Chapter 23

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Yoongi texted me on my new phone this morning. I asked Hoseok for his number as soon as the thing was operational. He told me he would be coming by soon.

I was terrified, not to find out his plan but to tell him the truth. I hoped he could forgive me. How horribly tragic would it be for me to finally remember my husband only to lose him? I pray to every God out there that wouldn't happen.

Stepping out of my room, I was wearing the light blue crop top and leggings Hoseok picked out for me. It looked quite cute; I should take his fashion advice more often. I'm fairly certain he had better taste in clothes than I ever could.

"You look lovely sunshine. Blue is definitely your color." Hoseok smiles as he sees me enter the kitchen. I grin meekly, "Thanks." Hoseok puts down his coffee cup and walks over to me. His expression was unreadable, he looked kind of frightened.

"Do you want me to stay here? We don't know how Yoongi will react when you tell him." I sigh deeply and pinch the bridge of my nose. "No, I have to do this myself." He nods slowly. "Where's your brother?" I chew on my bottom lip. "He went back to his hotel for now."

Hoseok picks up my hand and holds it lightly. "Promise me you won't forget me when you finally remember everything." His eyes looked wet, like he was tearing up. It struck my heart so hard that I thought I might pass out. I never wanted to see such sadness in his beautiful eyes ever again.

"I'd never forget you Hoseokie." I lean in and kiss his cheek softly. "I promise." He holds his cheek and grins. "Pinky promise!?" He holds out his pinky and I bust out laughing. "Of course." I wrap my pinky around his and we shake. "Alright then, I'll believe you for now." He looks at me sideways with a smirk.

"Well, I've got to go to work. You've got your own phone now, call me if you need me. I'll come running." I nod to him; I believe every word he ever tells me. Hoseok isn't a great liar to begin with. "Okay."

He runs over to throw his coffee cup into the dishwasher, and I laugh. He was always so organized and neat. "Bye Hoseok." He blows me a kiss before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

My heart begins to race as I'm left alone. My stomach was in knots, Yoongi would be here soon.

When the doorbell rings, my heart stops, dead on the spot. I shakily reach for the doorknob and let him in. Yoongi had the sweetest grin on his face. "Morning beautiful," he greets me, and I blush slightly. Even though I was nervous, he still made me blush.

"Are you ready to remember me?" Yoongi asks me, he holds up a Bluetooth speaker and I eye it curiously. I sigh and nod my head. "Yes. But I need to tell you something first." I pull out a kitchen chair for him to sit in. He sits down and stares up at me, his expression blank. He was waiting patiently.

"Before I knew someone was looking for me, before I knew you existed, Hoseok and I kissed." I rub my lips together and stare at him while my heart races in my chest. Yoongi stares back at me, just blinking ever so often. "You two kissed?" I nod, feeling heavy with guilt

"Do you like each other?" Yoongi asks next, I can tell he's trying to remain calm. That just made me more nervous. I fear he would blow up any minute. I chew on my bottom lip as I answer. "Yeah, but then I found out I was married. That put a stop to everything." Yoongi nods, his eyebrows creasing.

"How far did it go?" He squeezes his fists as he waits for me to answer. "J-Just kissing." Yoongi drops his head into his hands and sighs.

"You like him, but you're supposed to love me!" Suddenly his voice gets louder, and I flinch. "Yoongi, I-I didn't know anything. I didn't know who I was. I was all alone, and he was the only constant person in my life." I try to explain to him.

"Fuck! He got to kiss you before me! Your god damn husband!" My eyes fill with tears. He is reacting exactly how I feared he might. It's justified, in reality. But the situation is far from normal. "I'm sorry..." I murmur and drop my eyes to the floor. I felt lower than dirt.

Tears fall from my eyes as I blink, my lip quivering. I was trying to keep it together. But for some reason, knowing that I hurt him was a worse pain than anything else. It weighed more than the guilt.

"Shit, I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to yell at you." Yoongi walks over to me and sighs, trying to calm himself. "I know this is just a messed-up situation. You aren't really at fault, I know that. But it still hurts."

"I'm sorry," I mumble, my voice breaking slightly. He runs his fingers through his black hair. He was at a lost, I knew that. I laid something very heavy on him and the reaction couldn't be a simple one. Of course, he was angry that I did that, but the circumstances were not normal. No one was truly at blame.

He shakes his head quickly, trying to forget what I just told him. "We will worry about that later. Let me try to get you to remember me." I nod and inhale deeply. I was ready to try. I wanted things to make sense. I wanted those last pieces of the puzzle to fall into place and the finished picture to be observed.

"I'm ready." I tell him, finally raising my head to look at him.

" I tell him, finally raising my head to look at him

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Heart Torn in Two (MYG & JHS)Where stories live. Discover now