Chapter 14

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Gorgeous sprinkles of sunshine wake me from my slumber. I turn my head to the right and see there's no one lying beside me. I smooth my hand across the sheets, it's as if no one was ever there. Did I dream what happened with Hoseok?

No, I couldn't have. I remembered my nightmare flawlessly though. It made me shudder. Maybe some things are best forgotten. I would have preferred to never remember the events of the night I was robbed.

Getting out of bed, I trade my shorts in for some pajama pants and stroll towards the door to leave my room. When I open the door, I can smell the faint scent of one of my favorite foods. Bacon. I wander towards the kitchen and see Hoseok's concentrating over a skillet. I observe him for a minute silently. He kept mumbling curse words as the eggs were sticking to the pan.

I giggled and it caused him to jump. "Morning," I tell him in a sweet voice. He smiles apologetically. "I'm trying to make us eggs and bacon." I step over to him and grab the skillet handle from his hands. I remove it from the burner and turn down the heat. "You can't cook eggs on high heat. They need to cook slowly." I take the spatula from him next and swirl them around, so they don't burn further.

Hoseok stares at my hand movements in wonder. "Wow, I should have waited for you to get up." I finish up the cooking and give him a smile. I seemed to know my way around a kitchen. I definitely wasn't as clumsy about cooking as Hoseok was.

Just another thing I learned.

When Hoseok sees I'm almost finished with the eggs, he pulls out the tray of bacon from the oven and carefully sits it on a cooling rack. "I switched days with Taehyung so you wouldn't have to spend your first day here alone." I look over at him and grin. He sure was sweet.

"That's so kind, thank you." He grins widely and rubs his earlobe. I decide to test my dream theory as I dumped our eggs onto two separate plates that he laid out. "Did I have a nightmare last night?" Hoseok looks at me in shock. "You don't remember last night at all?" I chuckle underneath my breath. That answered my question.

"No...I do..." I murmur. Getting embarrassed by the memory. "I just thought it was another dream," I say hardly audible. I giggle, feeling awkward and exposed. Hoseok sticks his head in between my gaze and the plates. "Do you often dream of kissing me?" I gasp and cover my face. "No!" My face was on fire.

He removes my hands from my face gently by pulling my wrists downward. "No, it was real," he says softly and turns my head so he can press his lips to mine. I almost melted with how tender the kiss was.

Hoseok pulls away and acts like he wants to kick himself. "Shit, I shouldn't do that." He grumbles to himself, and my eyebrows knit together. "You didn't want to?" He laughs melodically. "No! I absolutely want to. I just shouldn't. Not until we find out who you are."

I turn and face him fully, my eyes glistening with questions. "What if we never find out? Will you wait forever?" Hoseok grins and runs his fingertips down my arm slowly. "I'm strong but I'm not that strong." My face burns hotter, and I turn my focus back onto breakfast.

I distribute the bacon onto each plate and hand him the one with more food on it.

We eat breakfast quietly. I couldn't stop from wondering if I did have someone waiting for me, looking for me. Surely, they would have found me by now, right? Maybe they didn't care that I was missing. Maybe this was my reality now. A happy relationship with the nurse who took care of me and helped me heal. That didn't sound like too bad of an ending to me.

Just as Hoseok inhales his last piece of crunchy bacon, his cell phone rings and vibrates on the table. He reaches forward and his eyebrows furrow as he doesn't recognize the number. I watch as he picks it up to answer it cautiously. "Hello? Yes, this is he."

His facial expression changes several times. First, he was confused, then he was shocked and now he looked kind of afraid. I wondered who he was talking to.

"Okay, get back with us when you get in contact with him." He hangs up and zones out, staring at the table.

"Hoseok?" I call out to him; he finally snaps out of it. "That was the police. A police station in a neighboring state faxed out a missing person flyer to every number they could find. The flyer that came through had your picture on it and a number to contact if anyone knew anything. The police instantly recognized your picture and are going to call the number."

My heart hums in my ears. My hands become shaky and clammy with a cold sweat. Someone was looking for me.

We stare at each other in complete and utter silence. The birds chirping and a truck driving by was all that could be heard.

"This is great," Hoseok finally breaks the long string of silence. "Now we can find out who you are." He smiles at me, but it doesn't reach his eyes. Not like I'm accustomed to.

Hoseok stands from his chair and walks over to me. He kneels down in front of me and takes my face in his hands. I stare at him in amazement.

"The flyer had your name on it. Do you want to know your name, sunshine?" I just blink. The moment I've been waiting for. A label, an identity. Something that was mine and mine alone. A name that represented me as a human being but didn't dictate who I was or who I could become. It was a label, nothing more.

"Yes..." I whisper, breathless. Hoseok stares into my eyes, a devastating sadness in his eyes.


Hoseok speaks the name, and it sends tingles that spread all across my body. I get goosebumps that reach every one of my limbs.

"Your name is Elise."


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