"Why don't you take off today. Have some rest and get your thoughts together so you won't suffer like this" he said thoughtfully as he pointed towards my head. I could hear the concern in his voice. I took more sips of hot coffee. Maybe he is right. I gave him a small nod as I kept sipping my coffee. Today I'm going to go and meet grandma. I was thinking about going to work and then going to meet her but my headache is making me go mad. I'm going to take today off and try to sleep for a few hours and after that, I will go and meet grandma. I stood up from my place after I was done drinking the coffee. I walked to the kitchen to find Mint eating his food. I kept the mug in the sink and bent down to brush Mint's head as he had eaten his food. My work timings are not giving me any time to take care of him. Erick has been taking good care of him in my absence. I miss going to walk with him in the park. I feel guilty about not spending time with him. 

"Sorry buddy I have not been taking good care of you," I said in my guilty voice as I caressed his head. He stopped eating his food and looked at me with his doe eyes as he listened to me with full attention. It brought a smile to my face. 

"I promise I will take you to the park soon because I have decided to end this. Maybe it's for the best of all of us" I said in my heavy voice with a faint smile on my face. He tilted his head and kept looking at me as tears formed in my eyes. I sniffed looking at him. 

"Go back to eating my friend, I won't bore you with my misery," I said in the same heavy voice as I sniffed while standing. I turned to go to my room when I saw Erick standing at the door listening to our conversation. His face held a mixture of emotions as he looked at mine. I gave him a faint teary smile and walked to my room. 

I slumped on my bed and now tears started to fall out of my eyes freely. In just a few seconds the door of my room opened and Mint walked in. He jumped on my bed as he is tall now and no longer needs my help in it. He curled down beside me as if he was here to comfort me. I very badly needed someone to comfort me and he walked in. I pulled him near me as more tears fell from my eyes. He stayed beside me making me feel the comfort I was searching for at that moment. When I calmed down a bit I messaged chef Oliver that I won't be able to come to work because I'm not feeling well. After that, I kept my mobile on the nightstand after putting it on silent. I stayed in my bed with Mint near me and soon fell asleep while still crying. I woke up after three hours. The throbbing in my head was still there but not as severe as before. Mint was still sleeping beside me. I sat up and moved my hand over his back which made him open his eyes and look at him but he again went back to sleep. A small smile formed on my lips looking at his action. 

I got out of bed and decided to take a shower before going to the Villin mansion. I stood in front of the mirror to find my face swollen and nose red and my eyes puffed out. I was still wearing yesterday's clothes. I exhaled looking at my appearance. Anyone could tell that I was miserable. I took my clothes off and took a long warm shower as my muscles were sore because of sleeping on the couch. After a shower, I got ready to leave. I got dressed in my usual shirt and trousers. I looked at myself in the mirror. My attire was plain, and so was mine. I don't know how he still managed to fall for me. Nothing about me screamed exotic. I once again huffed at my thoughts and walked towards my nightstand to take a cell phone. When I unlocked it I had so many missed calls and messages. Everyone had messaged me and asked why I didn't show up. But one person had messaged and called me countless times. 

"Where are you, tiny? Why are you not picking up my calls? Are you unwell? Should I come to you? Call me as soon as possible" I read under my breath those were a few messages from him. I just messaged him back that I'm fine. And replied to others. I decided to take a taxi to his mansion because his parents live in an expansive area where only cars go, not trains. One more point to my list. I did not have much money in my savings as I sent most of the money home. 

Taxi fare is going to cost me two days' meal cut. But I didn't have any other choice. In an hour I reached the gates of the mansion. I paid and got out of the taxi. The guard recognised me from the last time I came but he still intercom to the house for permission. I walked in once the gates were open, not before thanking him. I had not informed him that I was going to the house. I don't want to drag him into this anymore. I want to get over it. Every step I took towards the house was my heartbeat fast. I was taking small steps but I still reached the front door. My hands were sweaty as I stopped myself from ringing the bell. I was in hell and excelled before finally lifting my hand and ringing the bell. I stood anxiously waiting for the doors to get open. 

I don't know what is waiting for me behind this closed door.  

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