Around afternoon 2 she got her period. She knew it cause her menstrual cycle app had already notified a day before.

First days were worst so she asked to let her leave by 9.

He called around 6.

K : what happened?

He asked as he could sense her weak voice. He walked to a corner from the current place leaving the discussion with others behind.

T: nothing.

K : tell me.

He knew her well.

T : I got my periods.

K : no wonder from yesterday you've been behaving crazy.

T: will you let me in today if I ask? I just want to sleep.

K : sure. I thought your aunt is home so you've to go back.

T: I'll manage.

K : what will be the excuse this time?

He smiled as he knew she would come up with some valuable excuse.

T: I'm going to tell I'll be shooting whole night since I missed a lot thanks to the engagement.

K : sure.. Keys you've. Cook have prepared something it's there in freeze.

T: chocolate is there?

K : in freeze.

T: when you'll be back?

K :by 11:30?

T :okay.

Around 9 she left. She took a shower, changed and had the fried rice which was there and slept.

He came back at 11 and the whole house was dark. He went to the bedroom only to find her sleeping. She had the heat pad beside her on bed.

He freshened up and ordered food. Went to Wake her up by 11: 45 for dinner.


She could see herself walking in some unknown place. She didn't realise how but she knew she was waiting for him to come back. People kept passing but he wasn't back. Suddenly her feet started moving and she started asking anyone who was passing by "Where's sunny"

Surprisingly Noone paid attention. She couldn't even recognise a single face. Suddenly it was pratik who was walking with her.

She desperately asked him "why he's not back yet?"

Her brother looked at her as if she's an alien.

When She asked him by shaking him his answer was like "who's that"

She started feeling restless at the thought of that may be he was just a figment of her imagination.

She could feel him slipping away from her memory just like sand slips away from the grip effortlessly no matter how tight you hold.

She got up from sleep when she heard his voice.

She pulled him into a hug just in that sitting position.

K : come on.

He picked her up.

They had roti and Chole.

He refilled the heat pad and prepared some ginger tea for both of them. She sat near the balcony window just staring out when he walked in. She had wrapped herself in a blanket.

He opened it a bit for fresh air even though it was cold.

He leaned on the balcony rail. She sat just beside the door. They both were silent.

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