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Bucky roamed around until he found Sam. He was talking to some police and officials who came over as back up.

Sam was in his Captain America suit as he spoke to them. Bucky smiled softly watching him, seeing him become even more of a leader than he was so long ago.

Bucky had this awful gut feeling though. As if... something might go wrong. Despite everything going right, it just feels like something is due to go wrong.

Sam finishes speaking to the people and turns to see Bucky. Sam smiles and motions him over. Bucky rolls his eyes and goes over to him. "Now, why are you staring at me?" Sam asked teasingly.

"I can't gaze at your beauty?" Bucky asked as he tilted his head to the side. Sam just chuckled and kissed his cheek. "Dumb ass."

"A cute dumb ass excuse you." Bucky said as he looked at him. Sam looked him up and down.


Bucky just laughed. He reached over and held his hand. "Ready to go home..."

"Home... the hospital? Yes. Gotta get another round of treatment." Bucky nodded as he looked at him. Sam was looking a little better, but he seemed so tired.

Just exhausted.

Madam Hydra walked into the base causally as Yelena and John walked behind her.

John was enraged that Quentin was taken. "Madam, I hope I'm not overstepping my boundaries but why the hell did you allow Mysterio to be taken!? You said so yourself that you could've stopped them!" He said yanking her arm.

She spun around and kicked and punched him away from her. "I could... but this is apart of the plan. Mysterio is going to infiltrate while we bring down Captain America in a area of interest that could hurt him." She said as she pulled out a vial.

"This is Bucky's blood. Since he's a super soldier, it's hard to poison him in a way to kill him. But, we found a loop hole in his genetic programming. So, if we poison Bucky while negotiating with Captain... we can get what we want." She smirked.

"And what exactly do you want..." John said in annoyance.

"Power. With Captain America and the White wolf out of the way it opens up for a lot of black market, and other deals to start." Yelena said.

"So... you want more control of the city and the underground to do what..." John asked.

Madam groaned in annoyance and looked at Yelena. "Don't date a man... this is why. They're so stupid. John... I'm doing this to conquer the planet, implement hydra all over again. Got that?" She said as she walked into her warehouse.

She saw people below being experimented on. "And this little army here, will be able to be full scale underground." She smirked.

John was shocked by this. Yelena watched the two carefully and then down at the people being mind controlled. The same technology that made her obey Madams every word...

"Yelena... go to your quarters. You're done for the day." Madam said. Yelena turned and went to go to her quarters. She wanted to disobey so badly... oh so badly but she couldn't.

"When are you administering the toxin." John said. Madam turned and looked at him and smirked. "En route. John... you have no idea who I still work with. You really think that Alexander still doesn't work for me?"

John raised his brow.

"He has a girlfriend and a daughter. Two people I have targets on. He has no idea it's a toxin he has to give Bucky but... he's going to do it. He's a desperate man...." She smirked as she sighed.

"Manipulating people is satisfying."

Alex looked at the toxin in his hand. He placed the minuscule device on his hand as Anne sat across from him. "Papa... what's that."

"This... is papas medicine. Stay here okay?" She nodded as he walked out. He limped over to where Bucky, Sam, And Natasha were.

He stumbled as Bucky noticed him. Bucky caught him. Alex gripped his arm and administer the toxin. "You okay man?" Bucky asked.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Alex said tiredly.


He was good at that. Natasha helped him stand

John looked at Madam. "How long should it take for the toxin to take effect?"

"About a minute. And since he got injured while fighting you, they would think the toxin or whatever is hurting him started there."

John nodded at the plan. "Side effects?"

"Pain in chest, dizziness, struggling to breathe, coughing up blood, etc. those are the simpler side effects. But, he most likely will have the worst symptoms."

Alex noticed Bucky started to cough.

Sam looked at him. "You okay?" He looked at him.

"Y-yeah..." Bucky said quietly. As he said that, it got worse. He coughed harshly into his hand. He looked at his hand and saw the blood.

Natasha looked over. Her eyes widened. "What-"

Bucky gripped his chest and stumbled forward. He couldn't breathe. His vision was getting worse. Alex checked his pulse.

"His heart is racing!" Bucky gripped Sams wrist slightly as he fell to the ground. Natasha and Sam dropped to his side as Alex dropped next to him.

Bucky hands were shaking as blood was on the side of his mouth. He could hardly breathe as well. Sam screamed for a medic as Alex pretended to help.

A medic ran over and placed an oxygen mask over Buckys face. Bucky gasped for breath as he looked at Sam.

"Y-you're gonna be okay." Sam said.

John nodded slightly. "How long will it take to kill him?" He asked.

"Awhile but... we will show up and make things worse. You see, Bucky was in a way, filling in for Sam at the hospital. Now Bucky will be in critical care while Sam is also needing to heal..." She smirked.

"And a sick man is easier to kill than one who is healthy. It may seem harsh, but it is in some cases, necessary."

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