Chapter 11

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After the tour is finished, Hoseok makes a suggestion. "Why don't we visit this thrift store that I love? We could get you some clothes." I nod happily. I would love that. Hoseok suddenly frowns. "But we can't have you going out wearing those wrinkly scrubs." I glance down at my body. They were a little wrinkled.

He takes off running towards the guest bedroom again and I follow after him. "I think Jiwoo left some clothes here. You two are close in size." He swings open the closet door. It was filled with shoes, so many shoes. I look down at all of them in wonder. But they weren't women's. They had to be his. Hoseok rubs his earlobe and catches my gaze. "I like shoes, what can I say?" I chuckle at his statement.

"Feel free to put on anything you want, I'll wait outside." He gives me a cute grin and leaves, shutting the door behind him. I look at the few articles of clothing. I decided to pick the white and black dress, it'd be easy to put on and go. And I spotted a pair of black flip-flops that should fit me.

I pull off the stiff mint scrubs and fold them neatly on the bed. Then I pull on the dress. Surprisingly it fit like a glove. I looked in the mirror that hung on the back of the closet door and admired my form. It looked nice on me, but I didn't seem to like it as much as I thought I might. Maybe I'm not the type to wear dresses. I shrug it off and slide on the flip-flops and exit the bedroom.

I step outside and Hoseok grins when he sees me. "You look lovely sunshine!" He beams brightly and it causes my cheeks to heat up timidly.

He had changed as well, he looked so much better outside of scrubs. I caught myself staring at him more than I should. His jeans clung perfectly against his legs, and he wore a plain gray shirt with a black vest over it. I liked this casual look on him more. He suddenly appeared more approachable. In scrubs he just seemed important and busy. Which he indeed was.

"Let's go!" He yells happily and we rush out of the apartment.

"Let's go!" He yells happily and we rush out of the apartment

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This thrift store is amazing. I fell in love with it instantly. The thrift shop was named 'Hopeworld' and was tucked away in the corner of a small mall complex. They proudly had they slogan posted on the wall. "Give a little love and we give a little hope." Their business revolved and depended on the donation of clothing, shoes and other miscellaneous items from people. They washed the items and resell them for a small profit price. Apparently, they also donate constantly to the homeless.

I loved the message and vibe this place gave off. I could see why Hoseok wanted to come here. Hoseok followed me around, he would sometimes get distracted by a loud, colorful shirt. But most of the time he got distracted by shoes.

I found that I gravitated more towards athletic wear and comfortable clothes more than frilly skirts and dresses. I guess I learned another thing about myself. I'd rather be comfy than cute.

"How about this? This would be so beautiful on your porcelain skin." I look over at the ensemble Hoseok is holding up. It was a light blue crop top that perfectly matched a pair of Adidas leggings. I nod to his suggestion. "Yeah, I like that." And I did. The leggings were high-waisted so I wouldn't feel too exposed with the crop top.

"And look, they still have the tags on them, they're brand new." The smile he displays is precious. He was genuinely excited, it was infectious. Honestly, everything about Hoseok was infectious.

We separate, he goes off to look at shoes, imagine that, and I go towards the undergarment section. I was hoping to snag a few unopened pack  s of underwear and maybe a few brand new bras. It was astounding how many clothes were donated that still had tags on them.

I scoop up a couple boxes of assorted underwear. They weren't sexy but they would have to do. I hid them underneath the outfit Hoseok gave me early. I also rummage around until I find a couple bras that are new. I hide them as well.

As I'm walking back towards Hoseok, I hear two girls whispering and giggling in the other aisle. "No, you go talk to him!" They were both snickering and staring in the direction of Hoseok. I pretended to browse the clothes and eavesdrop.

"I can't! I've seen him in here before, he's so cute." One girl shoves the other. "Then talk to him! Did you see his ass?" The other giggles. "No, but I just saw him smile and wow."

I felt something prick my heart. A feeling I haven't experienced yet. I was suddenly angry at the two girls. I wanted to throw something at their heads for leering at Hoseok. I was defensive. It didn't make sense. I felt like poking their eyes out because I didn't want them to look at him anymore.

The two girls turn around and see me, I involuntarily give them a scowl. They look at me wide-eyed and then walk off in the opposite direction. I hurry back to Hoseok, not wanting them to think he was alone. He wasn't! He was with me.

Jealously, that's what I'm feeling. It's an ugly emotion. I wanted to shrug it away, but I couldn't. So, my feet just carried me faster towards Hoseok. "Hello there, stranger!" He winks at me as I approach him. My heart does a backflip. "Hi," I whisper and smile like an idiot.

"Looks like you've got a good start there." Hoseok noses towards my arms full of clothes. I blush slightly. "I'm sorry, I hope you don't mind. I found so many things that I like." He laughs, his beautiful smile on display. "Absolutely not! Plus, it doesn't cost that much!" I smirk and try to stop my smile.

"I'll pay you back, I promise," I swear to him. Hoseok chuckles and moves a piece of my hair behind my ear with his fingers. "Don't worry about it." My heart was in the Olympics. Competing in gymnastics, the backflips were plenty. What was he doing to me? When did my feelings of appreciation for him turn into something more?

He leads me to the register, and we check out. Amazingly enough, the armful of clothes I was carrying only came to like fifty dollars. He paid for it without complaint. He did it even with a smile.

 He did it even with a smile

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***I'm straight up crying from the above image. He's such an angel***

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