Chapter 12

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As we are driving back home, Hoseok's cell phone begins to ring. He answers it and puts the phone on speaker since he is driving. "Hello?" I listen carefully and instantly recognize the voice on the other end. It was Dr. Kim.

"Hoseok, the police called here looking for Sunshine. They wanted to tell her that they found a match in the blood sample and also a hair follicle that was found on her clothes. They have a warrant out for his arrest. Apparently, his name is Park Jimin. He hasn't been caught yet though, so keep an eye on Sunshine."

Hoseok looks over at me with shocked eyes and I mirrored his expression. "Thanks Jin. She's here with me. I'll keep her safe until then."

"How's your head Sunshine?" Dr. Kim asks me, assuming I can hear him. "It's fine right now, thank you!" I stare at the phone as if it's a person.

"Great. Hoseok, bring her in if anything happens."  Hoseok nods. "Of course."

The call ends and I stare out the window. They knew who my attacker was. Now they just needed to find him and maybe I could get some answers. And I could possibly get back the things the stole from me. Assuming he hadn't sold them yet.

My future was looking brighter by the day.

Hoseok suddenly lets out a weird squeal and I whip my head to look at him. "Chipotle! Let's eat there for dinner! You'll love it!" He was teeming with excitement; it forced a smile on my face. "Okay."

He swings the car into their parking lot, and we hop out after he parks the car in a slot. We step inside and stand in line to order. "When you ate, did you prefer steak, pork or chicken?" He whispers to me so not to disturb the couple in front of us. I think about it for a minute. "Steak." He nods, taking in the information.

I must admit, this restaurant smelled amazing. I could hear the loud sizzle of meats being seared in the background. My stomach rumbles in response to the delicious scent. I guess I didn't realize how hungry I am.

We step up next and Hoseok's loud voice orders for us. "I'll have a grilled chicken burrito and she will have a steak bowl." He continues to load up our food with rice, beans, pico de gallo, corn salsa, lettuce, cheese and sour cream. "I won't get you anything too spicy in case you can't handle it." He says in my ear. I nod, that made perfect sense.

Sliding slowly to the end of the line, the cashier rings us up. Hoseok gets me a Coke and a Sprite for himself. He grabs our tray of food and I follow closely behind him as he chooses a table by the window. Hoseok distributes the food and I open my lid and am amazed at how much food they squished into this oval container.

I gasp as I see the size of Hoseok's burrito when he unwraps it. He takes a giant bite and smiles as he chews. "Ah, so good!" He had a dab of sour cream on the corner of his mouth, it made me giggle. I take a heaping spoonful and shove it into my mouth. I quickly fall in love with the melody of different flavors that hit my tastebuds. Everything was so delicious.

"Yum!" I exclaim, smiling widely. Hoseok giggles and nudges my elbow. "See! I told you, you'd love it." I chuckle as I chew.

I reach for a napkin and hand it to him. Laughing, I point towards my mouth trying to inform him. "You've got some sour cream." He tilts his head in embarrassment and snorts. "Aish, thank you!" Hoseok wipes his mouth and grins timidly.

"Do you want to try my burrito?" He holds out the fat burrito with both hands. I stare at it and then at him. "Are you sure?" He smiles and shrugs. "Yeah, why not?" I lean over the table and take a small bite from it. The burrito was amazing too. I'd have to try one when I came back.

Hoseok busts out laughing, holding his hand over his mouth. He takes a napkin and reaches across towards me; he rubs the corner of my mouth and cleans off the sour cream I apparently had on me as well. I blush and avert my eyes to the table. "Thanks," I mumble.

After we're stuffed beyond belief, we dump our trash and leave the tray on top with the others and leave. The sun was starting to go down and I could tell my eyelids were getting heavy. My stomach was full and now I just wanted to slip into food coma.

 My stomach was full and now I just wanted to slip into food coma

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