Chapter 16

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As soon as we enter the station, all the officers sitting at the desk look up and immediately recognize me. "She's here!" A lady yells. She runs out from behind the counter and smiles warmly at me. "Come this way miss." I nod to her, my whole body experiencing tremors.

Hoseok and I follow behind her. She leads me to a room and inside, through the glass, I can see a skinny man sitting in a room by himself. He was fidgeting with his fingers. The officer knocks on the door. I watch as the man looks up and instantaneously locks eyes with me. I watch as his chest puffs out as I imagine he just inhaled deeply.

He stands quickly and waits for me to enter the room. I walk in, shaky, and stare at him, not taking my eyes off of him for a second. Who was this person?

"Elise!" He screams with a smile; his deep voice penetrated my soul. I just blink at him and he runs up to me, he's about to throw his arms around me but I take a large step back, putting distance between us. The man looks shocked by my action. "Elise? Oh god, it's true, isn't it? The police warned me." He speaks quieter now, his voice slightly cracking.

I watch him curiously, barely blinking as he bends over and gasps out a few breathes of air. He stands up now and holds onto his head tightly. When he turns back around there are tears running down his cheeks. The sight sends a jolt of pain to my heart.

His lip quivers as he croaks out the words. "You don't even remember me?! I'm your husband! It's me, Yoongi!" He smacks his hand against his chest. My insides churn as if being put through a meat grinder. My husband.

I observe his features carefully. He was beautiful, even with fresh tears streaking against his perfectly porcelain skin. His eyes were what caught my attention first. They were so exotic looking, small but angled in the most perfect way. The dark circles under his eyes stuck out against his pale skin. He had a small, cute nose. And his lips were the perfect pink hue and perfectly symmetrical and proportioned.

He collapses into the chair and runs his hand through his thick black hair several times. It physically hurt me to see him like this for some reason. I didn't know him but seeing him in pain causes me harm as well. My heart told me to go to him, but my feet didn't so much as twitch. My brain was fooled that I didn't know this man. But my heart knew the truth.

Hoseok grabs my elbow and I look up at him, confused. He doesn't meet my eyes but guides me to the table. He sits me in the chair across from my supposed husband.

Yoongi sobs into his hands and doesn't realize I've sat down with him.

"I was her nurse, my name is Hoseok." He holds out his hand to the sobbing man. Yoongi looks up and tries to compose himself long enough to shake his hand. "Thank you for looking after her," he sniffles. Hoseok nods.

"She suffered from an extreme head injury. She was robbed and apparently fought back against the thief. When she did that the man tried to kill her, bashing her head repeatedly with a brick." Yoongi chokes in agonizing shock and more tears roll down his cheeks. I tilt my head at him. And unexpectedly, my own tears fall down my face. My body was reacting to his sadness.

"Someone found her passing by in a pool of her own blood. They called an ambulance, and she was brought into my hospital. She needed several stitches and staples. Her brain suffered from cerebral edema afterwards. Her brain swelled and we figured that's what was causing her memory loss. It has since gone down but her memories haven't returned." Hoseok solemnly explains the situation to Yoongi. His voice was emotionless, very factual.

"Oh god, baby, I'm so sorry!" Yoongi groans out, his face contorted in pain. He reaches out for my hands but I jerk them away and put them into my lap. His face turns to agony, and he slams his fist on the table. "You can't do anything to help her?!" He turns his fiery gaze to Hoseok.

"We tried. Medically speaking, her memory should be fine now." Hoseok places his hand on my shoulder, and I almost jump from the abrupt contact.

"Deep down, she remembers you," Hoseok speaks up and Yoongi's sobbing stops, and he focuses on his words. "What?" Hoseok holds up his hand and walks out of the room. "Hold on!" I watch as my savior leaves. He left me alone with this man.

"I love you Elise, you've got to know that somewhere deep inside of you. We're soulmates!" I stare at him and toss around that word in my head. Soulmates. What an amazing concept, if it was indeed true. That a single human being was made specifically for another. That everyone had a perfect match out there in the world, and all we had to do was find each other.

Hoseok returns and slides a piece of paper in front of Yoongi. "She drew this while in the hospital. She doesn't know how, but somehow it was scribbled from her hands." Yoongi picks up the sketch and stares at it. More tears fall down his soft looking cheeks. He clutches the paper tightly and shakes.

"Can you give us a minute?" Yoongi asks Hoseok and he nods. He exchanges a look with me before leaving the room and shutting the door. Telepathically telling me that he would be right outside.

"Baby, you drew me." I stare at him. "And you drew me smiling, how sweet."

Yoongi places the paper back on the table and wipes his face off with the backs of his hands.

"Listen, you're my wife, my soulmate. We were made for each other. I made you fall in love with me once, I'll do it again. I'll do it however many times it takes. All that matters is that you and I end up together. That's all that matters."


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