Why didn't you Tell?

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Henry's POV 

I dropped Jo at home and went to hospital. Jason was with Drew.

"What's the new problem?" Jason asked 

I laughed 

"You know our life is so exciting with new problem every other day" Jason was satirical 

I remembered what Jo said about sharing problems. 

"We got legal notice about tax fraud" i said 

Jason and Drew laughed 

"This is the joke of the millennium" Drew said 

"I know right. I got almost everything ready, little paperwork pending. We can submit tomorrow" i said 

"I'm sure this is Travis work" Drew said 

"I too think so. I guess his dad and uncle are helping, they are very powerful. They are calling me everyday since Travis got arrested to compromise. They don't know about what Travis did to you. They thought it's about Jo's incident. I'm not taking their calls recently.

Maybe they want to warn me" I said 

"I will come to office as soon as I get discharged and help you both" Drew said 

"I will be very happy Drew but you recover first. Everything is fine" I said 

"Both of you go home now"  Drew said 

"We will once Judson comes. He went for rounds, will be back anytime" Jason said 

"How is Jo doing? What's wrong with her? Why she needs bed rest?" Drew asked 

"She has appendicitis pain but unable to operate because of backpain" I lied

I laughed internally at my answer. What's the relation between those

Drew looked at me for a moment

"Henry, do you love Jo?" He asked 

"Why... why did you ask?" I asked 

Did Drew know about us

"Why not? Anyone would love her. She is exactly the type of girl you like" Drew asked 

Should I tell him? Can he take the truth? What should I do? I didn't expect this kind of conversation 

"I didn't have time for that. You know the situation we are in" I lied convincingly.

"Ok" he said 

Judson came, we said bye to Drew came out. I wanted to stay with Drew but no one is allowed to stay with patient. 

"Why didn't you tell Drew that you love Jo when he asked? It would have been better, he himself asked. Moreover he himself said, Jo is exactly the type of girl you like" Jason asked 

"Did Drew ask? That's great, what did you tell" Judson asked 

"He said, 'I didn't have time because of the situation" Jason answered for me

"Why Henry, it's clear that he thought you would be in love with Jo. Why complicate things when Drew made it simpler" Judson said 

"I don't know maybe I was scared of Drew's reaction. Let's give sometime to see how Drew feels about the situation. Anyway Jo is able to hide pregnancy from Drew" I said 

They were silent but from the look of them I can so they are not happy with my decision 

We reached home.

"Thank you so much. That's very nice of you to make in one day. Please don't say no. How much is the cost" Jo was talking to someone when we entered 

It's the boutique owner

"Hi" Jo wished us

"He is my husband Henry and my brothers Jason and Judson" Jo introduced us.

Jason and Judson looked emotional when she introduced as brothers.

"Please tell how much" Jo asked 

"No madam I can't take" he said 

"Jo won't accept like that, it's your hard work. Please take how much you sell for anyone else. That way we would be comfortable to ask you in future" i said 

There are some bags, looks like he got dresses for Jo and not taking money

"$400" he said 

I gave him cheque. He left wishing good night 

"I called him if he could make one dress by evening and two by tomorrow but he made five dresses and brought. So nice of him" Jo said 

"Why? I mean what's the urgency?" I asked 

"I don't have simple chudidars. They cover my baby bump. I can't wear heavy dresses whole day. It would take at least two days for mom to send so I asked him" Jo said 

I didn't know what to say. Jason and Judson looked at me in anger. Judson got call from hospital.

"Drew got panic attack. I'm going to hospital" Judson said 

"I'm coming" I  said 

"They sedated him. I will just go check. There is nothing you could do" Judson said 

"He would be having nightmares too. I will sleep there, make arrangements" I  said

"Bring him here if he wake up. He would feel safe at home, can take him to hospital for check up if needed" Jo said 

I too feel that is better but if he comes now he would know the truth

"But Jo..."

"I will get everything ready... don't worry... I will not strain too" Jo said understanding my thoughts

I went to hospital with Judson

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