Chapter 30

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Exactly One Year Later

I throw my paintbrush across the room. An aggravated scream lets my lips. Yoongi runs into my studio to check on me. "What's wrong baby?" He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my shoulders. Our brown poodle Holly comes running into the room after him. She barks up at me, sensing my distress as well.

"I've tried so many times to replicate that painting of you! I can't do it!" I yell, grabbing my face in irritation. I sigh deeply into my hands. Yoongi kisses my forehead softly. "I'm sorry baby, just take one of your other paintings." I nod to him; I was thinking the same thing.

"I really wanted your portrait though. I'll never forgive that Jimin asshole for selling it for not even half of what it was worth! I'm glad he's spending thirty years in prison. I hope he rots in there." I growl out the words, still feeling contempt for the man even a year later.

Yoongi kisses my lips and leaves my side. He strolls around my studio looking at each painting that's hanging on the walls. My four walls were covered in pieces I've painted the past year. I watch him curiously. "They are all so wonderful baby. But I think you should take this one to exhibit." Yoongi points to the painting I did long ago of Hoseok.

My heart sinks as I look at the painting again. Of course, he would pick that one. I painted it when I was going through the heartbreak of losing him. "Are you sure?" I ask him honestly. I thought my other pieces were better. "Absolutely." My husband replies without taking his eyes off the canvas.

I stand up and stroll over to him, I hug Yoongi from behind and listen to his heartbeat through his back. "I'm so glad the Wings Gallery finally contacted me again. I told them the story and I guess they believed me instantly but took this long to fit me in again."

Yoongi turns around in my arms and leans his lips down to meet mine. I close my eyes and am swept away into the perfect kiss. We break apart and my eyes flutter back open. "I'm going with you this time. We aren't taking any chances." I nod, I agreed whole-heartedly.

Kissing my forehead before he leaves, Yoongi hovers in the doorway. "Why don't you call Hoseok and invite him to the exhibit? You haven't spoken to him in so long. He'd probably love to see you again." Yoongi glances at the painting again. "Plus, he deserves to see the artwork he's in." My eyes widen in shock. He knew, he knew the painting was Hoseok. But he didn't seem bothered by it. I sigh, relieved that he wasn't angry.

"Maybe..." I mumble and stare at the abstract version of my angel from a year ago.

Once Yoongi leaves and Holly runs out with him, I pull out my phone. I open Hoseok's contact and stare at it for a good five minutes before gaining the courage to text him.

Me: Hoseok, it's been such a long time. But I have an exhibit in the Wings Gallery.

I'll be right by your house again. I think you should see the painting I'm submitting.

I'll be there at 7pm tomorrow. I hope I can see you there.

I sigh as I hit the send button. Whether he would show or not, I made the effort. I extended him an invitation. My stomach was already in knots from being anxious about the second chance with this gallery. But now I was nervous for a whole different reason.

 But now I was nervous for a whole different reason

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