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Mysterio looked at Zemo.

"You know what...." Mysterio said.

"I know how you've literally harassed a teenager to give up the evidence that once given to law enforcement could land you in jail quite frankly, for life." Zemo said.

"How do you know that..."

"It's everywhere! Except the news has been manipulated into thinking that you... are a hero." Zemo walked over to his seat and sat down.

"If I have to say, Quentin, that's quite pathetic for a man of your capabilities." He said.

"Call me Mysterio... not Quentin."

"I will not listen to the requests of a bully." Zemos gaze darkened. He sighed and got up. "You don't bully your way into a situation, you just go for it. You need to learn that, Quentin..."

Mysterio just turned and looked out the window.

Sam woke up at two a.m. He heard rustling come from outside his room. He groaned as he got up. He checked and saw Peter was still asleep on the couch.

Sam then looked at buckys room. He walked over and knocked on the door. The rustling suddenly stopped. The sound of someone rushing over to the door.

The door opened slightly and there was Bucky, his hair a mess and he looked like he had been awake since they got back.

"Are you okay?" Sam said as he tilted his head to get a better look at him through the crack in the door.

"I-um...." the man sighed and shook his head. "No... I, I had a nightmare." He welcomed Sam into his room.

Sam walked in and saw his arrangement on the floor. He frowned slightly. "Cant sleep on the mattress?"

"No... I can't.." Sam sighed. He went through the same thing after coming back from losing Riley. He couldn't sleep in his room, he couldn't even sleep on his bed. It was a struggle.

"Would you try to sleep on the bed, if I stayed in the room?" Sam said turning to look at him. Bucky looked at him and nodded.

Sam nodded. He motioned Bucky over and sat in the chair in the corner of the room. The sound of ran tapped against the window.

Bucky covered himself with a blanket and sank into the mattress. He felt like he was sinking... no... drowning.

It was too soft.

A flashback came to Bucky of him being lowered into the table that shocked his mind. He shot up holding his head and panting.

Sam immediately ran over to him. "Hey... hey. I'm here, take deep breaths." Bucky nodded slowly as he exercised his breathes. He put his head against Sams shoulder, taking those slow breaths.

"What happened?" Sam asked as he rubbed his back. Bucky stayed silent for a second. "Flashbacks... of my mind getting wiped." Bucky held onto Sam slightly, as if he was going to lose everything at this moment.

"Hey... you're safe now. You're with me, black widow, and spider man, you're good." Sam said as he pulled away and looked at him with a soft smile.

Bucky nodded. Bucky then looked at the bed, and scooted closer to the window. He looked back at Wilson and patted the spot next to him.

"I... I think I'll be able to relax a bit more with the presence of someone else with me. I think once I know I'm not going to drown, I'll be alright."

Sam sighed and nodded. He sat down and laid down looking at the ceiling. Bucky did the same as well next to him. Sam turned and looked at Bucky.

Bucky had his eyes closed As he laid on his back. Sam rubbed his cheek and smiled softly. Bucky looked at him slightly. "You good, Wilson?"

"Yes I am, Barnes." Sam said with a chuckle. Bucky smiled tiredly and also turned to face him. Bucky was quiet, and just looking at the man in front of him.

"What's wrong?" Sam said.

"Just... just worried about your cancer." Bucky said. Sam smiled softly at that, surprised he remembered that.

"It can't be helped... but, on a good note, the doctor did say I'm improving and I'm expected to make a full recovery." Sam said as he adjusted the blanket.

Bucky nodded. "Good... I'm glad you're gonna be okay." Sam chuckled and just kissed his cheek. "You need to worry about yourself, you have a habit of worrying too much."

"But it's for a good reason. Your cancer is serious, I just want to be capable of protecting you from something. But you like to be stubborn" Bucky said.

"Why thank you." Sam smirked.

Bucky rolled his eyes. "Not a compliment."

"Really? Could've had me fooled." He chuckled. Bucky just chuckled slightly.

"Well, ready to see if you can fall asleep?" Sam said as he pulled a blanket over the two of them. Bucky nodded.

Sam laid down and faced away from him. Bucky looked at him as he faced away. He reached over and touched his back. Sam flinched slightly.

"You okay?" Sam asked. Bucky nodded.

"Just making sure I'm not hallucinating again." Bucky said. Sam chuckled softly. "Don't worry, even if you were, I'd come get you. Okay?"

"Okay..." Bucky said quietly. He reached over and kissed the back of his neck. "Night Sam."

"Night Bucky."

The next morning, Natasha woke up first. She noticed Sam wasn't asleep where he was the night before. She smiled softly knowing where he is

She got up and tiptoed across the apartment to Buckys room. She cracked the door open and saw Sam and Bucky sleeping. Bucky had his head against Sams back and had his arm outstretched over him.

Peter yawned as he walked over. "What are you- "
He saw Bucky ( who he didn't know was back)

"Woah..." he said.

"That is the best word to say kid..." she said. She smiled and sighed. "Want some breakfast kid?"

"Yes." He said as she closed the door.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Pancakes." He said. She just chuckled.

"You really are a kid."

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