Ill Tidings

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Bucky sat next to Sam and held his hand in silence.

"In my phone, theres a number with fireworks next to it. Call it and hand me the phone before they answer the phone." Bucky raised a brow and did as he was told. He handed him the phone.

Sam held it as he rested his Eyes. The person answered.

"Hey... I know. This is an emergen- he doesn't know. But he's going to need to now. Thank you... I'm in the hospital." Bucky tilted his head trying to figure out who Sam was speaking to.

"Yep... alright... thank you." Sam hung up and sat up and looked around as if trying to figure out how to approach a conversation topic. "Sam?"

"Bucky... I have someone coming over to see me. Please, please don't get mad." Sam said with worry in his voice.

"Mad? What do you mean??" Bucky was more than confused. He legitimately had no idea what was going on.

Natasha came back a few minutes and sighed. "He left..." she sat down and looked at where he was sitting. She kinda missed him.

"Good... I have someone coming over." Sam said. She glanced at him and frowned. "Who?" As she said that, there was a knock at the door. Bucky got up and went to answer the door. Sam lowered his head in shame.

Bucky opened the door and froze. "Hey Buck..."


Alex got home and saw the door was slightly opened. He pulled out his gun and walked inside carefully. He spun around and saw Fury.

"Fury! Come on!" He sighed as he put his gun away.

"Oh calm down... I have a mission for you." Fury said as he handed him a file. Alex opened it and saw it was him going to get intel against Madam Hydra.
"You want me to go alone?"

"Yes." Fury said as he sat down.

"I can't... I can't risk not coming back to my daughter. Being alone raises those risks." He said as he put the folder down.

"Alex... I need you to do this. We need more information. I'll even have Captain Marvel watch her for you." Alex glanced at the file and clenched his fists.


Bucky backed up and looked Sam, a look of betrayal. Natashas eyes widened as she saw him walk in.

"Hey guys..." Steve said.

Bucky stared at him, shock covered his face, then anger. "What the hell are you doing here..." he said as he back away from Steve.

"Sam called me." Bucky looked at him and then Steve. He never felt so much rage towards him. Natasha pulled her coat on.

"Nat..." she flipped him off and walked out. Bcuky pulled his coat on and walked out with Natasha.

Sam covered his face. "I knew this wasn't going to end well... anyways.." he sighed as he lowered his hands. "I need some advice."


"How to be Captain America when I'm extremely ill." Sam said as he looked at Steve.

"I am not taking the mantle up again Sam..."

"I wasn't asking you to. I intend on staying Captain America for a long time... I'm asking you how to handle being seriously ill with cancer as this.." he said seriously.

"Sam... I have no idea. Being a super soldier I never had to deal with illness or anything like that. You're, you're a normal human being." Steve said as he sat down.

Sam sighed at that part. The being normal part... believe it or not. That made things difficult.

Being susceptible to diseases easily, not healing after getting stabbed or shot, and no super strength makes things more tedious on the battle field.

"Bucky looks like he's doing well." Steve said.

"He's doing far from well Steve... I mean, you left him to figure things out on his own, left me with a title that you knew the world didn't want me to have... then you tell me not to tell anyone you're back, and not even showing up when Bucky got free from Hydra for a second time... you never picked up your phone for important things." Sam said as the others came back in.

Buckys eyes were red. Sam knew he was crying, and Natasha was angry. Very... angry.

Bucky just sat by the window ignoring Steve's advances to try and take to him. Sam stood up slowly and took out his oxygen nubs and walked over to Bucky.

He lifted his chin towards him carefully. Bucky was surprised by this. Bucky met his eyes and smiled faintly. Sam smiled seeing his smile.

"There it is." Sam kissed him softly and then his cheeks. This is how he made him feel better, and it always worked.

"You two... are together?" Steve said. Sam look at Steve. "That we are..."

"Nat, are you still alone?" Something inside her got enraged. "You just left me, you left your girlfriend behind, so... yes. I'm alone. Thanks Steve." She said peeved.

"I offered you to come with." He said.

Natasha laughed. "And leave Sam, Bucky, Peter and SHIELD behind? No... unlike you Steve, I know where my priories lie." She scoffed and looked at her phone.

As Steve was about to say something there was a knock at the door. Natasha got up and opened the door, and saw Alex. Her awful mood subsided slightly as she motioned him in.

Alex knew she was okay, but he saw Steve before he could ask. "What's this guy doing here..."

"Steve Rogers." Steve extended his hand.

"I don't do handshakes..." Alex said as he glance at Natasha. She noticed he was in tactical gear. "Where are you going..." she asked.

"I'm heading out on a informational mission. Retrieve it and come back." He said as he fixed his jacket. "Ah... not to sound rude though, why'd you come here first." Natasha asked him.

"Just wanted to say bye. I'll see you in a few days." He hesitantly kissed her forehead and headed for the door. "B-bye..." she said as she stood there.

Alex smiled softly to him and then turned and flipped Steve off.

He knew everything about him.

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