Chapter 27

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As Yoongi drives us back to Hoseok's house, I get a text from my nurse, my savior.

Hoseokie: I'm home but you're not here. Is everything okay?

Me: Yes, I had to identify Jimin, they arrested him.

We're on our way back.

Yoongi notices my texting and eyes me carefully. He must have known who I was talking to because he spoke up. "We can go home now. We'll have to come back for the trial, but I miss being home. I'm sure you do too." I smile to myself thinking of our adorable home.

It wasn't anything grand, but it was ours. We searched forever for the perfect home and found this townhouse in the heart of the city. It was close to all the shops I liked to frequent. The home was close to Yoongi's office and an adorable park with a lake was a couple blocks away. We always liked to walk down to the park and just enjoy the outdoors together.

"I do miss it." I reach over and grab his hand. His hand is so warm inside mine. They were lightly rough from him playing guitar, but I loved that about his hands. The callouses added an incredible sensation when he would touch me.

We arrive at Hoseok's apartment and before Yoongi can turn off the ignition, I turn to him. "Go pack your things up and check out of your hotel. We will go home. I'll gather my things here and say goodbye to Hoseok." Yoongi eyes me cautiously but nods in agreement. "Okay, I'll be back for you soon." I lean over and kiss his perfect lips before stepping out of the car.

My heart thumped in my chest as I stepped out of the elevator and headed towards apartment 218. When I step up to his door, I knock on it lightly but open the door when I noticed that it's unlocked. He must have expected me.

I walk inside and Hoseok is eating some grapes out of the bag at his kitchen table. As soon as I saw him my heart responded. Shit, I was hoping that would have changed when I remembered everything. But it didn't.

He just looked absolutely adorable popping small red grapes into his mouth and chewing them with a smile on his face as he enjoyed them. He stops mid-chew when he sees me. "Sunshine! How did it go?!" I wasn't sure what he was referring to. My plan with Yoongi or the identifying the man who attempted my murder. I chose the latter.

"Fine. They will arrest him, and the trial will commence soon." He nods but stares at me as if he's waiting for something else. I knew what I had to do, but the realization still ached.

Sitting at the table beside him, he turns towards me fully. I'd miss his beautiful face. I'd miss the faint scent of vanilla that lingered against his body when he would embrace me.

"I remember everything now." I tell him flatly; I didn't want to beat around the bush. Hoseok's eyes go wide. "You do?! That's amazing!" He smiles so brightly and truly that my heart melted a fraction. He plays with a grape in his fingers as he stares at it. "How did that happen?" I sigh. "Yoongi kissed me, and my memory hit me like a ton of bricks. No pun intended." He half-smirked at my joke.

Hoseok lets out air he had been holding in and his shoulders drop. He looked so defeated that my heart began to crack and break. "You're probably going to go home now, right?" His sad eyes turn up to me and my heart finally broke.

Sadness was not a fitting emotion for this man. Hoseok was my sun, my burning and shining star. He deserved a smile on his face and happiness always in his heart.

"Yeah..." I whisper, finally breaking my gaze away from him. Seeing the disappointment written all over his precious face was hurting me physically. "I see." Hoseok says barely audible. I nod to him and get up quietly to go into my room to pack.

I didn't have much to take with me, just the clothes that Hoseok bought for me when I had absolutely nothing. He took me in, clothed me and fed me. He did it all without asking for anything in return. He was truly an angel. He gave me nothing but sheer happiness during my darkest days. I'll forever be grateful to him for that.

Gently I fold my clothes into a neat pile on top of my bed. I'd have Yoongi send Hoseok money electronically for everything he paid upfront for me. I'm concentrating on making sure that everything is neatly folded that I don't even hear Hoseok enter my room.

"Will I ever see you again?" He suddenly asks me and almost makes me jump. He finally startled me and not the other way around. I turn to face him, giving him a meloncholic smile. "I'd love to see you anytime I can. I don't want our friendship to end." He nods sadly, his eyes pinned to the floor, focusing on the fluffy carpet.

"Friendship," he scoffs. I raise my eyebrows at him. He didn't want to be my friend. "I don't want to be your friend. I want more." I stare at him in disbelief. I had no words to respond with, my mind was blank.

Hoseok steps so close to me that I can smell his cologne. He reaches up and holds my face, smoothing his thumbs slowly across my cheeks. "I've never felt the way I feel about you with anyone. I believe I've fallen for you." He stares into both of my eyes, expectantly wanting me to say something. I can't speak though, I'm in a trance with the powerful gaze he's giving me. My heart stopped beating.

"You feel it, right? There's a connection with you and I." I barely nod my head. "You're going to leave me without giving me a chance? Just a few days ago I could have had you, on this very bed. I could have made you all mine forever." I gulp, not breathing and not able to look away.

"Will you give me a chance?" Hoseok's voice broke as he practically begged me for an answer.

"Will you give me a chance?" Hoseok's voice broke as he practically begged me for an answer

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