More Twists than in Movies

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This is summary of the whole story from Judson's POV 

Judson POV 

Everyone's life is not piece of cake, there would be ups and downs. Me and Jason are friends with Drew and Henry since elementary school.  We are family more than friends.  Everyone used to think we all are own brothers. 

I lost my parents in middle school.  Since then Hansfords took us in. They never differentiated me and Jason from Drew and Henry. They even took care of our business.  I'm not interested in business still pa(Henry Hansford Sr) made sure I look into accounts and projects of our company every Sunday. 

With Hansfords around we never felt we were orphans. 

Henry's parents died in plane crash when we were in college. Since then our life took U turn. My life didn't change much after my parents death but after Henry's parents death we suffered so much. Drew was drawn with guilt and started to ruin his own life.

Pa suffered cardiac arrest. The burden of two  largest companies came to us. Henry and Jason had to take care of business along with studies. I could do very little help. Pa was physically too weak to manage companies.We had to deal with emotionally unstable Drew too.

Pa's death was ultimate blow to already unstable Drew. He felt he was responsible, tried to take his life. Henry made him swear on Pa not to think about taking life. 

He was destroying himself, alcohol, one night stands, getting into fights. Finally after Henry left the company to Drew to deal with, he became responsible but that didn't change anything in personal life. He did great with company, Jason helped him professionally and tried to keep him away from troubles personally.

Jo's entry changed Drew. He was connected to her on first meet itself.  Don't know why but he feels protective and possessive towards her. When Jason said Drew is interested in a girl, I couldn't believe my ears. Everyday Jason told about her. She is interesting and seemed very nice. But I got her background checked though she was recommended by Mr. Ferdinand. 

It was unbelievable, she is one of the richest persons in Asia and only heir of Sachin Singhania. Why would she work as intern in Hansford company. Later Mr. Ferdinand told the reason. I admired her and her family.

After meeting Jo, I understood why Jason can't shut his mouth about her and why Drew feel that way about her. The more I knew her the more I liked. Jason feels her as own sister, I too feel that way. Jason thinks Drew and Jo love each other. It's definitely not love, he respects and admire her. It's true friendship. Jason is seeing what he wants.

Even Christi loves her so much. 

She is very talented too... Jason told that Mr. Jones asked as his assistant within 3 days she joined office.. Mr. Jones is one of the top ar architects in US. His designs got many awards.Within two months she was promoted to chief architect. She refused saying that everyone would think it's because she is friends with Jason and Drew. We had to convince her that she deserves. 

Drew changed so much, he went for counseling, completely stopped alcohol, no nightstands. Everything was perfect till the Canada incident. 

I don't understand why God always put Drew in situations that make him feel guilty? I can imagine his turmoil. He had to take virginity of the girl he respects the most that too without her consent when she is unconscious to save her life. He never imagined her that way. 

He couldn't face her with the guilt. Went to Australia, didn't even contact her but everyday he calls us to know about Jo.

Before going he made her COO and Jason, CEO. She refused saying she doesn't have experience. We all know she is capable,  she is born with leadership qualities.  Her authority,  confidence while talking to clients and handling projects and her team is amazing. I witnessed myself Sometimes I wonder if she is the same girl I see outside the office. 

Jo worked like a zombie day and night. I thought she needed therapy. She thought Drew hated her. We couldn't tell her why he left.

Finally when he overcame guilt and wanted to come back, he met with accident. To add to that, Jo is pregnant with his child. Jo had no clue of what happened to her. She thought Drew just changed her dress. Jo suffered so much after Drew left. She missed him terribly.

Then Jo's marriage with Henry which was shocking. After knowing Henry is been in love with Jo for many months I was happy. Now it's clear they both love each other unconditionally. I couldn't be any happier.

Everything seemed ok till  Travis and Kathy's trouble. I can't believe Kathy is a witch. I always wondered what Jason saw in her. She never seemed genuine to any of us but never thought she would betray and destroy us.

Next day of Travis incident, I was at my home when I got call from Henry asking me to come to his office immediately. I couldn't understand why he was calling me there when he was busy with surprise date with Jo.

I went there


Henry looked very tensed

"What's wrong" I asked 

He came to me and hugged 

"Steve(detective in Australia) thinks Drew is alive" he said in tears

"How is it possible" I asked 

"He would call me in half an hour to confirm" Henry said looking at his watch

"I had suspicions about Drew's accident so I hired Steve to investigate. He also thought the same but we didn't have suspects. But....." he couldn't finish 

"Who is it?" I asked 

"Travis and Kathy" he said bitterly 

"What?" I shouted not believing my ears

"I don't know why but this afternoon I suddenly got the feeling that they might be involved. I asked Mike if he could get their call recordings around the time of Drew's accident. Luckily he retrieved messages. Kathy sent Drew's location and Travis did this. He boasted about it...... I told Steve about this. He investigated and said Drew might be alive. He asked me to give one hour to confirm, I called you immediately. I couldn't bear this anxiety.

I can't tell Jason since Kathy is involved. He is already feeling guilty. It would be worse if the news is wrong. Stress is not good for Jo" he said sadly 

I nodded. We were waiting eagerly for Steve's call. He called after one hour 

"Steve, Is Drew...." Henry asked anxiously 

"Yes Mr. Hansford Drew is alive"

"You are not mistaken right" I asked 

"No, it's him. I'm taking him to hospital. Police helped me to get him out, he was guarded by goons. That's why it took time" he said 

"What happened to Drew" Henry asked more like shouting 

"I think he was tortured and given some drugs to sedate. He is unconscious right now" he said 

"I want to see Drew, make video call" Henry ordered

"He is been taken in ambulance. I took picture of him, will send" he said 

Henry opened the picture as soon as he got notification. We couldn't believe our eyes

Even movies don't have as many twists as we have in our lies

Can Love Happens TwiceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora