Chapter 26

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I'm seeing the world in a new light as Yoongi drives us to the police station. I remember everything now. I remember driving two hours away from my house to deliver my painting to the 'Wings' gallery. It was one of the most prestigious art galleries within two thousand miles. I finally got invited to show my work there and I remember the excitement that took over my body when I got the call.

Unfortunately, my opportunity was ripped from my grasp. When I was met with a thief and a dark twist of fate. Park Jimin didn't just take my favorite painting away; he took away my identity for two weeks and it could have ruined my marriage with Yoongi. He was going to pay. I'd do everything in my power to make sure he was locked away for the longest time possible. I'd hire the best lawyer that Yoongi and I could afford.

Our financial situation wasn't bad, we were both comfortable. Yoongi wrote and composed songs for people and sometimes he was paid well and others he was barely compensated. He was so talented though, that was for certain.

I did okay with my paintings. I sold them easily to people over the internet. But when the Wings Gallery finally contacted me, a whole new world opened for me. So, I grabbed my favorite painting and drove it to the gallery myself.

That painting I believed to be my best because I poured all my love and emotion into it. It was a portrait of Yoongi when I met him. When his depression was at the highest point, and he suffered from many other mental disorders.

With every brush stroke, I infused every story Yoongi told me about his past. About how he would hide himself in a bathroom, petrified with social anxiety. Or how he didn't care whether he lived or died. He was indifferent about his existence. But then he met me, and I can honestly say he changed for the better. He was what I needed, and I was what he needed. Fate brought us together.

I reach over and hold Yoongi's free hand as he drives. "I'm glad to be back," I tell him with a loving smile. He glances over at me and smirks. "Me too, that was one of the hardest things to do. You looked at me so blankly, you only saw a stranger in me, it was eerie. Let's never do that again." He chuckles softly as he says the last sentence. I nod in agreeance.

We arrived at the station and Yoongi parks his car. He lifts my hand and kisses the back of it before letting it go. "Let's get this bastard." I smile and nod. We step out of the car and stroll towards the precinct.

When we enter, some of the officers immediately recognize us. I bet our story was an interesting one. A Jane Doe who appeared in a hospital badly beaten and robbed. Her husband desperately searching for her and when he finally finds her, she has amnesia and doesn't know him. It had to be one of the best cases they handled, story wise that is.

A tall man with a young face and large round eyes approaches us. His blonde, longer hair bouncing with each of his steps. "Mr. and Mrs. Min, I'm Officer Jeon, I'll take you to identify the perp." I give him an appreciative smile. "Thanks."

Following behind Officer Jeon, he guides us into an empty, dark grey painted room with a large glass window. The young officer presses a button on the wall and announces. "Send them in." After he releases the button a group of five men slowly enter the other room and I watch through the glass as each one flows in. Then my heart stops at the third man.

That was him, I'd know those hooded eyes anywhere. They looked dead, lifeless. Whatever led him down this path of thievery was probably a sad tale. But I couldn't feel sympathy now, no. He fucked with the wrong girl.

"The middle one." I say emotionlessly before the last man even walks in. Officer Jeon shoots me an incredulous look. "You are certain?" I look at him seriously, showing no signs of backing down. "You might have heard about my condition, but I've recovered. I remember everything. And even if I didn't, that face of his haunts my dreams. I'll never forget his cold eyes." The officer nods.

Officer Jeon presses the button again. "All but the middle leave." The other four men immediately leave the room. I stare at Jimin who looks as if he's staring back at me. But he couldn't possibly be able to see me. This was a two-way mirror. He was smirking so deviously; he knew it was me who identified him. But I wanted him to know. He should have finished the job when he tried to kill me.

My rage boils over and I slam my fist against the thick glass repeatedly. "Stop smiling, you sick fuck! You about killed me and almost ruined my life! I'll make damn sure you rot in prison!" I was screaming so loudly he might have actually heard me. Yoongi grabs my shoulders and pulls me away from the glass. He quickly turns me around and wraps me up in his arms.

Yoongi rests his chin on top of my head and holds me tightly, protectively. "Are we done here?" His deep voice questions the young officer. "Y-Yes. We will detain him until the trial." Yoongi tightens his grip on my back. "Good."

Officer Jeon leaves quietly and flips a switch. The glass turns foggy, and I can't see that sneering devil anymore. Yoongi pulls me away from him and looks down into my eyes. "Are you okay baby?" I breathe out shakily. I stare at the two irises that hold the soul of the man who is my world. "I am as long as you're here." He smiles and I lean my face upwards and capture his soft, pink lips.

" He smiles and I lean my face upwards and capture his soft, pink lips

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Heart Torn in Two (MYG & JHS)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang