Chapter 29

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I put on a brave face as I hear the apartment doorknob rattle. Yoongi swings open the door and smiles when he sees me waiting. "Ready baby?" I nod with a forced grin. "Yes!" I stand up and Yoongi grabs the bag from my hand to carry for me.

Watching Hoseok's apartment shrink into the distance, my heart diminishes with it. He was gone. I silently bid Hoseok farewell once more in my head. Maybe in the next lifetime I can find him and give him everything he could ever want and need. I would happily search for him forever in my next life.

But until then, I would enjoy this one best I can. Reaching over, I grab Yoongi's hand and intertwine our fingers. For now, this is where I belong. He smiles at me, and I return it. There's no doubt in my head that I belonged to this man. That's how I could choose him in the end. But it was not an easy choice at all.

"Can we get a dog?" I ask him randomly. Yoongi chuckles softly, keeping his eyes on the road. "Sure, I'd like that." I grin at the idea. I squeeze his hand tightly.

"Let's get our tattoos soon too." Yoongi nods. "Anything you want baby." I smile and lift his hand to kiss it. I then pull his hand into my lap and hold it with both of my hands.

I trace my fingers across the roadways of veins on the back of his pale hand. I indulged at the soft pink hue that rests around each of his knuckles. I really loved this man with all of me. I loved him from head to toe, he was perfect in my eyes.

"Is Namjoon heading home too?" I take my eyes off his hand and look at his lovely side profile. "Yes, I believe so." I smile at the thought of finally getting home and going back to normal. Although I had the itch to paint. And I knew it had something to do with the heartache I felt. I needed to express my emotion in a painting. I'd paint one just for Hoseok.

My husband unlocks the door to our townhouse, and I smile as I inhale the sweet scent of tangerine

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My husband unlocks the door to our townhouse, and I smile as I inhale the sweet scent of tangerine. It was like coming home after a really long, rough trip. The feeling that you never left, and you are whole once again. I missed my home.

"Go on in, I'm going to get a package that got delivered today." I nod to him and step inside. I set our bags by the door and inhale the welcoming smell of my home.

Yoongi returns briskly, tearing open the box with his bare hands. He seemed excited to open it. I look at him and then at the box. "What's that?" He grins and continues to fumble with the box. "You'll see."

Once the small, brown package is open, Yoongi carefully removed a black box. He opens it and holds up a beautiful bridal set. "I got you a new ring!" I laugh, shaking my head and giggling.

He grabs my left hand and goes to slide the new set onto my ring finger. "Will you marry me again?" I giggle like an idiot at him proposing for a second time. "Yes, absolutely." I shake my head and he slides the ring set on. "It's beautiful Yoongles." He smiles his perfect gummy smile and I reach up to grab his cheeks so I can kiss him.

I press my lips to his and kiss him hard. Yoongi wraps me up in his arms and holds me tightly against him. My sweet peck turns into a heated make out session. Yoongi slides his warm tongue into my mouth, and I moan as he kisses me more passionately.

His soft lips kiss roughly down to my neck, and I grip onto his shirt for stabilization. He made me so weak in the knees. "Please never leave me again," he whispers in my ear as he takes my earlobe in between his lips. "I won't, ever," I groan as he sucks hard right underneath my ear.

Yoongi giggles and pulls away, his face slightly flushed. "We should probably unpack first." He turns to leave but I grab his wrist and pull him back to me. "Or..." I smirk at him. My husband growls and grabs me roughly, smashing his lips to mine again.

I'm sitting upstairs in my painting studio staring at a blank canvas

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I'm sitting upstairs in my painting studio staring at a blank canvas. I needed to express my emotions how I knew best how to. Through painting. I needed to immortalize Hoseok in a painting. I could faintly hear Yoongi playing around on the keyboard in the other room. The beautiful music only fueled my desire to be creative.

I mix together different shades and colors of paint in preparation. I grab a brush from a giant cup beside me that was packed with different shapes and sizes of brushes. I dip the tip of the brush into water and then into paint and begin to make small brush strokes against the canvas.

A small outline is needed first and I can adjust it from there. I didn't use dramatic colors, I wanted soft shades. Soft because even though Hoseok was a bold character, he was very kind and sweet.

I spent endless hours slinging paint and stroking, scraping. Yoongi brought me dinner when it was dinner time, and I was amazed that it was that late already.

"Thank you, sweetheart," I tell him with a sweet kiss on his soft cheek. Yoongi kisses the top of my head and leaves me to my work. He knew me well; he knew that once I started, I could never stop. I wouldn't sleep until the painting was finished.

After the sun had long since went down, my painting was finished. I sit back and stare at it. I kept it abstract to fit my style. But he was there. Inside my mind and inside my painting. There was my sunshine.

 There was my sunshine

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***Painting was created from an app, it's an actual picture of Hobi.***

Heart Torn in Two (MYG & JHS)Where stories live. Discover now