Tell me What Should I do

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Henry's POV 

I got call from Jason when I almost reached home 

"Jo locked her door, not opening" he said in panic

"What happened?" I asked

"The attendant you sent spoke about Jo's pregnancy in front of Drew, Jo got panicked and ran to your bedroom crying. She is not opening up door. I'm scared" he said

Oh god! How did I miss this? I was thinking Jo needs someone to help her. I requested Ferdu's helper Maria. Jo knows her well and she is very nice. Didn't think to inform her not to speak of Jo's pregnancy 

I called Jo, she didn't take the call. I reached home in 5 minutes 

Drew and Jason were outside my room

"Jo, please open the door. I'm scared" Drew is pleading 

"Please Jo, ... I know you are pregnant yesterday itself... don't panic, I didn't  want to talk about something you are not comfortable...relax..."

Drew knew about Jo's pregnancy? 

"I need some time alone Drew" Jo said

"Ok, relax" he said

I don't know what to do right now, how to handle the situation.

"I'm going out Henry, it's been so long" he said 

"Take Mike" I said 

He nodded and Jason said he would accompany him

"Take care of Jo Henry, she is stressed. I can't be with her since I'm the reason" he said leaving 

"Jo, open the door. Drew and Jason went out"

She opened the door and hugged me crying. I carried to her room and placed her on bed.

"He knows..." 

"It's ok, don't take stress" I said but inside I myself don't know what to do

"Let's tell about our marriage..." 

"Let's not talk about it now" i said 

"When do you want to talk then? Do you have any idea how I feel?" She shouted

"I feel suffocated, can't bear this anxiety. Let's get it over" she said

"I can't Jo...Drew suffered so much... do you know why Drew was alcoholic?" I asked

She nodded no

"He was not ready to share and I didn't want to force. He wanted to give up his old habits, I was happy" she said

He thinks, he is responsible for my parents and grandpa's death.

"Wha" she shouted

"My parents were vacationing when we came home for unexpected holidays. Drew insisted they return. They died in plane crash..." 

Jo had tears

"Pa had heart attack. Drew was drown in guilt destroying his life, drinking, clubbing getting into trouble. We were doing MBA. Since Pa was not in a condition to handle our companies. Me and Jason handled while Judson handled unstable Drew.

Pa's health deteriorated. One day I had to go to Australia. Jason and Judson were not there at that time, I asked Drew to take care of Pa. 

Drew and Pa had argument about his habits and he went away. Then... Pa died of heart attack..."

"It's ok Jo, don't happened long back... maybe I shouldn't have told you" 

"Please, I want to know everything" she asked

"Drew tried to commit suicide, he took Pa's sleeping pills"

"No" Jo shouted 

"He is fine... it's in the past... he was already feeling guilty about my parents.

I made Drew swear on Pa to not try to take life again.

He became addicted to alcohol, always getting into trouble in club, getting arrested. One day I had enough of it.

"Why are you doing this? You are not responsible for any of their death. Life and death are not in our hands. They would never blame you and can't see you wasting your life" I shouted

"Stop being Pa. Stop pretending that you don't hate me. Don't order me, you are not Pa. Just because you are named after him won't make you him. You don't deserve his name" he shouted back

I was speechless for a minute

"I won't ever use his name. I will be just a nameless Hansford. You love him right, take care of his company. I'm not related to him. Do whatever you want with the company, I'm leaving for ever. I won't even step in this home" 

I know he will look after the company. This way he will be engaged. I appointed Jason as COO to help Drew and left to Spain. 

He gave up his bad habits after you came into his life.

He is guilty about what he did to you. His psychiatrist told how much guilty he is feeling about it. His mind is very delicate right now, he can't take any stress" I told her everything in my life

"I'm seeing old Drew after almost 6 years. He used to be very happy go, sportive fun loving. He was not same after my parents death.

Now tell me Jo, how can I take risk not knowing how he would react" I poured my heart. Maybe I should have told her before itself 

"What's your fear now Henry" she asked 

 "I don't know if he loves you, I don't want to break his heart now when doctor asked not to give him any stress. Frankly I don't know whether I'm doing right thing" I said 

"Drew doesn't love me...for your sake I will not reveal. Drew said he wouldn't talk about if I'm not comfortable. I'm sure he wouldn't.

Henry, promise me that you would clear everything before our baby comes into this world. I want you with me in labor room and be the first person to hold our baby and name her" she asked

I hugged her

"I promise Jo"

'I will sort out everything between us by the time our baby is here. I will give her my name' I promised myself

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