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Sam helped the paramedics get Bucky into an ambulance. He was not responding to any of them. Sam was panicking as he watched the medics treat him.

He didn't think any poison could hurt him. Natasha held Sams hand reassuring him that everything will
Be okay.

Alex watched. His heart was racing. He had no idea the toxin would do this. He was nervous.

Sam was holding buckys hand, reassuring him he was going to be okay. Bucky took short breaths as he looked at him. "W-what's happening... to me..."

Sam didn't know how to answer. He really didn't know what to say to him. "Don't worry about that.... we're gonna get you to the hospital."

Bucky nodded slightly as he let go of Sams hand. Sam went and sat back down next to Natasha.

Bucky's hand was visibly shaking. Sam grew more and more nervous.

The group made it to the hospital. The moment they arrived Bucky was rushed into the emergency room. They needed to administer oxygen, and get an IV hooked into his arm so that the poison wouldn't take over his body.

He got worse when they arrived. He had a small seizure as they rushed him inside. Sam could stand back and watched with Natasha and Alex.

The trio found their way into the waiting room. Sam took his head gear off and paces back and forth in the waiting area.

It was weird to other people, seeing Captain America pace back and forth. His boyfriend was considered indestructible, but this proved otherwise.

Alex watched Sam. He hated seeing him like that... but his reasoning for doing this was to make sure none of them died. Madame Hydra warned him that she always had a gun pointed at her associates... but he didn't know what this toxin would do.

He just prayed it wouldn't kill Bucky.

Hours went by when finally a nurse came out. "Sam Wilson?" Sam walked ( nearly ran ) over. "That's me. How is he?"

"He's in a somewhat stable condition. Would you like to follow me?" Sam nodded and followed her down those white halls.

Flashbacks to when Bucky had fell out of the avengers tower came back to him. He didn't like this feeling.

The nurse stopped in front of the door. "He had two seizures and can barely breathe on his own. His flesh arm is almost locked in place and he struggles to move it. He is on oxygen and he is struggling... he's stable, but that could change in seconds. We are watching for any symptoms that could effect his heart, so if you see anything press the emergency button on the wall." She opened the door.

Sam walked in and saw Bucky hooked up to machine after machine. He was still in his clothes which couldn't be comfortable.

Bucky turned his head slightly and smiled tiredly. "Sam..."

Sam walked over almost in disbelief and held his hand. "I-I..." he could hardly say any words.

"I-I'll be okay Sammy... don't worry. Focus on getting your treatment." Bucky almost mumbled.

"You want me to only focus on getting treatment when you're in a state like this!? Bucky I have cancer and I'm in a more stable condition than you are..." Bucky shrugged slightly.

"I think I know... why I was targeted..." he said. Sam sat besides him. "Why?"

"So... you know how I've been leaving some the hospital room for a little while now... to run errands?" Sam raised a brow and nodded.

"I had found a cure for your cancer..."'he chuckled.

"You what?" Sam said almost in shock. "I found the cure... it was my blood. My blood has super soldier serum, and if they dilute it down, it can be treated as a... antidote. It won't make you a super soldier, but it will cure you." He said tiredly.


"Dr. Raynor has the cure. I would do it now but my blood is contaminated. Go to h-her and get the cure." He winced and gripped his chest.

"Bucky!?" His heart rate monitor picked up. Sam pressed the button on the wall. Nurses rushed in and started to treat him.

Sam backed up and teared up. He clenched his fists as he saw Bucky tear up when getting the treatment. Sam walked out into the waiting room. Natasha stood up and walked over to him.

"I need to get to Dr. Raynor... Bucky created a cure for my cancer.... and I need to get that solved to be able to protect him. Somehow, I believe hydra did this to him And I need to stop them."

Natasha nodded as looked at him. "I'll help you. And so will alex if he's willing." Alex walked over silently. Sam looked at him. He noticed he looked nervous.

"You good Alex?" Sam asked.

"No.. . Not really.. I'm exhausted." Sam nodded slightly at that, but still started to walk out. The clock was ticking.

He was still in his suit, so he was able to just take off the moment he got outside. Natasha and Alex got in a car and headed to her office at headquarters.

Dr. Raynor sat at her desk and as she typed on her computer. She turned on the TV and saw that SHIELD headquarters had blown up. She frowned as she flipped and saw another report.

Winter Soldier Rushed to Hospital due to Poisoning

Dr. Raynor heard a knock at the door. She frowned as she pulled out her gun and placed it under her shirt.

She turned off the lights as she opened the door slightly. She hid behind where the door normally would be.

A woman walked in. "Find that cure... and destroy it." Dr. Raynor kicked the second person in the room but the woman who was in front disappeared. Her eyes widened as she looked around.

"Naive Dr. Raynor..." raynor spun around but was knocked out. Madam Hydra turned on the light as Yelena and Melina walked in. They restrained Raynor.

Madam Hydra saw a safe. She smirked and shot at it, opening it. She opened it and saw a vial.

"Perfect. Leave the note ladies... we got some negotiating."

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