You're Undead To Me: Stefan I

Start from the beginning

How did this happen? I made sure that I only spiked Caroline's drink with vervain. Hemlock and Belladonna haven't grown in Mystic Falls for almost a century, and even then, they are rare plants. You can't just buy them at the flower and herb shop. That's not even mentioning how careful and experienced you have to be when mixing the volatile herbs to create the supernatural toxin.

So then, how the hell did Damon get poisoned by Umraëc when the only person who knew how to find and make it... is dead?

* * *

Zach nearly kicked down the door to his medical office, as the three of us rushed in. "Lay him down on the table and remove his shirt," Zach ordered, as he scrambled through all of his equipment in search of his knows what. I quickly went about doing as he instructed, carefully scooping my brother off his feet and laying him on the cold metal table before tearing off the remains of his shirt, nearly fainting from the atrocious sight.

Despite my keen eyesight, it was difficult to see how bad his condition was under the dim lighting from the dungeon. But underneath the intense fluorescent light of Zach's office, I could see just how bad my brother looked. His skin was a grayish-green, and his lips were ash blue. The cuts along his chest were jagged and uneven, almost like the individual who did this had a vendetta against him. The stench of the Umraëc steam coming off the open wounds filled the room and the black and red blood bubbled and spurted out uncontrollably, as blackish-purple veins continued to spread across his entire body.

"Zach!" I urged.

In response to my desperation, Zach shoved me out of the way and jammed a syringe into his neck that was full of- hold on. "You're shooting him up with more vervain?" I balked. "Are you insane? That'll kill him!"

"Under normal circumstances, yes," Zach agreed, as the golden liquid slowly emptied the syringe. "But right now, this might be the only thing capable of saving his life."

"How do you figure that?" I asked.

A moment later, Damon shouted wildly, startling us both. "Hold him down!" Zach snapped. I used all my strength to keep him steady until every last drop of vervain was emptied into my brother. Once that was done, Zach removed the needle from Damon's carotid artery and set the syringe down, grabbed Damon's flailing arms, and secured them with the reinforced steel cuffs attached to the side of the operating table. Then he stepped back and motioned for me to do the same.

I let go of my brother, only for him to start thrashing like a caged animal. "This isn't working," I lamented worriedly. I was about to try feeding him my blood when Zach put a hand on my chest to stop me. "Wait a second. Look," he implored, pointing at my brother who was slowly coming down from his seizure.

The excess veins bulging out of Damon's upper body and face were receding, as the last fumes of steam faded from his slowly healing wounds (well, slow by our standards), and his blood returned to its natural ruby color. His skin tone was coming back to normal, his cyanide blue lips were falling back to their pale pink shade, and his breathing was starting to level out again.

I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding. He was going to live.

My brother was going to be okay.

"Hey," Zach chimed. "I don't mean to put a damper on this situation but we need to get him back to his cell before he wakes up."

And just like that, the moment, whatever the "moment" was, was gone.

My sigh of relief had turned to one of disappointment, as I said, "Your right. Let's get him back to the dungeon."


Extra Information:

HEMLOCK- colloquially known as Conium maculatum, poison hemlock, or wild hemlock is a highly poisonous biennial herbaceous flowering plant that is native to Europe and North Africa. According to legend, this plant became poisonous after growing on the hillside of Calvary where Jesus was crucified. When his blood touched the plant, it turned forever toxic.

BELLADONNA- colloquially known as Atropa belladonna or deadly nightshade, Belladonna is a toxic perennial herbaceous plant in the nightshade family Solanaceae. It is also native to Europe and North Africa, and Western Asia. It is known throughout legend and folklore as being used by witches as a way to end the lives of mortals. It was also used as a hallucinogenic drug that dilated the pupils.

UMRAËC (pronounced: YOUm • rEYEk)- is a concoction of Hemlock and Belladonna that has adverse (but non-lethal) effects on Campbell Hunters. However, it is the only supernatural poison that can kill a vampire, werewolf, or witch if they are exposed to enough of it. The last people to know how to grow this plant were the Campbells in 1864. When used by an expert, Umraëc can also be used to tether spirits to a physical talisman in the real world.

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