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The whole evening went well.

Bucky asked Sam questions about small things. He was mostly curious about how he got rescued from Hydra, and what he Did after Steve left.

"Well... when Steve left, you and I did a bunch of stuff together." Sam said as he drank some water. Bucky was sitting on the floor listening.

"Hm.. interesting. What did we did?" Bucky said as Natasha braided Bucky now very long hair.

"We stopped a terrorist group, we also lead the avengers together, and some other stuff." Sam said as he watched Bucky slightly.

Bucky nodded slightly. "Was I happy?" He asked quietly. Sam smiled softly and nodded. "Yes... yes you were."

Bucky nodded once again. Natasha finished braiding his hair. "Thank, I'm going to get ready for bed." He got up and went to his room, Closing the door behind him.

Sam sighed as he got up. Natasha looked at him. "You look conflicted."

"I am, I have no idea how to approach the subject of us, and everything that happened. I just don't know how to do it." He said as he held his head.

As he said that Bucky came out of his room. "Um, I don't have any clothes... that isn't tactical gear."Sam looked at him. "Oh, would you like to go to the store and get some?"

Bucky nodded. Sam nodded and grabbed his umbrella and jacket. "We're going to walk, it's only 5 minutes away." Bucky nodded . He grabbed his jacket and followed him.

"See yah in a bit Natasha." She nodded. "I'll be asleep when you get back." She waved and went to Sams room.

The two walked out into the rain under an umbrella. Bucky started to walk out into the rain, ahead of Sam. "Aren't you going to walk under the umbrella?" Sam said with a chuckle.

Bucky looked at him surprised and slowed down as he walked next to him. He stayed next to him as they walked.

"So... why'd you choose to walk In the rain?" Bucky said as he seemed to relax. "Because you would relax in the rain. That's... that's what we used to do when you were stressed back then."

Bucky smiled softly at that. "I used to listen to the rain when I was in my cell. It was what kept me sane."

Sam smiled softly. "I'm glad some of the things in your life that you enjoyed, stayed with you while you were there." Bucky smiled softly as they got to the store.

Sam closed his umbrella and walked in. Bucky followed behind him.

He realized he hates being in stores. His anxiety picked up as he walked through the retail store. He felt the same way he did at the computer store.

Sam didn't notice yet cause he was trying to find the clothing section. "Buck you oka-" he turned and saw bcuky wasn't moving.

Sam walked over to him. "Hey? You okay?" Bucky nodded slightly. "Do you want to go, we can go if you're uncomfortable."

"No... I'm good." Bucky said. "Let's... just get some clothes." He said with a tired smile.

Sam didn't want to stay here with him like that but Bucky did need clothes. His wouldnt fit him so he continued to shop, staying right next to him.

Bucky felt relaxed as he stayed by him. He didn't understand why but he did. Sam motioned him to come look at a red shirt. Bucky nodded as he looked at it, but he found his gaze going towards to Sam.

Sam grabbed a couple more of the same shirt. He motioned Bucky to follow him to the other section. Bucky smiled just looking at him. Sam stopped and looked at him.


Bucky just walked over. "Sorry, I'm just tired. What else would you like to show me?" Sam chuckled slightly, "Wanna look at hoodies?"

"Sure, why not." Sam walked ahead of him looking at black and red hoodies. "What color do you want?"

"I was thinking dark blue."

"Blue? To Match those eyes of yours?" Sam said turning to tease him.

Bucky just laughed. "I forgot they were blue. Thanks for the reminder. And no, I just like blue." Sam chuckled. "How do you forget what color your eyes are?"

Bucky shrugged as he looked at the clothes in front of him. "Who knows.. maybe my gears up here aren't working as well." Sam just laughed.

"Don't use my jokes against-" Sam looked at him. "You remember that joke?" Sam said looking at him surprised.

"Vaguely... but some things are coming back." Bucky said with a chuckle. Sam smiled softly at that. "Good."

The two roamed around the store for awhile longer, getting him all the clothes he needed and more. Bucky relaxed as he walked with Sam.

He was surprised his fears disappeared around him and Natasha. It made him feel somewhat whole again.

The duo went to go check out but Bucky had gotten distracted and was roaming around an aisle. He looked up to show Sam something but noticed he wasn't there.

He froze slightly, but then started to look for him. He walked down an aisle looking for him. He remembered the advice that Natasha had given him when he felt anxious in public.

He took deep breaths as he walked around he eventually found Sam. He had his back to Bucky. Bucky just walked over and grabbed his hand. He put his head against his shoulder.

Sam flinched slightly but looked slightly. "You okay?"

"Just... don't move okay?" Bucky said quietly. Sam nodded. He squeezed his hand slightly and just stood there as he looked at some other foods.

"Do you want some snacks Bucky?" Sam said calmly. Bucky still hadn't moved. "Do they have... wafers?"

"Yes they do. What flavor do you want?" Sam said as he looked at the flavors.

"Strawberry..." Sam grabbed that flavor and but it into his basket.

"Ready to go home?"

"Yeah... let's go."

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