Chapter 21

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I wipe vigorously at the tears that stained my face. Yoongi sighs aggravated. "It's so hard not to hold you right now. I know you need it." I turn my head away from him and try to fix my face. I'm certain my eyes were puffy, and my nose was red.

His phone rings and he sits up to answer it. "Joonie!" He yells into the phone and gets up to pace around while on the phone. Yoongi gives him Hoseok's address and my heart rate picks up. My brother must be on his way.

Yoongi hangs up and smiles at me. "He's almost here. He is so excited to see you. I told him you might not remember him, but he argued with me. I guess we will find out." I nod and instantly shoot my hand up into my hair and twirl hair around.

"It'll be okay. I'm right here," Yoongi's voice was so soft and deep. It sounded husky and made my body react to the gruffness in his tone. I cleared my throat and tried to think about something else.

I'm the one pacing now. Yoongi watches me with amusement from the couch. "You're awfully nervous for someone about to see her brother." I look at him annoyed. "Yeah, duh. But when I don't remember him, it's going to hurt him. I keep hurting people and not meaning to." I whisper out the last line. Feeling guilty for causing everyone around me so much pain.

Yoongi approaches me and refrains from touching me. "Hey, this isn't your fault. You are the victim here." I nod and straighten my posture when the doorbell rings. "I'll get it, you prepare yourself. Namjoon can be too excitable sometimes." I inhale sharply and step to the side where he won't be able to see me.

Opening the front door Yoongi speaks but is interrupted immediately. "Where is she?!" I hear a deep voice yell from outside of the door. "She is here, but she might not remember you, okay. I need you to calm yourself. She was terrified to meet me." There's a moment of silence and my heart thumps. "Fine."

A tall man with lusciously thick blonde hair steps through the door and sees me. He instantly breaks out into a wide smile and the first thing I notice are his dimples. "Elise!!!" He yells and comes running towards me. My eyes widen as I fear for my life. He was a pretty big man. I felt like a bull was charging me.

"Joon!" Yoongi tries to stop him but it's too late. Namjoon throws his arms around my tiny frame and picks me up in a tight hug. He sets me back down and I just stare up at him, blinking rapidly, trying to process everything. He did look familiar. We definitely shared the same genes because I felt like I saw some of myself in him.

"It's me! Elise! Your older brother." I stare blankly at him. Once he doesn't get a reaction Namjoon clutches his heart dramatically. "Oh, shit that stings. You warned me Yoongs, but damn if that doesn't hurt. The blank look in her eyes tell me everything. There isn't any recognition." I huff and cross my arms. Annoyed that they were having a conversation about me like I wasn't in the room.

Namjoon sees me and chuckles, tapping the tip of my nose. "There she is. There's the Elise I know." He grins widely and I stare at him. I feel such a weird sense of safety from him. Like Namjoon could protect me from the entire world. I liked his dimples, I liked them a lot. They were so innocent. I wish I had a pair, but unfortunately, I wasn't blessed.

I reach up my hand involuntarily and stick out my index finger. Namjoon freezes and watches me. I touch my fingertip to his dimple and an intense wave of emotion gushes out from inside me and washes through my body. Suddenly a vision appears in my brain. It's vivid, like I was seeing an old video clip. Hazy and pixelated.

I'm running behind a smaller version of Namjoon. I was dragging a red wagon along behind me. We were both giggling, it was like music, childlike laughter.

Namjoon trips on a clump of dirt in the yard and goes flying forward. I drop the wagon handle and rush to his side. "Are you okay Joonie?" I ask him, helping him up from laying down face first in the grass. He giggles, throwing his head back in embarrassment.

"I'm glad you're okay," I tell him and poke his dimple with my finger. "Thanks sis!" He smiles wider and I smile with him.

He scrambles to his feet quickly, already forgetting about the clumsy tumble. He grabs the wagon handle and runs off with it, pulling it behind him. "Come on, let's get Manny some food." I run after him giggling. "Okay!"

We run and run through the giant yard. It seemed to never end, but maybe that's because in a giant world, we were especially small.

Finally, a playhouse comes into view. Namjoon runs into the playhouse and comes out shortly after. He holds up a dead fly and I grimace a disgusted face at him. "EW! Don't touch that!" He just giggles though.

Namjoon runs over to the wagon and lays down the dead fly by the green praying mantis we had been pulling around in the wagon. "There you go Manny! Eat up!" We watch in wonder as the praying mantis wobbles over to the dead fly and consumes it.

"That's so gross!" I yell. "That's so cool!" Namjoon exclaims at the same time.

I blink rapidly and am brought back to present time. Namjoon was just staring at me. My heart felt so warm as I looked up at him now.

"Manny..." I whisper and Namjoon raises his eyebrows at me. "Manny?!" He screams, instantly knowing what I was talking about. Our childhood inside joke. He wraps me up in a tight hug and I hug him back. For the first time since the assault, I felt like I knew the man before me. And I knew now that I loved him with all of my heart.

 And I knew now that I loved him with all of my heart

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