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The debris settled. The three were couching from the dust but they quickly pushed the debris from the door and got outside. Bucky hijacked a car and got everyone in, driving away as fast as he could.

Peter fell asleep in the back seat under Buckys jacket. Sam looked at Bucky as he drove. He saw the bruise on the side of his head.

Sam reached over and rubbed it gently. Bucky winced slightly but relaxed eventually.

"You okay?" Sam said. He looked him up and down and saw plenty of injuries and bruises. "I'll heal. How are you?" Bucky asked.

"Not great but I'll survive. I'm gonna have to take a break so Rhodey got you, me, and Peter a safe house under false identities and names." He said as lowered his hand.

"Nice. I'm glad you'll be able to rest." Bucky said as he made his way back into the busy streets of New York.

"We're picking up Dr. Raynor... I'm Not leaving her at the hospital while Mysterio knows she has a connection to us." Sam said. Bucky nodded but glanced at him.

"What's your... um connection to her." Bucky asked curiously. He truly didn't know.

"Oh, she's my mother in law. My ... my fiancé's mother." Bucky was faintly surprised.

"I'm sure your fiancé was an amazing person." Bucky said. Sam just nodded. "Yeah... they were..."

They pulled up to the hospital. Dr. Raynor was already out there waiting. She hopped into their car and Bucky drove off. She handed Sam the necklace back and immediately checked on Peter who was still asleep.

"You two okay?" She asked as she covered him with another jacket.

"I'm alright." Sam said. "Just tired." Dr. Raynor nodded and then looked at Bucky.

"Buck?" He nodded. "I'm alright." He said as he drove. Sam looked at him knowing something wasnt alright but he didn't press.

He just put the address into the GPS. "Here, this is the address to the safe house." Bucky just started to drive there not saying a word.

Sam turned his head while he was worried. Raynor was worried but rested her eyes.

Eventually everyone got where they needed to be. Dr. Raynor took Peter in. Sam got out but noticed Bucky was still in his seat.

Sam walked around and opened the car door for him. "Buck?" Bucky looked at him.

"What's up?" Bucky said. Sam held his face gently as he noticed the scars and bruises on his face again. Bucky knew he couldn't keep it from him.

"He got into my head... really badly. It was not great. Winter Soldier came out a bit and had a bit of a fit with Mysterio." Bucky looked defeated and disappointed with what happened.

Sam pulled him out carefully and held his face carefully. "Who are you..." he said.

"Bucky Barnes..." he said as he relaxed at the feeling of Sam holding him.

"And what are you?" Sam said with a small smile.

"An avenger." Bucky said with a slight smile. "And don't you forget it." Sam said. Bucky nodded as Sam pulled his hands away. "Alright... let's get inside out of the rain."

Bucky walked inside. He dragged himself to the bathroom and dried his hair off, standing in front of the mirror. He looked at the mirror and saw the Winter Soldier.

He backed himself into the wall and shook his head. His reflection went back to normal. He had a faint panic. He gripped his hair and walked out.

Sam was walking over to him but he walked right past him and went to his room. Sam turned and watched him. He just went to the bathroom and started the shower.

Peter was in his room. He still had his phone some how so he called MJ.

"Hello? Peter!?"

"Hey... hey MJ." He said with a faint smile.

"Oh my gosh.. are you okay!? I haven't heard from you in like a week..." she said as he heard another voice with her.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just tired. Who's with you?" He asked as he laid down.

"Neds here with me. We've been trying to figure out where the hell you could possibly-"

"PETER! BRO! Are you okay!?" Ned said as he stole MJs phone.

"Yeah I'm alright. I'm not going to call again for awhile. I'm in hiding since I'm technically a fugitive with Sam and Bucky. I'll be back soon okay?" Ned nodded.


"Good. I'll see you guys later." He hung up and sighed. He covered his head with a pillow and took deep breaths as he focused on the fact that he was sorta safe now.

Dr. Raynor was downstairs somehow making food, while one arm was in a sling. Peter walked down there and peeked his head in.

She looked up and saw him. "Hey kid. You alright?" She asked as he walked in. He had a bruise on his cheek and knuckles. "Yeah... I feel beat up."

She nodded as she filled a bag with ice. "That's normal. You did get beat up." she handed it to him, which he took thankfully.

"So... how are you feeling?" She asked as she adjusted her pots on the stove. "Well... I'm feeling tired... stressed. I'm all over the place." She nodded as she turned off the stove.

"That is completely normal. Especially for a kid in your field of work." She said as she filled a bowl with food.

"The only way to cure that sometimes..." she said as she put the bowl in front of him. "Is to just rest. You've been through a lot this week, you and Sam both need to rest. Even Bucky too." She said as she sat down.

Peter nodded as he looked at his food. "How are the two of them?" He asked trying to turn the conversation away from him.

"They're getting through somethings and are being clueless as ever." She said with a chuckle.

Peter just smiled. "Is that considered normal for them?"

Learning Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora