You're Undead To Me: True Colors

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"Did you now?" she said, tilting her head. "Yeah, I mean, you did invite us over for dinner last week, and then Damon showed up and unleashed chaos and it was sort of ruined," Dean reminded.

Elena blinked in disbelief. "That's what this is?"

"Well, that and we wanted to apologize for lying to you earlier," Stefan added.

"By cooking me dinner?" Elena questioned.

"Well, Dean told me that chicken Parmesan is one of your favorites, and I happen to be a good cook," Stefan began. "Ahem!" Dean cleared his throat dramatically. "He means we. But he's right. Those Italian roots of his give him an unfair advantage, Mr. "I-can-even-make-my-own-homemade-mozzarella"."

Stefan smirked fondly, and said, "Yes, well, unfortunately, tonight, it is store-bought."

"I don't know what you guys are trying to accomplish," Elena stammered.

"This was my idea, Elena," Stefan informed. "I guess this was an easier way for me to open up to you."

"Also, I kinda figured that if you were gonna dump me, I might as well get a meal out of it," Dean joked, causing his girlfriend to smile slightly. "And I wanted to let you know more about me, too."

"Well, then," Stefan breathed. "Let's start with Katherine."

"Stefan," Elena voiced.

"She was... the most beautiful girl I ever met," he admitted. "She had this perfect olive skin and this laugh that was ridiculous and infectious. I mean, her laugh made you laugh. She was fun, and she knew how to have a good time, but Katherine was also very impatient and entitled, and selfish, and impulsive."

Elena was so enraptured by Stefan's tale, as she sat down on one of the stools and leaned against the counter, listening intently. "Enter Damon. He claims that he was with her first. I don't know," Stefan continued, as he resumed chopping up ingredients. "I do know that I did some things that... I'm not proud of. And my biggest regret is not being able to make it right before she died. I miss her, but I'm no longer crippled by her loss."


"It's very nice what you did for Stefan and Dean," Vicki gleamed. "Well, I was feeling romantic," Jeremy blushed.

Vicki faltered slightly at the younger boy's words. What did he mean by that? She did NOT mean for this conversation to start up.

Thinking on her feet, Vicki pulled out a small orange pharmacy vial that she was holding behind her back. "Look what I found?" she smirked, as she went to go sit at Jeremy's desk. "'To Elena Gilbert: take one tablet every 4 to 6 hours, as needed for pain.'"

"Those must have been leftover from the car accident," Jeremy remarked. "So she won't miss 'em," Vicki snarked, pouring the pills out onto the desk. She reached over to grab the Gilbert pocketwatch to grind the pills into powder when Jeremy stopped her. "Don't use that, it's an antique," he pleaded. She shrugged and handed it to him, and searched for something else to use. When she did, she crushed the pills into a fine powder.

"I feel like we're always getting high," Jeremy exhaled. Vicki looked up from what she was doing and smiled, "That's the beauty of choice."

"Well, then let's choose not to," Jeremy suggested. "I mean, we don't have to be high all the time, right?"

The drug addict narrowed her eyes dubiously. "I really hope you're not one of those guys who, now that we're together, tries to change everything about me," she groaned.

Jeremy winced internally and sagged his shoulders. "No," he replied.

The smirk she wore from earlier returned to her face, as she said, "Good," before resuming her druggie handiwork.

The Supernatural Diaries {Book One}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن