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Natasha sat there until everyone fell asleep. She sighed as she got up and pulled her uniform on. The iconic Black Widow one piece.

She looked over at them. She carefully left a note on peters pillow. She opened the window and jumped. She shot a line and jumped onto the roof.

Her phone vibrated. She put in her earpiece and turned it on. "Ready to go Fury."

"Good. Head over to Moscow. We have reports that Madam Hydra has taken a flight over there. Find out what is going on. Your jet will be there in 3." She nodded as she reloaded her gun.

"Got it.... how are you fury?" She said referring to when he got shot.

"I'm alright. Thank you Romanoff." He chuckled.

"You can call me Natasha... I do call you dad in occasion and sooo does everyone else but Maria." She rolled her eyes as she boarded the jet that landed.

"Fine. Be safe Natasha. We're having a get together soon so, you better be there." Fury said.

"Copy." She smiled to herself and sat down as the jet took off. She pulled out her phone and turned it off.

Her mission was to find out why Madam Hydra has been traveling between the US and Moscow so frequently in recent days. She also has been tracking John Walker, and he's also going to the same place.

Hydra is up to something, so this Black Widow was going to find out. She watched the jet speed above the city.

A few hours went by and she was over Moscow. She opened the chute and turned her intercom on. She dived out of the plane and landed perfectly ontop of a building. She quickly pulled out her knife and cut a mans throat as she entered the base.

She pressed a button on her belt and ran fake footage through the security systems. She walked down some steps.

Voices were heard down the hallway. A group of guards. Natasha pulled out a lipstick and put it on her lips. It had a knock out toxin on it. One female guard walked away from the group.

Natasha rushed her and tackled her down a dark hallway. "Sorry about this." She pinned her to the wall and kissed her. The woman collapsed under her.

Natasha sighed and took her outer uniform and pulling it on herself. She wiped the toxin off her lips and walked down the hallway. A crowd of guards were walking down to large room, she followed casually with the rest.

It appeared to be a demonstration. She frowned as she walked with the rest of the crowd. "Any idea what we're going to see tonight?" She asked another guard.

The guard shook their head. "Nah... they said they have something to show us. They have test subject, but they're waiting for them to get here." Natasha frowned at that.

"Cool..." she released a micro camera that would send everything that it videotaped to Fury. "Well... I gotta finish watching this. I have a funeral to go to tomorrow."

The guard looked at her. "Oh? For who?" Natasha sighed. "My... mother in law." She said making sure not say any info tying her to Peter in case they knew who that was." The guard nodded. "I assume you have a family?"

She nodded. "A son... and, two brothers." The guard nodded again. "Must be hard."

Natasha thought about how she needed to be careful, she really needed to get back. She couldn't have Peter getting nervous or worried about her.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!!" A familiar voice said. Natashas gaze darkened as she saw Madam Hydra walked onto the stage. "Welcome to our projects reveal!"

"Today! We will be showing, our two new things. First, I will be showing you our new examples of soldiers!" She waved her hand and saw two Widows.

Natashas eyes widened and her heart stopped. Yelena and Melina stood there. Panic set in as she watched them up there. Standing there blankly.

"These two fantastic ladies! Have undergone our new mind wipe. Their minds have been completely wiped. We have showed them pictures of those closest to them." A picture of Natasha appeared on the wall.

Natasha needed to get out of there. "They have no memory of this woman! Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow!" Natasha turned to leave when a man grabbed her arm.

She turned and met the gaze of John. He smirked and threw her to the stage.

Natasha hit the wall and groaned as the crowd around her started murmuring. Madam Hydra smirked. "Bring her here John." He grabbed her arms and put them behind her back. She couldn't retaliate.

"Yelena... do you recognize this woman? Melina do you?" Neither one looked at her. The two shook their heads. Madam Hydra motioned for something else.

"Now, we shall demonstrate how this programming works." A chair was brought onto the stage. Natasha suddenly realized what was happening.

She kicked John off of her and started to fight Madam Hydra, but the Widows got in front of her. Natasha froze, she hesitated and was slammed to the ground by Melina.

Yelena pulled her up and slammed her into the chair, cuffing her. Natasha looked at Yelena. "Yelena.. please. Please..." Yelena only looked at her and turned away.

Natasha teared up as flashbacks of the red room came back to her. Madam Hydra lowered a contraption similar to that of the Winter Soldiers torture sequence.

"This technique was inspired by Hydras Winter Soldier program, except this is more effective and takes less shocks." Natasha started to hyperventilate as she glared at Madam Hydra.

Madam Hydra looked at her. "I know you're close to the boy. This is going to be a warning to not get too close to me, cause I will take you all out." Natashas eyes widened as Madam Hydra turned the machine on.

Natasha cried out in pain. She closed her eyes right as she fought back against the programming. She didn't want to lose everything she had.

She pulled against the cuffs around until she shocked herself, knocking herself out, turning off the programming halfway.

The crowd cheered.

"Welcome! To the future of Hydra and the Red Room!"

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