Chapter 24

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Yoongi sighs deeply and shakily. He was beyond nervous and so was I. A lot was riding on this idea of his. I prayed that it would work. It was all I thought about last night.

He sets the Bluetooth speaker on the kitchen table and pulls his phone from his front pocket. He taps around on it and then sets it down beside the speaker. "Come here." He waves me over. I step up to him. My heart pounding in my ears. Yoongi stares into my eyes. He takes both of my hands in his.

"We danced to this song on our wedding night. It was our first dance as a married couple. It's always been our song for each other." He drops my hand for a second to hit play on his phone and the song begins to play. I recognize it instantly. It was 'Sparks' by Coldplay.

I swallow heavily. It all made sense now. Why that song brought such joy and emotion to my soul. We had our first dance to this song. It was a symbol of our eternal love for each other. My body begins to tingle as Yoongi steps closer.

He holds one of my hands close to his heart and wraps his arm around my back. We begin to slow dance. He stares so deeply into my eyes that my legs about buckle underneath my weight. I get so lost in his boundless brown eyes. I could almost drown happily in them.

"You looked so beautiful on our wedding day. The air was stolen from my lungs the minute I saw you walk down the aisle. Dressed in all white, an angel brought to Earth just for me." Yoongi confesses to me, our eyes locked on each other. "My whole life made sense the moment I met you. Every hardship I faced, every pit of depression. I had to suffer to be rewarded. And I was awarded the most gorgeous angel in the world." I swallow deeply and my eyes fill with water.

"The moment I met you the world shifted, and the planets aligned. Destiny held its breath as we collided in that coffee shop. We were meant to be baby. It's always been you and me. I need you to remember me. I need you to survive. I can't and will not live without you. If this doesn't work, I'll keep trying. Until I no longer draw breath, I'll keep trying."

I can't stop the tears that spill over and race down my cheeks. Yoongi releases me and reaches his hands up to gently hold my face. I close my eyes at the sheer warmth that spread across my body just from his touch. "I'll love you forever," Yoongi whispers in his deep voice.

His soft lips brush against mine and he kisses me deeply. The room spins and fades away. I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him harder. The world and time stop, and I feel like I'm ripped from reality and thrown straight into a dream. But it's not fuzzy like a dream, it's sharp like a fond memory.

I take my cappuccino from the cashier and smile happily to her. "Thank you!" I turn around quickly and happily walk away with my coffee. "Miss! You forgot your change!" I laugh awkwardly and retract my steps back to the counter. I take my change and shove it in my pocket.

As I spin around again to leave, I run smack dab into a man. My hot coffee dumping all down the front of him. I drop my cup and scream apologies. "I'm so so sorry!!" I didn't even see his face yet, but I grab napkins from the counter and try to dab it on his clothes, but he grabs my wrist and stops me.

I raise my eyes upward and see the most beautiful man I've ever laid eyes on. My breathing ceases as I look into both of his dark brown eyes. "The damage is already done," he chuckles and when I saw his smile, I died inside.

"I'm so damn sorry. Let me buy your coffee at least!" I beg him, hoping to make some amends. He laughs and nods. I hand the cashier the rest of the change from my ten dollars and tell her to keep it.

I hurry out of the coffee shop, dying of embarrassment and take a right, walking along the sidewalk. I needed to go back to class. I stop when I hear someone calling after me. "Hey, we're going the same way." I turn around and see the stained shirt of the gorgeous man I dumped coffee on.

Laughing awkwardly, I rub my neck, "Yeah, I see that." He walks up to me and points to my shirt. "You've got paint all over you." My laugh comes out weird and shaky. He made me so nervous, not just because I demolished his outfit but because he looked like a model.

"Yeah, I'm a painter, that happens. I gave up on trying to keep it off my clothes. I just learned to embrace it." He smiles at me. "I like that." I avert my eyes; I seriously couldn't look at him too long. He was too ethereal for my retinas.

We begin walking, side by side. "What kind of things do you paint?" He eyes me from the side, but I stare at the cracking sidewalk beneath our feet. "Abstract things. I like the freedom of painting whatever I'm feeling without having to stick to a figure or theme." He nods along.

"Well, I certainly like the artwork you painted on me." He motions to the stain. I giggle so high-pitched and weird that it causes me to blush. He was making me a mess. "I'm Yoongi, what's your name?" I answer the question as a reflex, like someone smacking a hammer to my knee. "Elise."

Yoongi smiles sweetly at me. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." My face explodes into flames of embarrassment.

"Hey, you want to go do something?" Yoongi asks me out of the blue. I look up at him stunned. I was amazed that someone as gorgeous as him wanted to hang out with me. I did have class, but something told me to skip it. I could always get notes from a friend.

"Sure." I smile up at him. 


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