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Bucky was in a separate room from Peter and Sam.

Sam didn't like that at all. After their last encounter with Mysterio, Bucky had been distant and going back to his cold self. Sam didn't understand but he had to focus on Peter.

Peter had just came out of surgery and being sent to recovery. They had to switch his clothes so that the world wouldn't be even more convinced that he was Spider Man.

Peter wasn't awake, and Sam was sitting by his bed as Rhodey walked in. "Is he alright?" Rhodey asked. Sam shrugged. "Hopefully... he has a concussion, more than one crack rib, one broken on, and a fractured leg." He said as he looked at him.

"Damn... poor kid." He said as he looked around the room. "Where's the robot?"

"I don't even know man... he won't let me get near him." He said as he watched Peter.

"You two fighting?" Rhodey said. Sam looked at him confused. "You say that like we're a couple.."

"You're not? I thought you two were." Rhodey said. Sam looked at him utterly surprised. "What made you think we're a couple?"

"Oh I don't know, the stolen glances, the touching, laughing, bickering like you're married etc." he said. Sam looked at Peter and sighed.

Rhodey did too. "Did... something happen?" He asked.

"Yes... twice it happened. We..." he was about to open up about it when Bucky walked in. "How's the kid?" He asked bluntly.

Bucky was clenching his fist in his pockets. He was really angry. He wanted to go check on Sam but he figured he was being watched during all of this.

He felt Sam looking at him. He walked over to Peter and looked at him worried. He rubbed his head and sighed. "Hey Sam.."

Sam looked up quick to look at him. "Yeah?"

"I'm um... going to not help you with this anymore. I'm also not going to be staying with you." He looked at him. Sam stood and frowned. "Why?"

"I'm gonna try and figure things out on my own... I don't need you to be involved anymore." Sam was surprised.

"Not involved? What happened with you? Am I not your friend anymore?" Sam said taking a step forward towards him. Bucky took a step to the side.

"Aren't we just co - workers?" He walked out and left the building as fast as he could. He grabbed his phone, feeling as if his chest was going to explode with anger. He pressed a name and waited.

"Yes Bucky?" It was Dr. Raynor.

"H-hey... can I come in? Please?" He said. He was gripping his chest.

She sensed the urgency. "Yes. Come on in now."

Sam stood there stunned. He sighed and sat down scooting over to Peter. "I got you kid..." Rhodey walked over next to him. "What happened between you two?"

Sam sat back. He was silent for a bit until he took a deep breath. "We kissed... twice." He smiled tiredly. "It felt great... we both loved it but... I guess he isn't interested."

Rhodey patted his back and sighed. "It'll get better... I promise."


Bucky walked into her office. "By the way, I'm wanted by the government so... yeah."

Dr. Raynor was surprised. "Why?" She asked as she sat down.

"Cause sam, the kid, and I are being framed for the break in at Stark Industries..." he sighed. He pulled his hoodie off and revealed his patched up gunshot wound and bruise under his eye. She walked over to him, worried about him.

"What happened?" She asked as she rubbed under his eye. She winced and sighed. "A lot... Mysterio is literally hunting me, and I don't feel safe at all. He, he told me to stay away from Sam or he would reveal something."

She grabbed her first aid kit as he spoke. "Reveal what?" She cleaned under his eye.

He teared up and stared at the ceiling. "We kissed..." he chuckled sadly. "Twice... I was so happy and excited but..." he clenched his fists and closed his eyes.

"That jerk threatened to reveal that Sam and I kissed to the media. I can't do that to Sam. He would become a target of harassment, and homophobia because of me. I've been through that, it's painful and depressing..." Dr. Raynor was shocked by this.

The man in front of her was heartbroken. She placed a bandage under his eye and lowered her hand.

"My son... was in the Air Force. His first boyfriend was a sweet teacher he met. But, some of his co workers threatened to tell his commander if he continued. He told them they couldn't control him, and well... they beat him up." Bucky looked at her slightly.

"He took it to his commander and told them what happened, and even mentioned his boyfriend in the face of someone who could ruin him. That commander turned out to be just like him, and everything got solved. He was moved to another squadron where he met a certain pararescuer." She said with a faint smile.

"Sam?" She nodded. "They were... close." She said with a soft smile. "The point of this story is to not be afraid, and to continue to be you even in the face of adversity."

Bucky looked at her. "I... I've never done this before. I've dated but I don't know how to do this..." she held his hands and chuckled. "No one ever knows kid." She said.

She messed up his hair and smiled softly. "Bucky... be happy okay? Talk to Sam about this, embrace the fact you're in love! You have someone you want to keep close to your heart. Be happy about it..." she said encouragingly.

He smiled softly and tiredly. He nodded. "I will... don't worry." She nodded. "Now, get some sleep. I'll block out the curtains okay?"

The tired man nodded as she handed him a blanket. She closed the curtains and turned on classical.

"Rest, Bucky."

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