bad habits and forgetting about everything he learned about Captain America..." Bucky said.

"This is why Sam is Captain America... not Steve." Natasha said as she sat down. Peter sat next to her and curled up next to her, covering his head with his hoodie.

She leaned her head on his. "Guys... I think, something is wrong with Alex." Sam looked at her. "Why is that?"

"Well... I heard him talking to his daughter, and he said that he made a bad decision to protect us." She said as she looked at the other two.

"He said that? You might've misheard Natasha." Bucky said. Natasha shrugged and held her head. "Maybe..."

Bucky sighed and sat down next to Sam and held his hand as he rested his eyes. "I'm going to sleep, so please don't wake me." Sam nodded in agreement and held his hand back. "Same..."

Natasha nodded as she watched the snow fall outside. The moment she spotted Alex injured replayed in her head. She carefully got up, making sure not to disturb Peter and grabbed her phone.

As she stepped out of the room, she called him. She felt this bad feeling in her chest, and she just wanted to see if he would talk to her.

"Hello?" A tired voice said. She sighed in relief.

"Alex, um... can we talk?" She said as she leaned against the wall.

"Uh... sure." He said as he covered Ann with a blanket.

"I heard you talking to Ann... and, you said you had to make a bad decision to protect everyone. I'm scared by what that meant." She said as she sat on the floor holding her head.

Alex pulled his glasses onto his face and held his head. "Nat... I'm afraid that if I tell you, you will look at me differently."

"Alex... you said you did this to protect us, and I believe that. You're a good man, and nothing would change my mind." She said almost getting emotional.

Alex was at home now. He didn't want to spend the night with Ann in the hospital. He walked over to Ann's dresser and looked at a picture of her mother.

"I'm in Hydra now..." he said as he sighed. Natasha blanked but got up and started to walk out of the hospital.

"What the hell for..." she said as she walked out in the snow.

"To protect you all. Madam... madam hydra had targets on all of you. She could take you all out whenever she wanted, but she said if I joined and did her dirty work, you all could be safe..." he said he gripped his hair as he looked at the ground.

"I-I understand if you want nothing to do with me right now-"

"Where are you?" She asked bluntly. He frowned in confusion.

"I'm at home." She suddenly hung up. He sighed and held his head.

45 minutes went by as he started to go upstairs. He was about to go when heard a knock. He turned and slowly walked to the door and opened it.

Natasha was standing there panting. "T-tell me to my face, it was to protect us." He looked at her shocked.

"I swear... it was to protect you all. Hydra killed my wife, I wouldn't of sided with them otherwise." She teared up and hugged him tightly. He teared up and hugged her tightly.

"I promise... it was for all of you."

"I believe you."

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