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Alexander put a black mask on his face and jumped out of the jet. He landed on top of the building swiftly yet quietly. He tranquilized a guard as he stood up.

He stole the guards keycard and walked inside the base. He walked down the steps and searched for the information room.

He needed to steal a uniform... desperately. Then he saw a group of people walked towards them. He waited for the group to barely pass him when he grabbed the very last soldier pinning the man to the wall.

The guy looked at him shocked. Alex smirked. "Can I have your uniform?"

"Wha-" Alex covered his mouth and tased him, just enough to knock him out. "Thank you..." he said as he pulled him out of view.

He got dressed quick and walked down the hall. He looked at a schematic that was on the soldier. He read through it, seeing that there was transfers going on. He frowned as he took a picture of it.

A group of soldiers saluted to him, he saluted back realizing he was the higher ranking of the people in the hallway. "Shit..." he said to himself. People who were higher ranking tend to work with the head of the organization more.

"May All Officers Report to the Briefing Meeting." This was said over an intercom. Alexander looked at his rank realizing he was an officer. He frowned and started to follow other officers down the halls to the main meeting room.

They were all sat down in a long room. Alex kept his head low and sat down farthest away from the front of the room. He needed to avoid Madam Hydra, John and maybe Mysterio. Getting caught now would seal his death.

He watched as madam hydra walked to the front of the room. "Ladies and Gentlemen! We finally able to start bringing Mysterio into light once again. Since Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Alexander Garner and Natasha Romanoff are all doing less at due to Sam Wilson being ill, we can finally strike". Alex took notes like the others did.

"We have strikes ready to hit them whenever. Currently, I would like strike the Black Widow and The Winter Soldier." She said with a chuckle. Anthony's eyes widened faintly.

"We have eyes on Sam and Peter but we lost track of Alexander." She said as a man walked in and went over to her, whispering something to her. Her gaze turned into a dark frown.

Her head lowered as she started to walked around the room, searching the faces of all her officers. Alexander realized he was in danger. He dropped a small orb under the desk, releasing smoke into the room.

Everyone started to panic as he started to make his way out of the room under the cover of smoke. He had some information that he needed. He turned his gaze slightly and met the gaze with Madam Hydra. She smirked as she jumped on the table and started to chase him.

He bolted out of the room, and on instinct, he dodged. He saw a shield stab the wall. A black and red shield. He jumped up pulling his gun out. John chuckled as he walked over. "Hey there, Alex."

"We are not a first name basis yet." Alex shot at a pipe shooing steam in his face. He jumped up into a vent and sighed.

"You went in the vents last time, Alexander." He turned and was kicked out of the vent into the ground. He winced and raced down the hall holding his arm. He ran into a room and plugged in a flash drive into a computer and started to download all the files on their targets, and where the strikes were going to come from.

The door opened as he dodged behind a desk. The sound of heels clicking against the cold floor filled the room. He almost held his breath... he just needed information.

His flash drive turned green. It had everything he needed, all the information... everything. He glanced at the woman who was preparing her gun. "There's only one exit Alexander... there isn't any vents in here too."

Alex frowned. He had to take a risk. He jumped out and fired at her as he grabbed the flash drive. She fired at as well and he got shot in the leg.

"Damn it!" He tackled her to the ground before running out of the room. He pressed an sos on his watch and climbed to the roof as fast as he could.

Guards were chasing him. He sighed and activated his widow bites. He got them from Fury for some reason. He started to fight the guards, stunning them and pushing them back.

He kicked them away and ran up the roof and jammed the door shut.

He was about to climb into his quinjet when a shield hit him in the face. He hit the ground and panted as John pulled him up. The door he jammed was kicked open , and madam Hydra walked into view.

Her sinister smile angering Alex. "Alex, goodness, I just wanted to chat..." Alex winced as he looked at her.

"It's so hard to believe you were once my right hand man... now, here you are. Being a lackey for SHIELD." He glared.

"I'd rather be a lackey than be an operative for a woman who killed my wife..." he glared. He had blood going down his head.

"Ah... well, it was a necessity." She pulled out a knife and twirled it in between her fingers. "I have a proposition for you." She smirked.

"No..." Alex said. She raised a brow.

"No? Oh... well then. I guess I'll fire and aim at your daughter, coworkers, and well... love interest. Is that what we're calling her?" His eyes widened.

"Leave my daughter alone..." Alex tried to shoved John off but couldn't.

"Then, join Hydra, and one of them have to die. Get me information, and your daughter will have forever safety from all threats..." Alex panted as he looked at her. He looked down and thought of his daughter and Natasha.

"Fine... I'll do it."

"Good! Let him go John." John shoved him into his jet. Without second guessing, he closed the jet and took off.

"This should go smoothly..." she smirked

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