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BJosna POV

We came home around 6am. All the guys stayed back though I said I will be fine. They said they are not fine to leave.

I woke up around 9.30. They are still sleeping. Poor guys had no sleep last night. I messaged Usha before starting from hospital to make breakfast and lunch for 4. She is used to cook for them, knows their taste too even Kathy's and Christi's.

While taking shower all the incidents of yesterday flashed. It didn't bother me, thanks to the amazing guys sleeping upstairs.

I'm debating whether to inform my Pa or not. I don't hide anything from my family and never lied.

I remembered my argument with Drew  few days back. I told him I never lied or hid anything from my family and would never do that.

Flash back

 " Jo ( calls me sometimes) there might come situations where you need to hide or lie to your loved ones, that doesn't mean you are doing wrong or betraying them. You will understand when the time comes. You lived under your family shadow, never got into that situation."

"You might lie or hide something  to protect me  in future but promise that you tell me the truth if I ask for it and I promise you the same"

I promised but said "I'm doing this for your satisfaction but I would never lie or hide whatever the situation"

"Let's see" he smiled

End of Flashback 

I didn't do any mistake, why should I hide? 

I immediately called Pa and told everything that happened.

He was worried and scared initially and asked " Josna do you want to come home"

When I said no "I'm proud of you princess. You exceeded my expectations. Take care, I will talk to Drew."

"Don't call now Pa, he is still sleeping. Poor guys didn't sleep at all last night, went to bed after 6 in the morning" 

"Ok, will talk to him later. Bye, take care" he said cutting the call.

I sat in my backyard sipping my tea rewinding my 22 years of life. I never imagined myself this strong. Even with small cut my family would make it look like a big accident, feeding, pampering, not letting me get out of my room. I used to think 'am I this weak'. 

I'm not even crying or feeling bad even after such an incident. Pa used to tell "you are very strong, will find it when the time comes". He understands everyone so well.

Drew told Pa is the reason for his change.  He is an amazing person, compassionate and understanding. My dad says I got Pa's genes. I wish I'm at least half of him. 

They wake up afternoon, had brunch directly. They started to like veg food, surprisingly Drew too. He is pure non-vegetarian.

We went to beach in the evening, had competition building sand castles. Of course I won.

Next day I went to office, I'm sure Travis would never step into this building. The very thought of it made my day.

Few weeks passed. It's almost Diwali ( Hindu Festival of Lights and colors),my favorite festival. We decorate the house with lights and flowers, make lots of sweets, distribute to friends and family. We get lots of gifts too. The best part is fireworks. For 3 days we do fireworks from evening to early morning. 

Today I received huge parcel from India. I was very happy. There were lots of sweets, snacks, gifts and dresses. Pa sent gifts and dresses to Ferdu,Drew, Jason , Judson and their girl friends too. I didn't inform them about the festival but invited them for dinner and asked them to come by evening 5. It was on Saturday. Ferdu is in Australia for some meeting.

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