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Kathy's POV 

I'm confident Henry could never know who is behind this. I erased all the data and removed files. He was not here, so there is no way he would know. Josna designed them but she has no idea how it went wrong. Still she resolved the issue. How does she always foil my plans. Good news is she is not here tomorrow.

I couldn't sleep properly. Morning I dressed up very professional to look confident. He is not to be messed up type. I reached office 10 minutes early. I worked mechanically, my mind is printed with images of scary Henry. 

Jason said he has some work and couldn't come but manipulated him into coming. Though Henry said he would maintain professionalism at office, he can't be harsh to me in front of Jason, after I'm his girlfriend.

After two hours I got call from Henry's PA, asking me to go to his cabin. I immediately called Jason and went with him. I have to look at Henry's face when he sees me with Jason. He wouldn't expect that.

To my surprise Henry smirked at me seeing Jason. 'What is he thinking?' I thought.

"Good morning Henry" I greeted 

"Good morning Ms. Johnson". He wished back addressing me with last name. I understand his point of professionalism 

"So Mr. Richards, I guess you are here to question Ms. Johnson. You were the CEO after all when these happened. It's fair that you would want to know directly" he said smiling. I could see the smirk behind 

He didn't even spare Jason.

That's a relief, it would be easy to fool Jason. But why is he smirking?

"What?" Jason shouted

"Here are the details I wanted to ask Ms. Johnson, you could add your doubts to that. It would be unfair if I do"

Jason took the paper silently and sat next to Henry, gestured me sit in chair in front of him.

Jason's face became pale looking at the paper and looked at Henry.

"We have meeting in an hour, we don't have time" he urged Jason 

I understood whatever I'm going to be asked is bad news.

Jason gulped water in front of him and looked at me

"Ms. Johnson exactly after one week you took in charge of these projects, things started to go bad. How do you explain?" Jason asked 

How did they know it's after one week? There is no data.

"I didn't have experience, so..." I  stuttered, didn't find words 

"The contractors notified you exactly after a week, what did you do then?"

How did he knew everything?

"I spoke with architects and chief engineers, they said they would manage"

"Did you follow up to check if things were going in right direction?"

Obviously I know what's happening, I was the one who made them do

"I'm not an architect..." I tried to defend 

"The contractors contacted you once again after 2 weeks notifying about how things are going in entirely different from the original plan. Even if you are not architect, you should have common sense. You graduated from college, working in one of the top companies. Do you think HR made mistake hiring you?" Jason asked. Can't believe him talking like that. Of course he is saying things from the paper but I could see he too is suspicious. His face is is easy to read,

Henry is smirking. He knew I would bring Jason that's why he wrote everything in paper. I'm sure he doesn't need that to interrogate me. His one look make others weak and spill the beans.

He actually wants me to bring Jason. I underestimated him.

I didn't know what to say

"Even if you are dumb, anyone in your place would reported COO or CEO. Obviously you know things were going down the hill. You hid till the damage was  irreparable" Jason asked closing his eyes. 

"You and Josna were grieving, didn't want to burden you further"

"So you decided to destroy the the company by the time they come out of grief" Jason's voice shivered. He looked at Henry who looked at him like 'I told you so'

"I was also grieving...." I tried lame excuse putting pathetic innocent face

Looking at my face Jason put the paper down. I know he can't see me sad. Internally I danced

"Oh really? As far as I know, you hardly speak to each other except for courtesy. Mr. Richards and Ms Singhania are very close to Mr. Anderson, still they perfectly did their work. Infact Ms. Singhania showed 300% results in last 2 months. Her designs got us 3 big projects and she is flawless as COO. She is even looking after Australia project. 

You hired assistant to do your regular job. All you had to do is check the progress of 2 projects assigned to you by Mr. Richards who trusted you though you are not qualified. 

You didn't do anything even after knowing things were going wrong.I can understand your incapability but hiding till it became worse and escaping when things went out of hands is unforgivable" Henry spit fire

Jason didn't speak anything.

"You know I would never do anything wrong. When Mr. Hansford is accusing me, you are keeping quiet. You changed after becoming CEO. You never could see me hurt. Now even when I'm crying  you are not doing anything. Now you are CEO, I'm mere worker" I started my drama

"Ms. Johnson, I think you don't know something about your boyfriend. He is owner of R & K chain of hotels. He was working here as COO at my request. He never give value to status"

What? He is a billionaire! I thought he was given COO post just because he is Anderson friend.

"Don't divert the topic Ms. Johnson. If you are not Jason's girlfriend, I would have made sure you rot in jail. I told I will be very professional but this one time I'm letting you go for Jason's sake" 

I felt relieved

"That doesn't mean I do it every time. Since you accepted you are incapable of handling projects, I'm removing you from them. You can go back to your old post. 

I don't want to see Jason hurt, thats the only reason I'm letting you go. I can't see him hurt and I will never leave anyone who hurt him" he threatened me indirectly 

"Thank you Mr. Hansford" I managed to get those words

"You may leave" he said 

Jason hugged Henry, said "thanks bro" and took me out

I sighed in relief

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