Chapter 10

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I await anxiously, almost bouncing up and down against the hospital bed. Hoseok went off to ask permission from Dr. Kim as well as the Chief of Medicine. I couldn't see why they would say no. So, I excitedly waited for his return.

And finally, his bright smile appears in my doorway. "They said yes!" He yells and I emit this high pitch squeal. I run over to him and hug him tightly around the waist. I spew out endless words of appreciation. "Thank you! Thank you so much Hoseok. I really didn't want to go to a mental health hospital!" He giggles and pats my head.

"I'd tell you to pack, but you don't have anything." One corner of his mouth turns up as he is deep in thought. "You can't wear the clothes you came in, they're bloody and the police took them anyway. Ah! I'll get you a pair of scrubs from our locker room! Then we can worry about getting you some clothes later." I smile widely and step away from him. "Thank you, truly. I owe my entire life to you."

Hoseok chuckles and rubs his earlobe. "Ayy, it was nothing." He turns on his heel and runs off to get the scrubs. I turn around and look outside of the window and smile. I'd finally be leaving this place. I couldn't wait. I felt like I was locked away in a dark tower and am finally getting rescued.

He returns promptly and hands me these ugly mint-colored scrubs. I accept them with a smile and go into the bathroom to quickly change. Once I'm finished, Hoseok leads me out of the hospital. We walk down empty hallways and eventually exit out of a side door and step into the parking lot.

I breathe in the flowery scent of fresh air. It must be spring. The weather was perfect, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I close my eyes and inhale the sweet scent of freedom. Letting the heat of the sun warm my face as I turn it upwards to the sky.

Opening my eyes, I see that Hoseok kept walking and I hurry to catch up to him. I follow him towards a red car. Hoseok pulls keys from his pocket and unlocks the car, its lights flashing briefly. He opens the passenger side door for me, and I smile. Sitting inside the seat, I notice that his car is spotless. No dust laid on the dashboard, no abandoned french fries were lying in the floor.

Hoseok climbs in next and starts the car. "How far away do you live?" I ask curiously. Moving the gearshift and putting the car in drive, he looks over at me with a smile. "Only ten minutes."

I must be someone that likes being outside because I felt in bliss. Having the actual warmth from the sun heating my body felt incredible. I rolled the car window down and let the spring air circulate around the car. It blew through my hair, and I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of flying.

The air changes as we drive closer to Hoseok's apartment. I can smell a hint of salt filling the breeze now. And shortly after, Hoseok pulls into a parking lot by an apartment complex. I could only assume we had arrived. He pulls his car into a garage that's conveniently located underneath the building.

We leave the car behind and step onto an elevator. Hoseok smiles to me as we wait for the elevator to rise. "I didn't get time to clean, so don't be alarmed," he confesses, and I begin to wonder what I'd be stepping into.

But my worries are quickly dismissed as we step through the door of apartment 218. My mouth parts as I realize how spotless his house is. Nothing seems to be out of place. Hoseok rushes into the kitchen and hides the empty coffee cup that was sitting on the counter. He throws it into his dishwasher. "Sorry, such a mess." I let out a laugh.

"You're joking right? It's spotless in here!" I look around in amazement. It was truly impressive that a man in his twenties who lived alone was this organized and clean. There can't be that many men like Hoseok out there. He seemed perfect.

He giggles but ignores my comment. "Let me show you around!" He gently places his hand on my back and guides me deeper into the apartment. "This is the kitchen as you can see. Here's the living room. The laundry room is in the corner there. This door leads to the master bedroom and bathroom. This door leads to the guest bedroom. And this is a closet and beside it is another bathroom." He briefly points to everything.

I nod along and enjoy the decorations of his house. The walls were a soft sage green, and the coordinating colors were beige and off-white. There were colorful abstract paintings hung on the wall.

As I stroll into the living room, I pick up a framed picture of a cute dog. "Do you have a dog?" Hoseok stands beside me and sighs. "He's at my sisters. His name is Mickey, he's blind from cataracts. I need to go visit him." I look to him beside me. "You have a sister?" He grins and nods. "Yes, Jiwoo. You might run into her if you stay here long enough." I smile, hoping to have that encounter. It would be nice to meet someone from his family.

Hoseok opens the door to the guest bedroom, and we step inside. It looks untouched. "I haven't washed the bedding in here for months. I'll do that before we go to sleep." I chuckle lightly. He was worrying too much. "Don't stress it, Hoseok. I spent a week in a hospital bed. Nothing is worse than that!" He nods and laughs. "I suppose you're right."

He points his finger at me. "But still, I like things to be clean." I giggle, that was abundantly apparent. He seemed to be a clean freak, but that was okay. 


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