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"Ram, there are many human-devouring Asuras who terrify sages and seers. They don't let them perform penance or conduct yagyas. As a Kshatriya it is your duty to protect them." Rishi Atri said.

"I promise you Guruvar. During my exile I will protect sages, seers and hermitages. So all can stay without fear of Asuras." Shri Ram said.

Soon the sound of anklets jingling fell on their ears, Shri Ram looked behind Rishi Atri and saw Mahasati Anusuiya bringing Janki, who was dressed in divine saffron clothes and ornaments.

A smile appeared on his face seeing his Laxmi again in divine attire, spreading her radiance everywhere she goes.

"Nath, Mata Anusuiya gave me these divine clothes and ornaments." Janki said.

"You look beautiful as always Sitey, but Mata what was the need for these ? You're blessings were enough." Shri Ram said.

"A daughter must never leave the house of mother empty handed. It's considered inauspicious." Anusuiya said.

"As you say Mata. Guruvar, guide our way. Where should we go next ?" Shri Ram asked.

"Panchavati." Rishi Atri smiled.


"And thus Shri Ram, Janki and Laxman went on their way to Panchavati. They found many hermitages and they made them free from the fear of Asuras by annihilating those who attacked." Krishna said.

"Keshav, it's been so many days since they were traveling. And Laxman ji didn't sleep at all. How did he became a Gudakesh ?" Nakul asked.

"Because he gave all his sleep to somebody else." Krishna said.


It was night time, Shri Ram and Janki were sitting under a tree by the bonfire. Laxman paced back and forth looking around for any threats.

Shri Ram gazed at Janki who was looking at the moon.

"Sitey, what is it that you're thinking ?" Shri Ram asked.

"I am thinking as to how our brain plays illusions with us. During the day these trees seem normal, but during night they seem like big demons ready to devour you." Janki said.

"So are you scared of the night ?" Shri Ram asked.

"No. Because when I look at the moon, I get reminded of my brother. So the night doesn't scare me. And during the day you are with me, so there is no fear. It seems I have become fearless." Janki said looking at him.

"It's good to be fearless. It shows that you have started gaining control over your mind." Shri Ram said.

"There is no need to be afraid of anything anyways. If there comes an Asur then I will kill it !" Laxman said.

"Half of my worries are taken care by you Laxman bhaiya." Janki smiled.

"Well Bhabhi, that is the duty of this servant of yours." Laxman bowed.

Soon Shri Ram lied down on the ground feeling sleepy, Janki too lied down beside him feeling tiredly. In a while sleep over them both.

Laxman looked at them both and then sat down on a rock, feeling tired too. He rubbed his eyes to get rid of the sleep but to no aid. He took water from the pot and sprinkled a little on his face.

Even then his tiredness and sleepiness didn't go away, after all it has so many days since he has been ardently serving his Bhaiya and Bhabhi without even a blink of sleep.

Suddenly from the sky a divine light descended on the ground, Laxman stood up cautiously, holding his dagger. He relaxed seeing a divine goddess stepping from the divine light.

"O Laxman, accept the greetings of Nidra." The goddess said.

"Nidradevi ? Pranam." Laxman joined his hands.

"It has been many days since you haven't slept. This will exhaust your health and body, which will have great consequences for the three worlds." Nidradevi said.

"But devi, I have given my word to my mother that I will serve my bhaiya and bhabhi and not even sleep for a moment." Laxman said.

"The perseverance of you Raghuvanshis in keeping your promises is being praised in the three worlds. But sleep is important for your body and hence the gods have sent me to you help you with it." Nidradevi said.

"You can take my sleep away ?" Laxman asked.

"Yes. But instead of you someone else has to sleep for the time being." Nidradevi said.

Without even thinking the thought of Urmila came to his mind, he was worried about her as to how she will spend the 14 years without shedding a tear as he asked her to. This is an opportunity to save her from the misery.

"Nidradevi, if I have truly loved my wife and have been dedicated to her, then give my sleep to Urmila. Till the end of this exile, Urmila shall sleep in my place." Laxman said.

"Tathastu." Nidradevi blessed and vanished.


You know in several versions of Ramayan, Urmila is described as the incarnation of Nidradevi also 🙏

The story will pace up now, all events will happen quickly 🌝🌝

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