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Mysterio realized he was in danger.

He angered a black widow. The only fighters on par with the Winter Soldier... and he angered one of the strongest.

Natasha wiped blood from her nose and chuckled darkly. "First you try to manipulate my mind into thinking my son is dead, then, you make me think the guy I happen to be falling for is dead. That's two strikes... wanna make a third before I beat the shit out of you, better yet... kill you?" She said as she looked at him.

Mysterio clenched his fists. "I was ordered by Madam Hydra to kill May." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"I know that... you definitely would not have done that on your own, but, it's the fact that you still killed her. An innocent woman..." Her steps were agonizingly slow as her  widow bites glowed.

Mysterio felt stuck in a web. Watching his murderer crawl up the web to kill him. To devour him to the point that no one knew he existed.

He was terrified.

In a panic he casted a bunch of illusions for her to avoid. She simply walked through them and shot the drones that casted them as Mysterio ran down the hall.

Natasha winced as she walked but she still had a mission.

To kill him.

Mysterio ran into a dark room. A room where he wouldn't be seen. He took his gear off so he would be able to move faster.

The sound of her steps resonated through the room as he was getting closer to the door when those steps stopped. He froze as he looked around for the widow.

Fear shot through him as he felt a tap on his shoulder. His head turned slowly as he saw the glow of red widow bites.

"Caught you..." she said as she pulled out her gun. Suddenly he tackled her and ran out of the room, speeding down the hallway as fast as he could. He dodged her shots as she raced after him.

Mysterio spun around and punched her. She fell holding her face. Suddenly, the sound of a gun cocking sounded behind Mysterio.

"Touch her again and I will kill you myself." Alex said as he aimed right at Mysterios head. Natasha looked at him, surprised by his answer. She stumbled forward and cuffed Mysterio.

"Dirty punch..." she said in annoyance as Alex shoved Mysterio forward with the gun still pointed at him. Alex walked over to Natasha and looked where Mysterio punched her. "We will ice you up when we get back."

Mysterio frowned as he watched them. Natasha just nodded tiredly at what he said.

Madam Hydra watched the cameras. Melina and Yelena were standing behind her. "Hm... she's fallen in love. The biggest weakness for a widow." She said as she start to see her camera go black. "Who's here..."

Natasha sat down as Alex reloaded his gun. He walked over to Natasha and extended a hand to her. She took it and stood up tiredly.

"Let's try and find Fury." He said. In a split second, he pushed Natasha away from him as he got tackled onto the debris by John Walker. Alex kicked his chest and proceeded to kick him off of him by the gut.

"You of all people aren't allowed to pin me down, John." Alex said with a smirk. He had to stall.

Natasha yelled and rushed at John shocking him with a widow bite. Alex pulled out two electrical poles and started hitting John with them, delivering shocks with every blow.

John yelled and threw Alex against the wall. John slammed Natasha to the ground holding her by her neck. She kicked at him to let her go. John gave an evil grin right before his face was pounded right into the ground.

"Sorry about the timing." A voice said.

Natasha gasped as John let go of her neck. She looked and saw Bucky recalibrate his arm just to pick John up and slam his face into the wall. "He's out so we need to go."

Alex helped Natasha and ran while Bucky dragged Mysterio with him. The group finally made it outside where SHIELD rescue services were arriving and medical personnel arrived.

Natasha and Alex went to the ambulance. The two sat down and started to get treated. Alex was placed on a stretcher as Natasha sat on a chair next to him.

Alex sat up and looked at her. She met his gaze and just smiled tiredly. "You alright?" She asked.

"Yeahhh... just kinda surprised my subordinates tried to fight us." He said.

"I mean... you did give them the wrong USB." She chuckled. Alex chuckled and nodded at that. "I guess I can't be the bad guy huh."

She looked at him and smiled softly at that. She stood up and faced him. He watched her closely, noticing a faint saddened expression on her face.

"Natasha? What's wrong?"

She almost didn't want to say it. She sighed and looked at him. "You... you almost died Alex. This is becoming too frequent all the while hydra is getting more and more aggressive..." she said slightly panicked.

Alex carefully took her hands into his and squeezed them. "Natasha... I'm alive right now. You kept me safe and I'm right here in front of you."

She placed her forehead against his and sighed. She looked at him and rubbed his cheek. As she stood there she averted her eyes. Alex sensed she got nervous.


"Can I?" He looked surprised by her request, but he smiled softly and nodded. She held his cheeks and kissed him carefully.

Alex smiled softly as she did.

"Hey, lovebirds, Fury needs to talk to you both." Bucky said as he smirked. Natasha jumped in surprise.

"Didn't expect me? Romanoff you're losing your touch." She punched his arm as she muttered in russia.

Bucky responded back and chuckled. She just laughed and continued.

Sam walked into the ambulance with Anne. Alex teared up and opened his arms as she ran over and hugged him.

She was safe.

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