Chapter 15

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The next few hours are a blur to me. Hoseok and I were watching tv, or rather he was watching tv. I was zoned out completely. You could hardly call my state of mind conscious. My mind revolved around constantly wondering who was looking for me.

Someone would be coming soon. And I'd get to meet them. I prayed deeply that it would jog my memory to see someone I knew. I could only hope and wait.

And my name, Elise. What a beautiful name. I bet I was never fond of it myself when I knew it before. When it labeled me. But in the mirror, I looked like an Elise. That was me, undoubtedly, the familiarity that rotated around each syllable in that name meant that it was true. That was me, that was my name.

Hoseok's phone rings again and it causes me to jump out of my skin. That's the sound I was waiting on. I had drowned out every other sound. I've had to say 'huh?' to Hoseok probably twenty times because he would speak to me while I was zoned out.

He never seemed bothered though. I'm sure he could imagine how deep in thought I was.

"Hello, yes, it's me." He answers, my eyes are pinned to him, they dare not stray. I hold my breath as I watch him. Hoseok sighs quietly. "Okay, let us know when he's there and I'll bring her down." My eyes widen. "Yes, thank you, bye." Hoseok hangs up and sighs again before looking at me.

"The man who sent the flyer is on his way. They said he dropped everything and left immediately. He will be here in two hours." I swallow the lump in the throat. For some reason, I was suddenly terrified. I couldn't figure out why, but my stomach was in knots. Endless knots.

"He?" Hoseok nods. "Did they say who he is?" Hoseok shook his head slowly. "No, the officer just said they would call us when he gets there."

My fingers twitch and shake. I felt so uneasy.

"I'm scared," I breath out. Hoseok's shoulders drop and he slides over to me on the couch. He grasps my shoulders lightly and stares into my eyes. "Why on earth would you be scared? Someone loves you enough to come looking for you! You should be happy!" He smiles again, but it's the same one as before. The corner of his lips do not turn up as high as they usually do. And his eyes didn't curve. His smile was fake.

"Elise, there's nothing to be scared of. And if there is, then I'll be right there to protect you." Him saying my name made my stomach flop. It felt like I plummeted from a high distance. I nod to his words.

"Okay, we're on our way

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"Okay, we're on our way." Hoseok hangs up the phone and turns to me. We both look at each other with wide eyes. "He's here. We should go." I nod solemnly. He hurries and grabs the keys. We leave the apartment and board the elevator.

It's so quiet between us you could hear a pin drop. Both of us were thinking too much. Not wanting to say what was hanging in our brains.

I know what he's thinking because I'm thinking the same thing. What if this man takes me away and I never see Hoseok again? What if this man turns out to be an abusive asshole and almost kills me out of rage for having to search for me?

We step off the elevator and walk towards Hoseok's car. My legs are shaky and wobbly. I barely made it to the car without my legs giving out.

I don't want to be taken away. That's what scared me the most. The thought of never seeing Hoseok's smile again broke my heart. I'd miss his infectious, boisterous laugh. The one that makes him fall into the floor because he becomes weak from laughter. I'd miss the way he sings in a cute constant falsetto. How he made inanimate objects talk to me in such cute tiny voices. Or how he made every food into heart shaped forms. He was the cutest person alive.

He was my sunshine. I didn't want him stolen away from me. That was certain. But what lies ahead of me I had no clue. I couldn't guess what was going to happen. I was utterly clueless.

We arrive at the police station and when Hoseok parks the car, he reaches across the console and grabs my hand. He laces his fingers with mine. "I'm by your side. No matter what." I look over at him and tears burn my eyes.

I wasn't ready for whoever awaited me inside. I was petrified. I had trouble getting my legs or body to move. The answers I've been desperately seeking now are just a doorway away. The first thing I had to do was get out of this car. So why was it so difficult?

I knew the answer to that question at least. It's because I didn't want to lose Hoseok. He saved me, he brought me so much happiness in the darkest time in my life. He is a giant part of my life now. And I didn't want that to change. Not now, not ever.

"Come on, let's go," he says softly, giving my hand a tug. I nod and finally get my legs to cooperate with my brain's orders.

Once I'm outside of the car, the police station seems miles away. I have trouble breathing but take steps regardless of the fear. Step after step, the door to the station gets closer and closer.

Finally, I lay my hand on the door handle and inhale sharply. It was now or never.

**Like we don't know who's waiting for Elise lol**

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**Like we don't know who's waiting for Elise lol**

Heart Torn in Two (MYG & JHS)Where stories live. Discover now