Soul Brothers

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Henry's POV 

Jo slept after sometime. Jason messaged, 'we are coming'

I came out of our room. Drew said, he knows about Jo's pregnancy before itself. Does he remember everything that Jo said thinking it's me and pretending to not remember? 

I have to know. Judson came 

I told him what happened. 

"Why things are so complicated in our lives!" He sighed

"I'm scared if he remember everything Jo spoke that day" I said 

He looked at me with wide eyes. Just then Drew and Jason came 

"How is Jo?" He asked 

"She is fine, sleeping" I said 

"How do you know Jo is pregnant?" I asked 

He laughed 

"I have eyes, can see baby bump" he said 

She hid it well with her dress yesterday 

"She came to hospital yesterday with Indian dress covering her fully with stole. Jo never wears those heavy dresses unless it's Indian festivals. Definitely she wouldn't come wearing that to see me in hospital. 

When you lifted her I saw her baby bump clearly. I called Pa..." he said

"What did Pa tell?" I asked in panic

"He told they came to know about her pregnancy when Jo learnt about my death and that's how she knew what happened in Canada. 

Jo didn't want to talk about it so I pretended to not know. I have no idea her health condition is not good. She was staying home because of me so I thought I would take her out but didn't know..." 

"She is fine and the baby too" Judson said 

Drew definitely loves Jo. He knows her better than anyone, what she wants, how she even dresses. When Judson said 'the baby' ... it sounded different, Drew's baby. Obviously baby is his biologically but it's breaking my heart.

Judson went to fresh up, Drew and Jason went to their rooms. I sat in living room working on budget of new project but I'm unable to focus.

"You can close the laptop and save power" I heard Judson's voice, didn't even notice him closing laptop

"There is new project..." i tried to tell but no point in defending, he knows me well 

"You are hurting yourself and Jo. Tell Drew everything before it is too late" he said 

I hugged him

"It's ok, everything will be fine. You think about everyone's happiness and make sacrifices. I know you better than you think. I know about everything you gave up for us, even when you wanted.

But... Jo isn't an object to sacrifice. She is human, she loves you..." he said 

"What if she love Drew, not me?" I asked 

"Shut your mouth and that stupid thought. Don't go thinking in that direction and ruin everyone's lives" he said 

"What's going on, you both seemed to be serious discussion!" It's Drew

"Nothing, Henry lost his mind with all the stress. I'm trying to bring him back" Judson glared at me

"I understand, I'm coming to office from tomorrow" Drew said 

"I will be very happy Drew but are you sure?" I asked 

"100%" he said 

"I will complete all the formalities to..."

"Make me COO" he said 


"You will be CEO. I don't want to hear anything else. Jo loves designing. If she is ok, she can work on it from home. No more stress for her" he said firmly 

He is going to office to give rest to Jo

I felt smack on my head. 

"What was that" Drew asked Judson

"Something was on his head, I tried to remove but it didn't go" He glared at me.

 He knows what I'm thinking. This is what happens with soul brothers

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