Conspiracy And Suffering

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The last one was a hypocrite. Pretended to love but it was never there. Never bothered to apologise or look back.

After all this Karan kundrra came in her life. From joining her for casual dinners to taking care of her every small needs she didn't even realise how much he meant to her.

He let her have the non veg that he brought and enjoyed her veg meal. He let her have all the sweets. He let her lead the way as if he would follow her even if it's upto end of this world.
Who'll not fall in love with a guy like this but more than that something else was there.

Her heart started beating fast everytime he kissed her. A mere hand holding made her feel special. A day with her family that he spent just as a guest, deep inside melted her.

Now that she suddenly felt all this might slip away she could feel what a real heart break feels like. If suddenly she wakes up to a day where all this does not exist then how she'll survive.

She sat down on the floor. Tears have already dried and washed away but the heaviness in her heart was same.


The next day she avoided any kind of meet and the conversations were short.

He stared at the chats. His 5 question had only a single answer. There was no call to inform her shot ended or to ask when he'll be free. He was restless. He had a hectic day and when he went to her set later she was already gone.

Her answer was same "I didn't know you would be coming"
He was frustrated.

Next day when she said afternoon she's going to be busy cause her friends want to purchase some accessories for smriti's brother's engagement.
. He simply asked where she's. She replied "near church gate" expecting he won't care.

But with in 30 minutes he called again.

K : where are you

T: I told you.

K : tell me exactly.

T: near this pizza hut.

K : stay there.

She looked around and saw him crossing the road.

She had her friend smriti, Piyush, Priya and dinesh.

T : he's here.

Smriti : who?

T : Karan.

He reached and greeted her friends.

S: I hope you don't mind.. We needed some accessories and all for the function. So we came here. It's easy to Find here than online.

K : oh not at all. We all do this. When is the marriage.

S : engagement is on this 28th November and marriage is on 19th Dec.

K : engagement js few days away only.

They went from one shop to other checking the oxidised jewellery and some normal stuff.

He only a gave polite smile when her friends teased him with "how do you manage with her?". He wanted to give some kind of funny answer but decided against it.

She wore a white tank top and blue ripped jeans. He had his back hoodie, shorts along with cap and casual shoes.

It was around 5.

She walked from one to another just checking something. She followed her friends and he followed her. They were walking on last.
It was a small lane tule with small small shops and the crowd was messy. At times he kept his hand so that Noone will collide or bump with her.

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