Chapter 5

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"Morning sunshine!" A familiar voice sings to me before I can open my eyes. I immediately notice the morning sun pouring in through my bare window and I smile at it. I must have been fond of the sun from my previous life. Just seeing the rays cascading down filled my heart with serenity.

Hoseok pulls up a chair beside my bed and plops down. He extends his long legs and rests them against my bed. "Remember who you are yet?" I shake my head answering no and look at his scrubs. He was wearing dark green now and I liked that color on him. It did justice for his beautiful caramel skin tone. He quickly frowns.

I watch curiously as Hoseok grabs a bag from beside his chair and starts digging around in it. He lays a speaker on my bed, then coloring books along with colored pencils. I tilt my head in confusion. "I brought some things to maybe trigger your memory. Music is a great way to remember something. And using muscle memory for coloring might cause a sudden change in your mental state." I nod along, that sounded plausible to me.

Hoseok grabs the remote to the TV that's on the table beside my bed. He powers on the s,all television that's attached to the wall directly in front of my bed. A sitcom comes on and I immediately recognize it. It was 'Friends.' He smiles when he sees it. "Ah, I love this show." I smile as I watch the intro starting. "I think I do too." Hoseok looks at me quickly, alarmed but smiles.

Things I've learned about myself, I like the sun, the color blue and green. I like most foods and apparently like this sitcom. And I have claustrophobia and tattoos. I seem like a diverse individual.

"So, no one told you life was gonna be this way!" Hoseok sings along with the show and claps his hand in synchronization with the song. It causes me to giggle. That was cute, the broad smile on his face while he sang it was even cuter.

Hoseok's face changes as he looks at me. "Well, look there. That's the first smile I've seen on you. What a lovely smile you have!" He gushes and I feel my cheeks getting a little warmer than the rest of my body.

A coloring book and pencils were laid in my lap. Hoseok smiles as he opens the book. "Do any of these animals appeal to you?" I watch as he flips through the pages. I stop the page turning when I see a bunny. I smiled at the cute cartoon image. "Do you like bunnies?" He asks me with a giant smile. I nod my head.

I grab the colored pencils and use green against the grass the bunny is sitting in. Hoseok turns his attention back to the show on the tv. Occasionally I hear him laugh and it sounds like music to my ears. The sound makes a smile grace my lips.

His laugh was boisterous and infectious, he would always clap his hands and laugh with his entire body.

"How you doin." I hear Hoseok imitate Joey in a deep voice and I can't help but giggle. He was trying his best to sound just like him. I liked his company. It was comforting in the most soothing way.

I grab a pink colored pencil and fill in the shape of the bunny. "Don't you have other patients?" I ask him curiously. He sure spent a lot of time with me. Not that I was complaining. No one else I met seemed to be as nice and gentle as him. He leans back in his chair and turns his head back towards me, looking at me over his shoulder.

"My friend Taehyung took my other patients. I'm only focusing on you. Since you're special." He winks at me and turns back towards the tv. My cheeks feel warm again. Must he keep winking at me? It was like a wrecking ball that knocked down all my defensive walls.

"Why am I special?" I ask meekly. I didn't think I was special, but him calling me that made my insides warm. Hoseok turns around in his chair and faces me.

"We don't know who you are. The sooner you regain your memory the sooner you can get back to your normal life. I'm sure you have people who love you and are worried about you." My stomach dropped at his last sentence. Did someone love me? Did I have someone? I'm sure I had family. They must be worried sick.

"What if I never remember..." I mumble. I was sharing my deepest fears with Hoseok. He looked at me with full sincerity. "Then you'll start a new life. And we'll be best friends." He grins widely and I can't help but smile in return.

Hoseok stands up and comes over to inspect my picture. "You colored the bunny pink? That's different. Most people would color it brown, black or white." I shrug my shoulders. "I wanted him to stand out." Hoseok nods. "Well, he's lovely." Hoseok gives me a tight-lipped smile, closing his eyes. I notice a pair of small dimples that appear above his lips.

I almost gasp, they were adorable. They only appeared just now. Hiding just beneath the surface of his upper lip, located by the corner of his lips.

Grabbing the remote to turn off the tv, Hoseok switches on his speaker next and pulls out his cell phone. He connects his phone to the device. "Let's listen to some music. Maybe a song will spark a memory." I nod and continue coloring my picture.

He plays a song, and a familiarity fills my mind. It's like I've dreamt of the song. Or I had heard it in a passing by. A strange sensation concerns me. I could almost sing along with the words. They were on the tip of my tongue. But Hoseok beats me to it when the chorus hits.

"Sometimes all I think about is you. Late nights in the middle of June. Heat waves been faking me out. Can't make you happier now." He wiggles his fingers along with each word he sings. I can't help but smile as he bobs his head back and forth to the song.

He was truly adorable.

***You liking these smiling pictures? Because they make me so soft***

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***You liking these smiling pictures? Because they make me so soft***

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