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Sam woke up with a jolt. He sat up quickly. Peter and Natasha were sitting by his bed.

"Sam! Are you okay? Did the assassin hurt you at all?" Peter said with a panic. Sam shook his head. He held the spot where Bucky had pressed the pressure point.

"The assassin..." he held his head. "He was Bucky..." he was so shocked.

"That was him?! His whole style changed..." Peter said.

"Yes... cause Hydra has a new Leader..." he said as he got out of the bed. Natasha ran over and made sure he didn't fall. "Can you verify it was him..."

"Only by voice and touch. That's it.." he said as he stood up straight. He looked out the window again. That feeling of being watched was there, but this time it wasn't Bucky.

"Who's watching us?" Sam said. "Shield Agents... we have the entire Shield building on lockdown while Nick has his surgery." Natasha said.

Sam nodded. Peter walked over to him. "You need to rest."

"I can't now... he's so close, and he's..." Sam sighed as he turned. "I need my meds... I'm sorry." Natasha went through his bag and handed them to him.

"Sam, you can't just run into battle cause you found him." Natasha said. Sam took his meds and sighed. "Didn't you do the Same with Yelena when you found out she was alive?"

She looked at him and sighed. "You're not wrong..." sam knew he wasn't wrong. "Where's fury."

"Probably out of surgery now. You can go see him now." Sam nodded and walked down the hall to the recovery ward. He entered we saw a very awake Nick Fury.

Sam chuckled as he walked over. "Did you even go under?" He asked.

"No, cause apparently, they just needed to reach in there, grab it, all without painkillers." He said with annoyance.  Sam smiled faintly.

"I'm assuming... you're coming here for permission to go get your boyfriend?" Nick said as he sat up. Sam nodded. "I'm asking first."

"Isn't that new..." Nick said. He sighed and looked at him. "Don't get killed... okay?" Sam nodded. "I wont."

Sam walked out as Peter was walking towards him. "Are we going?" Peter asked.

"Yes we are". Sam said. Peter turned and walked with him waving his hand to Natasha who continued to go see Nick.

She entered and smiled softly. "How are you?" She said. He looked at her and smiled tiredly. "Tired..."

"I imagine." She sat by his bed and looked at him. "You hardly get shot." She said with a smirk. He laughed slightly. "It's quite hard to do so when there's a smoke screen."

She rolled her eyes. "Just glad you're okay." She said quietly.

He chuckled and patted her head. "I'll always be okay."

Bucky  was chained up and dropped in front of Madam Hydra. "What. Is. Wrong. With. You...." she said to the man in front of her. He didn't say a word.

She yanked him up and glared at him. "Are you mute?" She turned to Mysterio.

"Don't look at me, I don't know how to fix him." He said. She shoved Bucky to the ground. "Guards, give the command to the legion. Send out all assassins besides the Winter Soldier after the captain and that damned spider." She yelled.

Mysterio looked at Bucky. Bucky looked at him blankly. Bucky looked down at the ground. He knew what was going to happen...

The guards pulled him up to look at her. "Since you won't talk, we will wipe everything from your mind once again." Bucky looked down. He clenched his fists as they dragged him down to the room he was oh so familiar with.

They chained him to the chair and laid him back. He stared blankly at the ceiling. "Why can't I go home..." he said.

Madam Hydra turned and looked at him in surprised. "It talks..." she walked over. "What was your question, Zoldat?"

"I... I know I have a home. I know I had a life, but... why can't I go home? What did I do to deserve being in a frightening place like this..." Bucky said. She laughed.

"Ever since WWII you never had a place to go... even if you think you made a life afterwards, it doesn't matter. You're always the winter soldier." She said.

Bucky clenched his fists. "I remember my time the first time around.... It hurt. A lot." The guard lowered the contraption over his head. He teared up as he stared at the ceiling, anger in his expression.

"Anything to say, winter soldier?"

He looked right at her. He turned his gaze. "Well, I don't want you talking too much anymore. Shock him." She turned and they activated the machine. He cried out in pain.

His interaction with Sam stuck with him. He held onto it for dear life, not even really knowing why. He just had to pray for it to end.

Hours went by. He was dropped into his cell. He stumbled and fell. He held his head, he was crying but not even knowing why.

"W-why..." he mumbled.

Sam was in his jet getting his gear on.

"So, how do you know where to find him?" Peter said as he walked into the jet and took off his mask.

"Well, I tagged him when I tackled him. I expected him to be a normal assassin, but... he wasn't so I'm glad I tagged him."

He turned on the jet and the computer. A map appeared and a red dot appeared on the screen. "He's in Berlin. Which is odd for Hydra." Sam landed then jet in the woods and looked at Peter.

"Youre going to be encountering Hydra for the first time. Are you sure you wanna do this with me?" Sam said as he put his shield on his back.

Peter nodded and put his mask on. "Of course... you two saved my life, time to save him now."

"Alright... let's do this."

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