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Natasha was sitting on his couch, scanning the room. She saw pictures of a blonde woman on the coffee table. She held it and looked at her.

She was beautiful. Blonde hair, green eyes and freckles.

Alex came in with two cups of tea. "Here..." he handed her the cup carefully as she placed the photo down.

"She's beautiful... what happened to her?" He sat down and smiled sadly. "She was killed." He said as he sipped his tea.

"Any idea by who?" His mind flashed back to his wife falling limp in his arms. "The Winter Soldier."

Natashas eyes shot right towards him. His anger towards Bucky made sense now. "Oh Alex."

"It's fine... it's just hard." He held the picture and teared up faintly. "Losing her was hard... but it was harder watching my daughter have to hear that her mother was gone forever." He wiped his eyes as he placed the picture down.

"Were you both SHIELD?" She asked. He shook his head.

"No.. I was Hydra. The right hand to Madam Hydra..." he said sadly. "I met her when she came on a mission to kill me. She hesitated when I hesitated to kill her. We made a deal and we began to work together... that relationship grew, grew to the point we were secretly engaged, and had a daughter. Neither one of us wanted to give up our positions... so we stayed where we were."

He looked at his hands and looked at the scars. "Until one mission where I broke her into a Hydra base... and at the same time, Madam found out about her being SHIELD." He held his head and teared up more.

"We fought Bucky, he shot me, while Madam forced me to watch him kill her right in front of me. They finished and left me there, to watch her die in my arms... I tried to kill Bucky, I almost did, but of course, he had the upper hand." He stood up and just looked out the window. He winced but ignored it.

"Probably sounds like every sob story... but I can't have that repeat. Not with my daughter... or you." He looked at Natasha and froze.

Natasha had tears going down her face. "N-Natasha..."

"I-I'm so sorry..." she walked over to him. She held hand, which of course he held back. "It's okay... and I understand if you tell Fury..." he said quietly

"I'm not telling Fury." She said quickly after him. His eyes widened. "Why?"

"Because you are a good man trying to protect everyone. Okay? I won't tell on someone who is simply doing what he needs to do, plus, this can help SHIELD too..." he was so shocked.


"No one will ever hear about this from me... I promise." She said as she smiled sadly at him. He teared up and just put his forehead against hers.

She reached up and rubbed his cheek with her hand. "I will keep this a secret till you're ready to tell anyone.."

"Natasha you don't-"

"Alex... I'm not going to let this repeat again.... okay? Just like you can't lose me, I can't lose you..."

"Why..." he said Tearing up. She looked at him.

"Because I.. I care for you. A lot. Maybe a bit too much. And you're a badass..." she chuckled.

"A badass?"

"I mean... you did flip off Steve Rogers, and he can beat the crap out of you." Alex just laughed and looked at her.

"Meh, I'd flip off Madam Hydra." She chuckled at that. "Oh I know... also, since when do you have widow bites?"

"Ah, Fury gave that to me. He wanted me to use them, and they are quite effective." He said with a surprised voice.

"Well, keep using them. We'll Match." Natasha teased.

"Now doesn't that sound fun? Two Widows on the battlefield?" She let go of his hand and sat on the couch.

"Hey, you'll be my protege. We just gotta give you a name and you'll be an Avenger, and maybe a new suit, that looks like mine." She smirked.

"Hm, maybe. I think I'll look too good in it." He said as he sat down. He winced a bit but smirked.

"Hm, I'll be counting on it." He raised a brow and chuckled. "You are something else, Nat."'

"That I am, so, ready to do this, double agent?" She extended her hand to him. He reached over and shook her hand.


Madam Hydra walked into Mysterios room. "Wake up Quentin."

Mysterio looked at her.

"Get ready. We're attacking SHIELD tomorrow." He looked shocked as he walked over to her.

"We don't have enough information to even go against them right now." He said.

"We do when we have an inside man." She smirked as she sat on his desk.

"I-hm... impressive." She handed him a disk. "Here's a new illusion I want used on Alexander by accident and Black Widow." He nodded and put them into his inventory.

"Got it."

Fury walked down the halls to an office. He knocked on the door and entered. "You're heading out onto the field tomorrow." He said to the man with the back turned to him.

Zemo turned in his chair and looked at him. "Yes sir. Sounds like fun."

Fury rolled his eyes as Zemo followed him. "So, what's the occasion?"

"Defense for thus building. We received a tip that someone is attacking one of our bases, so, you're working on defense for tomorrow." He said as he handed Zemo a file.

"Ah, fun... hydra I'm assuming?"

"Who else would we be fighting? Everyone has joined that cursed group, so yes... Hydra. We're going to need Alexander, Bucky and Steve tomorrow."

"Steve? He's alive?"

"Somehow, he is. Apparently, his attitude sucks even more now. Cant wait to see how he is when he isn't in control on the battlefield." Fury said dreading to have to deal with that.

This man hasn't been Captain America for awhile now. The world knows who Sam is, and the world is accepting it. He doesn't want to deal with this situation now.

"Fun..." zemo said.

"Yeah... fun."

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