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Natasha started her car and called Sam.

Bucky stayed silent. He pulled his hoodie over his head as he looked out the window.

"You on your way?" Sam said as he answered. Bucky glanced at the phone slightly, recognizing the voice.

"Yes I am, but I have a friend with me." She said as she pulled onto the main road. "A friend?" Sam said.

"I got Bucky, Sam." She said. Sam didn't say anything. "You're... joking?" Sam said.

"No, Fury send me on a mission to retrieve him but I'm bringing him to you first." She said. Sam was still in shock.

"I'll get you a room ready and food ready as well." He hung up.

Sam was shocked. "He's in the states already... actually no, I'm not surprised." He quickly ordered some food and got the other spare room ready for Bucky.

A few minutes went by and there was a knock at the door. Sam went over and opened it. He was greeted by Natasha and Bucky who was staying behind her.

"Hey..." she walked in and ushered Bucky in. Peter was still asleep.

Sam looked at Bucky. "Are you okay? Did you get Injured?" He said worryingly. Bucky just looked at him and shook his head.

"I'm... I'm okay." Bucky said. Sam sighed in relief. "Well, food is on its way, Natasha you're sharing a room with me, and Bucky I have a room for you."

He motioned him to follow him. Bucky followed behind as Sam opened the door to Buckys room. Bucky walked in.

He had been so used to prison cells that he thought this was going to be a cell. "It has.... a window." Bucky said as he walked over to it. Sam watched him slightly.

"Um... yeah. It does." Sam said as he leaned against the door. Bucky smiled ever so slightly. "I can see a lot." Sam walked over to him.

"At night, you see a lot of stars from here. I think you'll enjoy it." He said as he sat next to him cautiously, making sure to read the cues coming from him.

Bucky sensed a familiarity with him. So, he didn't panic at all. Bucky looked at him, and then pulled out the picture from his pocket.

He turned the photo towards Sam. "Can I see this full photo?" Bucky said. Sam nodded.

He pulled out his phone and pressed his favorite photos. He showed him the picture. It was a picture of Sam and Bucky posing together, Sam was looking at the camera but Bucky was looking at Sam with the most loving smile on his face.

Bucky held the phone and looked at the picture. "What... what was I to you?" Sam looked at him surprised by that question.

"Um..." Sam said. He didn't know if right now was the time to tell him. "I don't know if I should tell you that right now. I don't want to overwhelm you with everything."

Bucky sighed and nodded. "Good idea... I don't
Even remember you all that clearly." That broke Sams heart but he understood. Sam got up and grabbed his computer. He walked over to him and turned it on and went to google.

"Maybe this will help you remember yourself fully." He typed in James Buchanan Barnes and Steve Rogers. Bucky looked at the informational page and started to read.

Sam walked out and went to his room where Natasha was stealing his clothes. "Like my shirts?" Sam said with a chuckle.

"Eh yeah. Quite comfortable." She said as she pulled a shirt on. Sam looked at his phone. She finished getting changed and sat by him on the bed. "So... did he say anything?"

"Nope. I'm letting him read a page about him and Steve so he can remember some stuff." He lowered his phone and sighed.

She sighed and put her head on his shoulder. "It'll all work out Sam..." Sam nodded. "I know... I'm just more worried about all the progress he had made and all the trust he had made."

"I know... it's hard to see how outgoing and confident he was and now... he's the opposite. I found in him in the store... it's like when we first found him."

"Yeah..." Sam sighed at that.

There was a knock at the door. Natasha got off the bed and pulled out her wallet. "I'll pay for the food. What did you order?"

"Some Thai food." He said. She nodded and walked out.

Bucky finished reading the whole page. He remembered all that. He remembered being taken by Hydra in WWII, he remembered being saved by Sam, Steve, and Natasha, he remembered the snap.... he remembered Steve leaving him. He remembered everything up until...

3 years ago.

He got up and peeked his head out and saw Sam and Natasha talking. "Sam..." bcuky said. Sam turned and looked at him.

"What's up?"

"Um, so... I remember everything from 1918 all the way to... about 3 years ago.. but I feel like there is still something missing." Sam understood.

"Well, you are missing three to four years of information... how about we try and talk about it after you eat. You look a tad pale and it might be because you haven't eaten."

"I haven't eaten in about 4 days." Bucky blurted out. Natasha handed him a bowl of rice and dragged him over to the table.

"You need to eat. You'll feel much better."

Sam and Natasha started to eat and talk, just giving him a second to get used to everything.

Bucky sat there. Not used to the familiar feeling from everyone. He looked at the food and scooped some up from the boxes into his bowl of rice.

He copied how Natasha and Sam made their bowls as they ate. He hadn't had this in so long. He mixed it and took a small bite.

His eyes lit up as he ate. He smiled to himself as he did."

"I remember this..."

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