Does she hate Me?

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Judson's POV 

"We completed orphanage and SK project successfully, Mr. Kingsmen gifted the hotel to.... Jo. It would have made him mad" I said 

"Ok, that explains his fury" Drew laughed 

It felt like a dream seeing him laugh

"So.... Am I getting niece or nephew" Drew asked 

"We don't know yet.... She is just 19 weeks. Anyway we don't want to know the gender" I said

"I like surprise, when are you planning to tie the knot?" 

"After delivery" I said

"If you were born in India, you wouldn't even dream about getting pregnant before marriage. Jo told me and I watched some Bollywood movies, it involves lot of drama" Drew said smiling 

Nothing is in our hands. Jo would have never dreamt of getting pregnant before marriage but God has other plans! Life is full of surprises

"What's wrong? You zoned out" Drew asked 

"Nothing" I said 

"I didn't expect Jo to be still in US. She said, 'I would go back after a year'. It's been more than a year and my supposed death would have traumatized her" Drew asked 

"Jo's mom came to take her, she learnt about your death. She wanted to go back even before. She was depressed after you went to Australia. Jo went to India but came back within a week after learning about company's situation"

"Did Jo know what happened between us?" Drew asked 


"Why did you tell? There's no need for her to know. She would be hating me. Her hatred is justified but it would cause her problems " Drew said sadly 

"We didn't tell intentionally, it happened. Jo don't hate you Drew. She miss you, she wishes you were alive.

We didn't tell Travis and Christi are responsible for your accident, she would have broken down" I couldn't bring Jo's pregnancy. How do I tell him when she is married to Henry and they both are very much in love with each other. Don't know how Drew is going to take

"Never tell her. She in our home! How do I face Jo? You know after she knows what I did to her" he asked hesitantly

"What happened was an accident, everyone understood that....

I want to ask you something, can you answer honestly"

"Anything" he said 

"After what happened between you and Jo..... do you have any....." I couldn't even bring those words. From the time I knew Drew is alive, part of my brain is worried about the three of them. How complicated their life would be?

There was a knock on the door. Liam came inside with someone.

"Good morning, I'm Dr. Maria, psychiatrist" she introduced herself 

"Good morning" we both wished 

"I would like to speak to Mr. Hansford alone" she said 

I left the room with Liam

"Dr. Maria is the best, don't worry. She had a son, he was addicted to drugs and committed suicide. After that she dedicated her life to rehabilitate patients with addiction. When  I told her ever that happened, she was eager to meet Drew. She is really impressed with his control" Liam 

"That's very unfortunate, loosing kid like that. We can stay here as long as needed and take her help" I said 

"We will see, Drew can be discharged in a week for physical injuries. We will see if he needs to join rehab. Where is Henry?" Liam asked 

"We sent him home forcefully, he didn't sleep last night. Drew had nightmares. Drew was holding himself to keep it from Henry. He didn't want Henry to see him suffer. I too felt that way, he already suffered so much" I said sadly 


We were having casual talk after that, work family.

After half an hour or so Dr. Maria came 

"I spoke to Mr. Hansford, I didn't think he would open up to me in our first meet itself. I'm glad he did. He asked me not to discuss with you but I felt you should know" she said 

"What happened to Drew? Is something wrong" I asked. The way she said scared me

"Calm down Dr. Richards,  you are a doctor. You should know the effect of kidnapping, confinement and physical abuse, drugs on people. But don't worry it's nothing he can't handle. He would be fine with medical and family support. I see he has wonderful family and friends. There is no need for him to stay in my rehab but he insisted, he don't want his brother to see him suffer.

Liam said Mr. Hansford can be discharged in a week, after that he can stay in my rehab for few weeks. Till then I would visit daily" she said 

"Thank you Dr. Maria" 

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